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M a r k t a u u e r - T n r n e r e t s c l i e r , G. Zweiter Nachtrag zum „Beiträge zur Kenntnis
der Verbreitung der Giftschlangen in Steiermark” u n ter Bezug auf
die Ergebnisse der Prämiierung in den Jahren 1905 und 1906.
Mit Natw. Ver. Graz, Jg. 1907.
Morse, E. S. Observations on living Braohiopoda.
Mem. Boston. Soo. Nat. Hist. V. 5.
O’Counell, J . H. Young orooodillians in captivity.
Proo. & Transact. Liverpool Biol. Soo. V. 19.
„ „ j, Reptiles in captivity.
Proo. & Transact. Liverpool Biol. Soo. V. 26.
Oudenians, J . T. Eidechsen und Schildkröten.
Denkschr. Med. Natw. Ges. Jena. Bd. 8.
P a lm e r , W. Description of a new species of leatherback turtle.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V, 36.
P a n lm ie r, F. C. Lizards, tortoises and batrachians of New York.
55. An. Kep. N. York St. Mus. 1901.
P ie rso l, W. H. The habits and larval state of Plethodon cinereus erythronotus.
Tr. Canad. Inst. Toronto. V. 8.
Ronx, J . Keptilien und Amphibien der Aru- und Kei-Inseln.
Abh. Senckenb. Naturf. Ges. Bd. 33.
Rnthven, A. G. Description of a new salamander from Iowa.
Proo. V. S. Nat. Mus. V. 41.
S iebenrock, F. Schildkröten von Madagaskar und Aldabra.
Abh. Senckenb. Naturf. Ges. Bd. 27.
Stejn eg e r, L . Description of two new species of snakes from California.
„ Description of a new lizard from lower California.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 12.
On a new genus and species of Coluhrine snakes from N orth Amerioa.
„ „ On th e snakes of the genus Charina.
„ On th e North American lizards of the genus Barissia of Gray.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 13.
Descriptions of a new Scincoid lizard from East Africa.
Description of a new species of lizard from the island San Pedro
Mártir, Gulf of California.
Description of a new North Amerioan lizard of the genus Sauromalus.
„ Notes on Soeloporus variabilis and its geographical distribution
in the United States.
Notes on some North American snakes.
On the snakes of the California genus Lichanura.
Description of a new species of ohamaeleon from Kilimanjaro of
Eastern Africa.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 14.
„ „ Preliminary description of a new genus and species of blind cave
salamander from North Amerioa.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 15.
Diagnosis of a new Californian lizard.
Proc. Ü. S. Nat. Mus. V. 16,
S te jn eg e r, L. Description of a new species of blind snakes [Typhlopidae] from
the Congo Free State.
„ „ On some collections of reptiles and batrachians from East Africa
and the adjacent islands, with descriptions of new species.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 16.
„ „ Description of a new lizard [Verticaria beldingi] from California.
„ „ Description of Utah mearnsi, a new lizard from California.
„ „ Notes on Butler’s g a rte r snake.
„ „ On the specific name of the ooaohwip snake.
„ „ Description of a new salamander from Arkansas, with notes on
Ambystoma annulatum.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 17.
„ „ Description of a new genus and species of blind tailed batracliians
from th e subterranean waters of Texas.
„ „ Description of a new species of snake [Tantilla eiseni] from California.
Proc. Ü. S. Nat. Mus. V. 18.
„ „ A new systematic name for the yellow boa of Jamaica.
„ „ Description of new species of snake from Clarion island, west
coast of Mexico.
„ „ Diagnosis of a new species of iguanoid lizard from Green Cay,
Bahama islands.
„ „ On a new species of spiny-tailed iguana from Utilla island,
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 23.
„ „ A new species of bullfrog, Rana grylio, from Florida and the
Gulf coast.
„ „ An annotated list of batrachians and reptiles oolieoted in th e
vicinity of La Guaira, Venezuela, with descriptions of two new
species of snakes.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 24.
„ „ The reptiles of the Huachuoa mountains, Arizona.
Proo. Ü. S. Nat. Mus. V. 25.
„ „ Rediscovery of one of Holbrook’s salamanders.
Proc. Ü. S. Nat. Mus, V. 26.
„ „ Description of a new toad from Cuba.
„ „ 'Three new frogs and one new gecko from the Philippine islands.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 28.
„ „ A new lizard of th e genus Phrynosoma from Mexico.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 29.
„ „ A new salamander from north Carolina.
„ „ A new tree toad from Costa Rica.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 30.
„ „ A new Gerrhonotine lizard from Costa Rica.
„ „ A new salamander from Nicaragua.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 32.
„ „ A new geckoid lizard from the Pliilippine islands.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 33.
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