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484 65. G EO LO G IE
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No. 47. 1906. K. Arnold: The tertiary and qua te rn ary Pectens of California.
53 pl. 1 carte. 2 fig. 264 pp.
„ 48. 1906. E. TV. Parker, J. A. Holmes and M. E. Camphell: Report on the
operations on th e coal-testing plant of th e United States Geological
Survey a t the Louisiana ore purchase Exposition. St. Louis. M. 0. 1904.
P a rt I. Field work, classification of coals, chemical work. 1 carte.
3 pl. 10 flg. 300 pp.
P a rt II. Boiler tests. 4 pl. 94 fig. 680 (301-980) pp.
P a rt III. Producer, gas, coking, briquetting and washing tests. 5 pl.
31 fig. 493 (981-1478) pp.
„ 49. 1906. G. H. Ashy and E. C. Glenn, in cooperation with C. J. Norwood:
Geology and mineral resources of pa rt of the Cumberland Gap coal
field, Kentucky. 49 pl. 1 carte. 13 flg. 239 pp.
„ 50. 1906. F. H. H. Calhoun: The Montana Irobe of the Keewatin Ice sheet.
7 pl. 31 fig. 62 pp.
„ 51. 1906. N. H. Darton: Geology of the Bighorn Mountains. 1 carte. 46 pl.
14 flg. 121 pp.
„ 52. 1906. N. H. Darton: Geology and underground waters of the Arkansas
valley in eastern Colorado. 2 oartes. 36 pl. 2 flg. 90 pp.
„ 53. 1906. C. A. Fisher: Geology and water resources of th e Bighorn basin,
Wyoming. 1 carte. 15 pl. 1 fig. VI + 72 pp.
„ 54. 1906. W. Lindgren and F. L. Ransome: Geology and gold deposits of
the Cripple creek district, Colorado. 3 cartes. 26 pl. 64 fig. XIX + 516 pp.
„ 55. 1906. J. E. Spnrr: Ore deposits of the Silver Peak quadrangle, Nevada.
1 carte. 23 pl. 40 flg. 174 pp.
„ 56. 1907. A. C. Veatch: Geography and geology of a portion of southwestern
Wyoming. 4 cartes. 22 pl. 9 fig. VI + 178 pp.
„ 57. 1907. J. Barrel!: Geology of the Marysville mining district, Montana.
A study of igneous intrusion and contact metamorphism. 2 cartes.
14 pl. 9 fig. X + 178 pp.
„ 58. 1908. G. H. Girty: The Guadalupian fauna. 31 pl. 651 pp.
„ 59. 1909. W. H. Dali: Contributions to the tertiary paleontology of the Pacific
coast. I. The miocene of Astoria and Coos Bay, Oregon. 23 pl. 14 fig. 216 pp.
„ 60. 1908. R. D. Salishnry and TV. W. Atwood: The interpretation of topographic
maps. 170 pl. 34 fig. 84 pp.
„ 61. 1909. W. W. Atwood: Glaciation of th e Uinta and Wasatch mountains.
1 carte. 14 pl. 24 fig. 96 pp.
„ 62. 1908. F. L. Ransome and F. L. Calkins: The geology and ore deposits
of th e Coeur d’Alene district, Idaho. 2 cartes. 27 pl. 23 fig, 203 pp.
„ 63. 1908. J. E. Spnrr and G. H. Garrey: Economic geology of the Georgetown
quadrangle [Together w ith th e Empire district]. Coloi’ado. With
general geology by S. H. Ball. 4 oartes. 83 pl. 155 flg. 422 pp.
„ 64. 1909. The Yakutah Bay region, Alaska. Physiography and glacial
geology hy R. S. Tarr. Areal geology by R. S. Tarr and R. S. Butler.
37 pl. 10 fig. 183 pp.
„ 65. 1909. N. H. Darton: Geology and water resources of the northern
portion of the Black Hills and adjoining regions in south Dakota and
Wyoming. 1 carte. 23 pl. 15 fig. 105 pp.
