IL I ■;
:■ 1
. . i - a t i ' i i i r . . . - - 'i l
No. 331.
„ 332.
„ 333.
„ 334.
„ 335.
„ 336.
1908 R. L. Hnmpln-ey and W. Jordnii Jr.: Portland cement mortars
and their constituent materials. Results of tests made at th e struc tural
„ 337.
„ 338.
„ 339.
„ 340.
„ 341.
„ 342.
„ 343.
„ 344.
„ 345.
„ 346.
„ 347.
„ 348.
„ 349,
.. 350
material testing laboratories Forest Park, St. Louis Mo. 1 9 0 o -l.)0 i.
-20 pl. 22 fig. VII + 130 pp.
1908. J. A. Holmes: Report on the United States Fuel-testing plant,
a t St. Louis, Mo. Jan u a ry 1, 1906, to Ju n e 30, 1907. 299 pp.
1907. C. H.all and W. 0 . Sucllliig: Coal-mine accidents; their causes
and prevention. A preliminary statistical report. With introduction
hy J. A. Holmes. 21 pp.
1907. D. T. Randal. The burning of coal without smoke in boilei
plants. A preliminary report. 26 pp. „ h-aUb,-
1908. G. C. Marlin: Geology and mineral resources of the Contiollei
Bay region, Alaska. 3 cartes. 7 pl. 2 fig. 141 pp.
1908 R. Moldenke, A. TV. Beldeu a n d G . R . Delamater: Washing and
' coking tests of coal and cupola tes ts of coke conducted by th e t e S .
Fuel-testing plant a t St. Louis, Mo. Jan u a ry 1, 190o, to Ju n e 3 0 ,190<.
With introduction by J. A. Holmes. 76 pp.
1908. L. M. Prindle: The Fairbanks and Rampart quadrangles, Yukon-
TanMa region, Alaska. With a section on the Rampart placers by
F. L. Hess, and a paper on the water supply of th e Fairbanks region
by C. C. Coyert. 2 cartes. 3 pl. 3 flg. 102 pp.
1908. C. K. Leith and E. C. Harder: The iron ores of the Iron Springs
district. Southern Utah. 6 cartes. 15 pl. 11 fig. 102 pp.
1908 D. T. Randall: The purchase of coal under government and
commercial specifications on the basis of its heating value. With
analyses of coal delivered under government contracts. 27 pp.
1908. C. TV. Hayes and TV. Lindgren : Contributions to Economic geology.
1907. P a rt I. Metals and nonmetals, except fuels. 6 pl. 26 fig. 482 pp.
1909! M. E. Camphell: Contributions to Economic geology. P a rt II.
Coal and lignite. 25 pl. 1 fig. 444 pp.
1908. S. S. Gannett and D. H. Baldwin: Results of spirit leveling in
California. 1896 to 1907, inclusive. 172 pp.
1908. J. E. Mills: Binders for coal briquets. Investigation made at
th e Fuel testin g plant. St. Louis. Mo. 1 fig. 52 pp.
1908. R. 1 . Humphrey: The strength of concrete beams. Results of
tests of 108 beams [First series]. Made a t the structural materials
testing lahoraties. 1 pl. 13 fig. 58 pp.
1908. A. H. Brooks c .s .: Mineral resources of A l a s k a . Report on
progress of investigations in 1907. 1 carte. 4 p l. 7 fig. 294 pp.
1908. TV. T. Griswold: Structure of the Berea oil sand in the flushing
quadrangle Harrison, Belmont, and Guernsey counties, Ohio. 2 cartes.
190a F. E. TVright and C. TV. TT'right: The Ketchikan and Wrangell
mining districts, Alaska. 3 cartes. 9 pl. 23 fig. 210 pp.
1908. E. TV. Stone: Coal resources of the Russell Fork Basin, in
Kentucky and Virginia. 2 cartes. 6 pl. 25 fig. 127 pp.
1908. TV. C. Phalen : Economic geology of the Kenova quadrangle.
Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia. 5 pl. 21 fig. 158 pp.
