Vol. XXXIII. 1906. Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the
Eastern tropical Pacific, in charge of A. Agassiz, by th e U. S. Eish com-
mission steamer „Albatross” from October 1904, to March 1905, Lieut. Commander
L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding.
V. A. Agassiz: General report of the expedition.
96 pl. 8 fig. X III + 75 pp.
Vol. XXXIV. 1907—1912. A. Agassiz and H. 1, Clark: Hawaiian and other
Pacific Echini. No. 1. The Cidaridae. 44 pl. VII + 46 pp. — No. 2. The
Salenidae, Arbaoiadae, Aspidodiadematidae, and Diadematidae. 15 [45—59] pl.
80 [47—13-2] pp. — No. 3. The E chinothuridae. 30 [60—89] pl. 71 [133—203] pp. —
No. 4. H. L. Clai-k; The Pediiiidae, Phymosomatidae, Stomopneustidae,
Echinidae, Temnopleuridae, Strongylocontrotidae and Echinometridae. 32
[90—121] pl. 180 [201—383] pp.
Vol. XXXV. No. 1. 1907. Reports on the scientific results of the expedition
to th e Eastern tropical Pacific, in charge of A. Agassiz, by th e H. S. Fish
commission steamer „Albatross” from October 1904, to March 1905. Lieut.
Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., Coniiuanding.
VIII. S. F. Clarke: The Hydroids.
15 pl. 18 pp.
No. 2. 1907. Reports on the scientific results of th e expedition to the
tropical Pacific, in charge of A. Agassiz, by the D. S. Fish commission
steamer „Albatross” from August 1899, to March 1900, Commander
,T. P. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding.
IX. Reports on the soiencific results of the expedition to th e Eastern
tropical Pacific, in charge of A. Agassiz, by the U. S. Fish commission
steamer „Albatross” from October 1904, to March 1905, Lieut. Commander
L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding.
X. M. J. Rathbnn: The Brachyura'
9 pl. 52 pp.
XXV. 1912. Vi. C. Kendall and L. B.adcliffe: The Shore fishes.
18 pl. 95 pp.
XXVII. 1912. H. J. Hansen: The Schizopoda.
12 pl. 113 pp.
Vol. XXXVI. En oours de publication.
Vol. XXXVII. 1909. Reports of the scientific results of the expedition to the
Eastern tropical Pacific, in charge of A. Agassiz, by th e U. S. Fish commission
steamer „Albatross” from October 1904, to March 1905, Lieut,
Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., Commanding.
XVI. H. B. Bigelow: The Medusae.
48 pl. 243 pp.
Vol. XXXVIII. No. 1. 1909. Reports on the scientific results of the expedition
to th e tropical Pacific, in charge of A. Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish
commission steamer „Albatross” from August 1899, to March 1900, Commander
J. F. Moser, U. S. N.
XII. Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the Eastern
tropical Pacific, in charge of A. Agassiz, by the XJ. S. Fish commission
steamer „Albatross” from October 1904, to March 1905. Commander
L. M. Garrett. U. S. N.
XVII. J. Murray and G. V. Lee: The dept and marine deposits of the Pacific.
3 cartes. 5 pl. 169 pp.
i. i
No. 2. 1911. x x n i . H. B. Bigelow: The Siphonophorae.
32 pl. 232 [170-401] pp.
Vol. XXXIX. No. 1. 1908. Reports on th e scientific results of th e expedition
to th e tropical Pacific, in charge of A. Agassiz, by th e U. S. Fish commission
steamer „Albatross” from August 1899, to March 1900. Commander
J. F. Moser. D. S. N.
XI. A. Agassiz: Echini: The genus Colobocentrotus.
49 pl. 33 pp.
No. 2. 1911. XV. A. M. Westergren: Echini. Echinoneus and Micropetalon.
31 pl. 35 [34-68] pp.
Vol. XL. No. 1. 1910. G. M. Allen: Solenodon paradoxus.
9 pl. 53 pp.
No. 2. 1911. W. Faxon: Brewster’s Warbler.
1 pl. 25 [54-78] pp.
No. 3. 1911. S. Garman: The Chismopnea [Chimaeroids].
23 [79-101] pp.
No. 4. 1912. Some Chinese vertebrates. S. Henshaw: Introduction. -
S. Garman: Pisces. - T. B.arbonr: Amphibia and reptilia. - J . E. Tbaycr
and 0 . Bangs: Aves. — G. M. Allen: Mammalia.
6 pl. 146 [102—247] pp.
Vol. XLI. 1910. Reports on th e scientific results of th e expedition to th e eastern
tropical Pacific, in charge of A. Agassiz, by the Ü. S. Fish commission
steamer „Albatross” from October 1904, to March 1905. Commander L, M.
Garrett. U. S. N.
XXL B. von Lendenfeld: The Sponges. I. The Geodidae. II. The Erylidae.
56 pl. 323 pp.
Vol. X L II-X L IV . En cours de publication.
Vol. XLV. No. 1. 1911. Reports on the scientific results of th e expedition to the
tropical Pacific, in charge of A. Agassiz, by th e U. S. Fish commission steamer
„Albatross” from August 1899 to June 1900. Commander J. F. Moser. U. S. N.
XIV. H. Heath: The Solenogastres. 40 pl. 179 pp.
II. Bulletins.
Vol. XLI. 1902—1904. No. 1. W. B rew ste r: Birds of the Cape region of lower
Californica. 1 carte. 241 pp. - S. Garman: The Chimaeroids [Chismopnea Raf.,
1815; Holooephala Mull., 1834], especially Rhinooliimaera and its allies.
15 pl. 28 pp.
Vol. XLII. 1903-1905. = [Vol. VI of the Geel. Series], Voijez: 55. Géologie.
Ad pag. 457. IV.
Vol. XLIII. 1904-1908. Reports on th e dredging operations off th e West coast
of Central America to the Galapagos, to the West coast of Mexico, and m
the Gulf of California, in charge of A. Agassiz, carried ou by the U. S. Fish
commission steamer „Albatross”, during 1891. XXIX. Reports ou the
scientific results of the Expedition to the tropical Pacific in charge of
A. Agassiz, on th e U. S. Fish commission steamer „Albatross” from August
1899, to March 1909. V. W. E. Hoyle: Reports on the Cephalopoda. 12 pl.
71 pp. - Reports ou the dredging operations off th e West coast of
Central America to the Galapagos, to th e West coast of Mexico, and in
the Gulf of California, in charge of A. Agassiz, oarried on by the U. S. Fish
commission steamer „Albatross”, during 1891. XX X III. E. vou Mareiizellcr :
Stein- und Hydrokorallen. 3 pl. 13 i>p. — XXXIV. Lagisca irritans, sp. nov.,
• "iI '*l HI,
r i i ' ! .