No. 242. 1904. T. Nelson Dale: Geology of th e Hudson Valley between the
Hoosic and the Kinderhook. 3 pl. 63 pp.
243. 1905. E. C. Eckel: Cement materials and industry of the United
States. 15 pl. 395 pp.
244. 1905. H. S. Williauis and E. M. KiniUe: Contributions to Devonian
paleontology. 1903. 4 pl. 3 flg. 144 pp.
245. 1904. S. S. Gannett: Results of primary triangulation and primary
traverse. Fiscal year 1903-1904. 1 carte. 328 pp.
„ 246. 1904. H. Foi'ster Bain: Zinc and lead deposits of n orth eastern Illinois.
5 pl. 56 pp.
247. 1905. E. H. Mofflt: The Fairhaven gold placers of Seward Peninsula,
Alaska. 14 pl. 85 pp.
„ 248. 1905. H. Gannett: A gazetteer of Indian territory. 70 pp.
249. 1905. F. G. Clapp: Limestones of southwestern Pennsylvania. 7 pl. 52 pp.
” 250. 1905. G. C. Martin: The petroleumfields of the Pacific coast of Alaska,
with an account of the Bering river coal deposits. 7 pl. 3 fig. 64 pp.
261. 1905. L. M. Prlndle: The gold placers of th e Fortymile Birch Creek,
and Fairbanks region. 16 pl. 89 pp.
252. 1905. J. C. Bussell: Preliminary report on th e geology and water
resources of Central Oregon. 24 pl. 138 pp.
„ 253. 1905. W. T. Hillebraud and E. T. Allen: Comparison of a wet and
crucible fire methods for th e assay of gold telluride ores, with notes
on th e errors oocuring in the operations of fire assay and parting. 31 pp.
254. 1904. AV. Lindgrcn and F. L. Eausome: Report of progress in the
geological resurvey of th e Cripple Creek district, Colorado. 36 pp.
255. 1905. H. Foster Bain: The fluorspar deposits of Southern Illinois. 6 pl.
75 pp.
„ 256. 1905. R. AV. Stone: Mineral resources of th e Elders Ridge quadrangle,
Pennsylvania. 12 pl. 86 pp.
257. 1905. T. AV. Stanton and J. B. Hatcher: Geology and paleontology of
the Ju d ith river beds, with a chapter on the fossil plants, by 1'. H.
Knowlton. 19 pl. 174 pp.
„ 258. 1905. H. Gannett: The origin of certain places names in the United
States [Second edition]. 334 pp.
259. 1905. A. H. Brooks c .s .: Report on progress of investigations of
mineral resources of Alaska in 1904. 3 pl. 10 fig. 196.
260. 1905. S. F. Emmons and C. AV. Hayes: Contributions to economic
geology. 3 pl. 25 fig. 620 pp.
261. 1905. E. W. Parker, J. A. Holmes and R. Camphcll: Preliminary
report on the operations of the coal-testing plant of the United States
Geological Survey a t the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis.
Mo. 1904, 172 pp.
262. 1905. F. AA. Clarke; AV. F. Hillehrand; F. L. Ransome; S. E. Pcnlicld;
W. Lindgreu; G. Steiger and AV. T. Schaller: Contributions to mine-
rology from the United States Geological Survey. 32 fig. 117 pp.
263. 1905. C. AV. Purington: Methods and costs of gravel and placer mining
in Alaska. 42 pl. 49 fig. 273 pp.
264 1905. M. L. Fnller, E. F. Fines and A. C. Veatch; Record of deep well
drilling for 1904. 106 pp.
„ 265. 1905. N. M. Fcuneman; Geology of the Boulder district, Colorado. 5 pl.
11 fig. 101 pp.
No. 266. 1905. F. AV. Cragin: Paleontology of th e Malone Jurassio formation
of Texas. With stratigraphio notes on Malone Mountain and the
surrounding region near Sierra Blanea, Texas, by T. AV. Stanton.
29 pl. 172 pp.
„ 267. 1905. H. Foster Bain: The copper deposits of Missouri. 1 pl. 2 fig. 52 pp.
„ 268. 1905. R. M. Bagg Jr.: Miocene foraminifera from the Monterey shale
of California, with a few species from the Tejon formation. 15 pl. 78 pp.
„ 269. 1906. J. H. Pratt: Corundums and its occurence and distribution in
th e United States [a revised and enlarged edition of Bulletin No. 180].
18 pl. 26 fig. 175 pp.
„ 270. 1905. AV. H. Hobhs: The configuration of the rook floor of Greater
New York. 5 pl. 6 fig. 96 pp.
„ 271. 1905. F. Bonghton AVceks: Bibliography and index of North American
geology, paleontology,petrology and mineralogy for the year 1904. 258pp.
„ 272. 1905, T. N. Dale: Taconic physiography. 14 pl. 3 fig. 52 pp.
„ 273. 1905. AV. C. Alden: The drumlins of southeastern Wisconsin [preliminary
paper]. 9 pl. 8 fig. 46 pp.
„ 274. 1906. H. Gannett: A dictionary of altitudes in th e United States
[Fourth edition], 1072 pp.
„ 275. 1906. T, N. Dale with sections by E. C. Eckel, AV. F. Hillehrand and
A. T. Coons: Slate deposits and slate industry of the United States.
25 pl. 15 fig. 134 pp.
„ 276. 1905. S. S. Gannett: Results of primary triangulation and primary
traverse. Fiscal year 1904-1905. 1 carte. 263 pp.
„ 277. 1906. F. H. Mofflt: Mineralresources of Kenai Peninsula, Alaska;
Gold fields of th e Turnagain Arm region. — R. AV. Stone: Coal fields
of the Kaohemak Bay region. 25 pl. 5 flg. 80 pp.
„ 278. 1906. A. J. Collier: Geology and coal resources of the Cape Lishurne
region, Alaska. 9 pl. 8 flg. 54 pp.
„ 279. 1906. C. Butts: Economic geology of the Kittangin and Rural Valley
quadrangles, Pennsylvania. 1 carte. 10 pl. 14 fig. 198 pp.
„ 280. 1906. L. M. Frindle and F. L. Hers: The rampart gold placer region,
Alaska, 7 pl. 1 flg. 54 pp.
„ 281. 1906. S. S. Gannett and D. H. Baldwin: Results of spirit leveling in
the State of New York for th e years 1896 to 1905 inclusive. 112 pp,
„ 282. 1906. N. M. Fenneman: Oil fields of th e Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coastal
Plain. 11 pl. 15 fig. 146 pp.
„ 283. 1906. A. F. Crider: Geology and mineral resources of Mississippi.
4 pl. 5 fig. 99 pp.
„ 284. 1906. A. H. Brooks o. s . : Report on progress of investigations of
mineral resources of Alaska in 1905. 14 pl. 10 fig. 169 pp.
„ 285. 1906. S. F. Emmons and E. C. Eckel: Contributions to economic geology,
1905. 13 pl. 16 fig. 506 pp.
„ 286. 1906. Ii. H. AA'oolsey: Economie geology of the Beaver quadrangle,
Pennsylvania [Southern Beaver and northwestern Allegheny counties],
1 carte. 7 pl. 35 fig. VI + 132 pp.
„ 287. 1906. A. C. Spencer: The Juneau gold belt, and a reconnaissance of
Admiralty Island, Alaska by C. AV. AA'right. 2 cartes. 35 pl. 41 fig.
S I I + 161 pp.
„ 288. 1906. S. S. Gannett and D. H. Baldwin; Results of spirit leveling in
Pennsylvania. 62 pp.
; •