, 1908 H. S. Gale: Geology of the Rangely oil district Eio Blanco
county, Colorado. With a section on the water supply. 2 cartes.
2 pl. 1 fig. 61 pp.
55. GEOLOGIE 47.5
No. 351.
„ 353.
„ 354.
„ 355.
„ 356.
, 357.
, 358.
, 359.
, 360.
1908. J. C. Rranner: The clays of Arkansas. 1 carte. 20 fig. 247 pp.
1908. TV. T. Lee: Geologic reconnaissance of a pa rt of Western Arizona.
With notes on the igneous rocks of Western Arizona by A. Johansscn.
11 pl. 16 fig. 96 pp.
1908. J. S. Hiller: Geology of the Taylorsville region, California.
2 cartes. 3 pl. 12 fig. 128 pp.
1908. T. N. Dale: The chief commercial granites of Massachusetts,
New Hampshire and Rhode Island. 9 pl. 27 fig. 228 pp.
1908. F. L. Hess: The magnesite deposits of California. 12 pl. 4 fig. 67 pp.
1909. C. A. Fisher: Geology of the Great Falls coal field. Montana.
1 carte. 11 pl. 2 fig. 85 pp.
1908. R. Arnold and R. Anderson: Preliminary report of the Coalinga
oil district Fresno and King counties. California. 2 cartes. 1 fig.
142 pp.
1908. A. Knopf: Geology of the Seward Peninsula tin deposits. Alaska.
9 pl. 7 fig. 71 pp.
1908. A. C. Spencer; Magnetite deposits of th e Cornwall type. 20 pl.
21 fig. 102 pp,
1909. C. R. vnn Hlse and C. K, Leith; Pre-Cambrian geology of
North America. 1 carte 1 pl. 939 pp.
. 1909. H. F. Oshorn: Cenozoio mammal horizons of western North
America. With faunal lists of the tertiary mammalia of the west
by TV. D. Matthew. 3 pl. 15 fig. 138 pp.
. 1908. J. S. Burrows: Mine sampling and chemical analyses of coals
tested a t the United States Fuel-testing p lant. Norfolk, Va. en 1907.23 pp.
. 1908. TV. F. M. Goss: Comparative tests of ru n of m ine and briquetted
coal on locomotives, including torpedoboat tests and some foreign
specifications for briquetted fuel. 4 pl. 35 fig. 57 pp.
1909. N. H. Darton and C. E. Siehenthal: Geology and mineral
lesources of the Laramie Basin, Wyoming. A preliminary report.
8 pl. 1 fig, 81 pp.
1909. J. E. Gilpen and M. P. Crain, under th e supervision of D. T.
Day: The fractionation of crude petroleum by capillary diffusion.
3 fig. 33 pp.
1908. D. T. Randall: Tests of coal and briquets as fuel for house
heating boilers. 3 pl. 2 fig. 44 pp.
1909. TV. T. Eay and H. Krcisinger; The significance of drafts in
steam-boiler practice. 26 fig. 60 pp.
1909. A. TV. Beldcn, G. R. Delamater and J. TV. Groves: Washing
and coking tests of coal at the Fuel-testing plant, Denver, Color.
Ju ly 1, 1907, to Ju n e 30, 1908. 2 pl. 3 fig. 53 pp.
1908. V. TVattoyne, C. Mcissncr and A. Deshorongh: The prevention
of mine explosions. Report and recommandations. With letter of
transmittal by J. R. Garfield. 11 pp.
1909. R. L. Humphrey: The fire-resistive properties of various building
materials. 39 pl. 32 fig. 99 pp.
1909. G. R. Richardson: Reconnaissance of the Book Cliffs coal field
between Grand River, Colorado and Sunnyside, Utah. 10 pl.
1 fig. 54 pp.
1909. E. R. TVeeks and J. M. filcklcs: Bibliography of North American
geology for 1906 and 1907. With subject index. 317 pp.
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