37. Ouchocera gibsoiü: the cause of worm nodules in Australian cattle.
By J. A. Gilruth and G. Sweet. With notes on worm nests in
Australian cattle and in camels. By J. 15. Cleland and T. H. Johnston.
Sydney, 1911. In 8 °.
17 pl. 4 flg. YIII + 58 pp
59.53. CRUS T ACÉ S
Andrews, E. A. Sperm transfer in certain decapods.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 39.
Apstein, C. Die Isopoden [Asselkrebse] der Ostsee.
Sohr. Natw. Verein. Kiel. Bd. 14.
Italss, H. Ober Stomatopoden des Koten Meeres. Zoologische Ergebnisse der expe-
ditionen S. M. Schiff „Pola” in das Kote Meer 1895/96-1897/98
Denksohr. der Wiener Akad., Bd. 85, 1912.
„ „ Ostasiatische Stomatopoden.
Abh. Bayr. Akad. M. P. Kl. Suppl. Bd. 2.
Benedict, J. E. Preliminary descriptions of 37 new species of hermit crabs of
the genus Eupagurus in the U. S. National Museum.
)> » » Corystoid crabs of the genera Telmessus and Erimaorus.
Proc. D. S. Nat. Mus. V. 15.
„ „ „ Notice of the crustaceans oolieoted by U. S. Soientiflo expedition
to West Africa.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 16.
„ „ „ Descriptions of new genera and species of crabs of tho family
Lithodidae, with notes on the young of Llthodes oamtschaticus
and Lithodes brevipes.
Proc. Ü. S. Nat, Mus. V. 17.
r> « )> Preliminary descriptions of a new genus and three now species
of crustaceans from an artesian well a t San Marcos, Texas
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 18.
„ „ „ Four new symmetrical hermit crabs [Pagurids] from the West
Indian region.
The hermit crabs of the Pagurus Bernhardustype.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 23.
” ” ” Descriptions of a new genus and 46 new species of crustaceans
of th e family Galatheidae, w ith a list of th e known marl ne species.
„ „ „ Revision of th e Crustacea of the genus Lepidopa.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 26.
„ „ „ ^ new genus and two new species of crustaceans of the family
Albuneidae from the Pacific ocean, with remarks on tho probable
use of th e Antennulae in Albunae and Lepidopa.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 27.
Benedict, J. E. and Batlibnii, M. J. The genus Panopeus.
Proc. U. S. Nat, Mus. V. 14.
59.53. CUUSTACES 731
Bigelow, B. r . Report on the crustacae of tho order Stomatopoda collected
between 1885 and 1891 and other specimens in the U. S.
National Museum.
Proc. D. S. Nat. Mus. V. 17.
l l o i iT i e r , M. E. L. Pycnogonides.
An. Mus. Nac. Buen. Aires. 3 S. T. 14.
Breckiicr, A. Vorläufige Mitteilungen über experimentelle Untersuchungen an
Artemia salina.
Verh. u. Mitt. Siebenb. Ver. f. Naturw. Hermannstadt. Bd. 58.
„ ,, Branohipoes-Eier.
Verh. u. Mitt. Siebenb. Ver. f. Naturw. Herniannstadt. Bd. 59.
Bndde-Lnild, G. Isopoda. Land-Isopoden.
Denksohr. Med. Natw. Ges. Jena. Bd. 14.
Galmnu, W. T. The crustácea of th e order Cumaoea in the collection of th e U. S.
National Museum.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 41.
Clicvrcux, M. E. Sur quelques amphipodes des îles Sandwich du sud.
„ „ „ Algunos animales marinos de las islas Sandwich.
An. Mus. Nao. Buen. Aires. 3 S. T. 14.
Ghiltoii, C. The Amphipoda of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition.
Trans. Roy. Soo. Edin. V. 48.
Coutièrc, H. The American species of snapping shrimps of the genus Synalpheus.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 36.
„ „ The snapping shrimps [Alpheidae] of the Dry Tortugas, Florida.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 37.
C'usliiiiaii, J. A. Fresh water Crustacea from Labrador and Now Foundland.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 33.
Cnssaiis, M. Gammarus.
Proc. & Transact. Liverpool Biol. Soc. V. 18.
Bay, E. C. The effect of colored light on pigment-migration iu the eye of tlio
Cray fish.
Bul. Harv. Mus. Comp. Zool. No. 53.
Boolittlc, A. A. Descriptions of recently discovered Cladocera from New England.
Proo. Ü. S. Nat. Mus. V. 41.
Douwe C. van. Copepoda.
Denkschr. Med. Natw. Ges. Jena. Bd. 17.
Embody, G. C. A new fresh water amphipod from Virginia, with somo notes on
its biology.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 38.
Esterly, C. 0. Tlie light recipient organ of tlio copepod Eucalanus elongatus.
Bul. Harv. Mus, Comp. Zool. No. 53.
Faxon, IV. Notes on North American cray fishes, families Astacidae.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 12.
„ „ A list of the Astacidae in the U. S. National Museum.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 8.
Gordon Hewitt, C. Ligia.
Proo. & Transact. Liverpool Biol. Soc. V. 21.
■ ip