47. Batzel, F . Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika.
Ad pag. 665. I.
Zweiter Band. 1893. Politische Geographie der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-
Amerika u n ter besonderer Berücksichtigung der natürlichen Bedingungen
und wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse. Zweite Auflage.
1 carte. 16 fig. XIV + 763 pp.
6 8 . Harriman Alaska Expedition. With cooperation of Washington
Academy of Sciences. Alaska. Ad pag. 921. III.
Volume III. 1904. G. K. Gilbert: Glaciers and glaciation.
18 pl. 106 fig. X II + 231 pp.
Id. IV. 1904. B. K. Emerson, C. Palaclie, W. H. » a ll, E. 0 . ülricb and
F. H. Knowlton: Geology and Paleontology.
33 pl. 18 flg. X + 173 pp.
Id. V. 1904. J. Cardot, C. E. Cnmiuingä, A. W'. Evans, C. H. Peck,
P. A. Saccardo, de Alton Sannders, I. Tliériot and W. Trelease:
Cryptogamie botany.
44 pl. 1 fig. 424 pp.
Id. VIII. 1904. W. H. Aslimead, N. Banks, A. N. Candell, 0 . F. Cook,
R. P. Cnrrie, H. G. l)yar, J. Yf. Folsom, 0 . Hcidemanu,
T. Kincaid, T. Pergaiide and E. A. Schwarz: Insects. P a rt I.
17 pl. 9 flg. VI + 238 pp.
Id. IX. 1904. IV. U. Aslimead, Ü. W. Coqnillett, T. Kincaid and T. Per-
gande: Insects. P a rt II.
4 pl. IX + 284 pp.
Id. X. 1904. M. J. Rathbnn, II. Richardson, S. J. Holmes and E. J. Cole :
26 pl. 128 flg. 837 pp.
Id. XI. 1904. TV. B. Coe: Nemerteans. — A. Robertson: Bryozoans.
25 pl. 23 fig X II + 251 pp.
Id. X II. 1904. G. Eisen: Enchytraeids. — K. J. Bnsh: Tubicolous Annelids.
47 pl. 81 fig. XI + 355 pp.
90. Neue Reisen nach Guiana, Peru und durch das südliche America,
worin die Merkwürdigkeiten dieser Länder nebst den Sitten und
Gewohnheiten der Einwohner beschrieben werden, aus dem Französischen
der Herren B a rre re , Bouguer und de la Condainine
übersetzt. Göttingen, Abram Vandenhoecks seel., Wittwe, 1751. In 8 °.
15 pl. 3 cartes. 390 pp.
91. Voyage du Chevalier des Marchais en Guinee, isles voisines et à
Cayenne, fait en 1725, 1726 et 1727. Contenant une description
très exacte et très étendue de ces Pais, et du commerce qui s’y
fait. Enrichi d’un grand nombre de cartes et de figures en Tailles
douces, par le R. Père Labat. Amsterdam, Au x dépens de la Compagnie,
1731. In 12°.
92. Stockum, A . J . van. Een ontdekkingstocht in de biimenlariden van
Suriname. Dagboek van de Saramacca-expeditie. Amsterdam,
G. F. Tierie, 1905. In 8°.
4 oartes. 5 pl. 324 pp.
93. Wh ite, F . W. Cameos from the Silver-land; or the experiences of
a young naturalist in the Argentine Republic. London, J. van
Voorst, 1881. In 8°.
Vol. I. 1881. 1 carte. XV + 436 pp.
Id. II. 1882. XV + 527 pp.
94. Report upon United States Geographical Surveys west of the one
hundredth meridian, in charge of G. M. Wheeler, under the direction
of A . A. Humphreys. Washington. In 4°.
Volume I. 1889. Geographical report.
38 pl. 3 cartes. 780 pp.
Id. II. 1877. Astronomy and Barometric hypsometry.
22 pl. 3 flg. X III + 571 pp.
Id. III. 1875. G. K. Gilbert, A. R. M.arvine, E. E. Howell, J . J. Stevenson
and 0. Loew: Geology and Mineralogy.
13 pl. 171 fig. 681 pp.
Id. III. Supplement 1881. J. J. Stevenson: Geology and Mineralogy.
4 pi. 3 cartes. 420 pp.
Appendix de XXXVI pp.
Id. IV. 1877. C. A. White and E. D. Cope: Paleontology.
83 pl. 3 fig. XVII [XIII + IV] - 589 [219 + 370] pp.
Id. V. 1875. H, C. Yarrow, H. W. Hensliaw, E. » . Cope, e. s.: Zoology.
45 pl. 3 fig. 1021 pp.
Id. VI. 1878. J. T. Rothrock, S. Watson, G. Engelmann, c. s . : Botany.
30 pl. 1 fig. XX + 404 pp.
Id. VII. 1879. F. W. Pntnam, C. C. Abbott, A. S. Gatseliet, o. s . : Archaeology.
With appendix of Indian vocabularies.
21 pl. 135 flg. XXI + 497 pp.
96. Boas, F . The Jesup North Pacific Expedition. Memoir of the American
Museum of Natural History New York. New York, G. E.
Stechert d Co.; Leiden, E. J. Brill Ltd. In 4°.
Volume I. 1898-1900. F. Boas: Facial paintings of the Indians of Northern
British Columbia. 6 pl. 12 pp. - The mythology of the Bella Goola Indians.
6 pl. 102 pp. - H. I. Smith: Arohaelogy of Lytton, British Columbia.
1 pl. 117 fig. 33 pp. - J. Teit: The Thompson Indians of British Columbia.
7 pl. 198 flg. 230 pp. - L. Farrand: Basketry designs of the Salish Indians,
2 pl. 66 flg. 9 pp. - H. I. Smith: Archaeology of the Thompson River
region, British Columbia. 3 pl. 41 pp.
Id. II. 1900-1908. L. Farrand: Traditions of the Chilcotin Indians. 54 pp. -
H. I. Smith and G. Fonkc: Cairns of British Columbia and Washington.
1 carte. 5 pl. 9 fig. 21 pp. - L. Farrand and W. S. Kabnweiler: Traditions
of th e Quinault Indians. 54 pp. - H. 1. Smith: Shellheaps of the Lower
Fraser River. 2 pl. 60 fig. 59 pp. - J. Teit: The Lillooet Indians. 2 pl.
100 fig. 107 pp. - H. 1. Smith: Archaeology of the Gulf of Georgia and Puget
Sound. 3 pl. 198 fig. 139 pp. - .1. Teit; The Shuswap. 2 pl. 280 fig. 371 pp.
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