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Smut on cultivated large bamboo [Phyllostaoliys]. 4 pl. 17 pp. — S. Oiuiki:
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G. Daikuhara and T. Imaseki: On the behavior of nitra te in paddy soils.
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cyanamide under different conditions. 1 pl. 12 pp — Somo observations ou
manuring with bone-dust. 1 pl. 14 pp. — T. Imaseki: On the cultivation of
Astragalus lotoides. 4 pp. - On tlie yield of Polygonum tinctorium under
different conditions. 4 pp. — M. Nakamura: On the most favorable ratio of
lime to magnesia for the mulberry tree. 1 pl. 5 pp. — G. Daikuhara: Are
soils containing less th an 0.02 °/o S O3 benefited by special manuring with
sulphates? 9 pp. — S. Sawamura: Chemical composition of tea leaves at
various stages of development. 3 pp. — T. Katayama: On tlie aroma of
black tea. 4 pp. — S. Uori: A disease of th e Japanese ginseng caused by
Phytophthora Cactorum [Cohn et Leb.] Schrot. 1 pl. 10 pp. — Seed infection
by sm u t fungi of cereals. 14 pp. — S. I. Kuwana: Coccidae of .Japan. I.
A synoptical list of Coccidae of Japan with descriptions of thirteen new species.
6 pl. 31 pp. — Coccidae of Japan. II. A new Xylococcus in Japan. 1
pl. 4 pp. — Notes on the life history and morphology of Gossyperia ulnii
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