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Koninklijk Magnetisch en Meteorologisch Observatorium te Batavia.
Ad pag. 987. III.
Jaarverslag. 1910 — 1911 (1911 — 1912).
Regenwaarnemingeii in Nederlandsch Oost-Indië.
Jaargang X X V -X X V III. 1903-1906 (1901-1907).
Id. XXIX.) Deel I : Dagelÿksohe regen val. / - XXX 1907-1908(1908-1909).
) I I : Uitkomsten. i
Id. XXXI. Deel I ; Dagelÿksche regenval. 1909 (1910).
I I : Uitkomsten. 1909 (1911).
Id. XXXII. Deel I I : Uitkomsten. 1910 (1912).
Observations made a t the Royal Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory
a t Batavia.
Vol. X X IV -X X X I. 1901-1908 (1903-1911). Containing the meteorological,
magnetical observations and seismometrio records.
Vol. XXXII. 1909 (1912). Containing meteorological and magnetical observations.
Appendix I to Observations Vol. XXVIII. 1905. Cloud observations a t Batavia.
Frequency of different forms of clouds during the three years
1903-1905. Batavia, 1905. In 4°.
6 pp.
II. Air pressure, temperature, humidity and wind on days of bright
sunshine a t Batavia, 1889-1906 Augs 1st, by W. van Bemmelen.
Batavia, 1907. In 4°.
11 pp.
III. List of magnetic disturbances recorded at the Batavia Observatory,
during the period 1880 — 1899 by W. van Bemmelen. Batavia,
1907. In 4°.
1 pl. 24 pp.
Appendix to Observations Vol. XXIX. 1906. On pulsations by W. van Bemmelen.
Batavia, 1908. In 4°.
10 pp.
Appendix I to Observations Vol. XXX. 1907. Magnetic survey of the Dutch
East-Indies made in the years 1903-1907 by TV. van Bemmelen.
Batavia, 1909. In 4°.
7 pl. 69 pp
Id. II. Report on cloud observations a t Batavia made during the in te rnational
cloud year 1896-1897 and subsequent years by S. Figee.
Utrecht, 1910. In 4°.
1 pl. 32 pp.
Erdbeben Bericht.
Januar-Deoember 1909.
Seismologioal Bulletin.
Jan u a ry 1910-December 1912.
Verhandelingen. In gr. 8°.
No. 1. 1911. TT. van Bemmelen: Die Windverhältnisse in den oberen Luftschisten
nach Ballonvisierungen in Batavia.
1 pl. 77 pp.
2. 1912. C. Braat: 1. Drachen und Fesselballonbeobachtungen. II. Wissenschaftliche
Ergebnisse der Aufstiege mit dem Freiballone „Batavia”.
1 pl. 46 pp.
’s Lands Plantentuin te Buitenzorg.
Observations météorologiques. In gr. 4°.
1901-1904 (1905-1906).
Departement van Landbouw.
[Département de l’Agriculture aux Indes-Néerlandaises].
In s titu t Botanique de l’É ta t de Buitenzorg.
Observations météorologiques.
Année 1905-1909 (1907-1911).
Departement van Landbouw, Nijverheid en Handel.
[Département de l’Agriculture, de l’Industrie et du Commerce aux Indes-
In s titu t Botanique de l’É ta t de Buitenzorg.
Observations météorologiques.
. Année 1910-1911 (1912).
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