„ 66. 1909. P. L. Ransome assisted in th e field by W. H. Emmons and
G. H. Garrey: The geology and ore deposits of Goldfield, Nevada.
2 cartes. 33 pl. 34 fig. 258 pp.
No. 67. 1909. E. Howe: Landslides in tho San .Juan Mountains, Colorado,
including a consideration of their causes and th eir classification.
20 pl. 4 fig. 58 pp.
„ 68. 1910. W. Lindgren, L. C. Graton and C. H. Gordon: The ore deposits
of New Mexico. 1 carte. 21 pl. 33 flg. 361 pp.
„ 69. 1912. B. S. Tarr and L. Martin: The earthquakes a t Yak u tat Bay,
Alaska in September, 1899. With a preface by G. K. Gilbert. 1 carte.
32 pl. 5 fig. 135 pp.
„ 70. 1911. A. H. Brooks: The Mount McKinley region, Alaska. With
descriptions of th e igneous rooks and of the Bonnifield and Kantishna
districts by L. M. Prindle. 3 oartes. 15 pl. 30 fig. 234 pp.
„ 72. 1911. L. C. Glenn: Denudation and erosion on th e southern Appalachian
region and the Monongahela basin. 21 pl. 1 fig. 137 pp.
„ 73. 1911. W. Lindgren: The tertiary gravels of the Sierra Nevada of
California. 2 cartes. 26 pl. 16 fig. 226 pp.
„ 74. 1912. W. H. Weed: Geology and ore deposits of th e Butte district,
Montana. 4 cartes. 16 pl. 109 flg. 261 pp.
„ 75. 1911. F. L. Ransome: Geology and ore deposits of th e Breokenridge
district, Colorado. 2 oartes. 30 pl. 29 fig. 187 pp.
g. Mineral resources of the United States. 1903-1911 (1904 — 1912).
Parergones del Instituto Geológico de México. México. In 8°.
Tomo I - I I I . 1903/1906-1909/1911.
Boletín del Instituto Geológico de México. Ad pag. 729. III.
No. 15. 1901. E. Ordenez: Las Rhyolitas de México. Segunda Parte. Descripción
sistematica de las Rhy'olitas. 6 pl. 76 pp.
„ 16. 1902. J. D. Villarello, E. Böse y M. F. Rangel: Los criaderos de fierro
del Cerro del Mercado en Durango, y de la Hacienda de Vaquerías,
Estado de Ridalgo. 5 pl. 44 pp.
„ 17. 1908. E. Agnil.ar y Santlllán: Bibliografia Geológica y Minera de la
República Mexicana. Completada h asta el año de 1904. X III + 3.30 pp.
,, 20. 1905. E. Böse: Reseña acerca de la geológica de Chiapas y Tabasco.
9 pl. 116 pp.
„ 21. 1905. C. Bnrckhardt en collabration avec S, Scalia: La faune marine
du tria s supérieur. 8 pl. 44 pp.
„ 22. 1906. E. Böse: Sobre algunas faunas terciarias de México. 12 pl.
96 pp.
„ 23. 1906. C. Bnrckhardt: La faune jurassique de Mazapil. Avec un appendice
su r les fossiles du crétacique inférieur. 43 pl. 216 pp.
„ 24. 1906. E. Böse: La fauna de moluscos del Senoniano de Cárdenas, San
Louis Potosí. 18 pl. 95 pp.
„ 25. 1910, E. Böse: Monografia geológica y paleontólogica del Cerro de
Muleros, cerca de Ciudad Juárez, Estado de Chihuahua y descripción
de la fauna cretàcea de la Encantada, cerca de Piacer de Guadalupe,
Estado de Chihuahua. 1 carte. 50 pl. VI + 193 pp.
„ 26, 1908. J, 1). Villarello: Algunas regiones petrolíferas de México.
3 pl. 120 pp.
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