Philosophical Society. Ad pag. 50. I.
Transactions. Vol. X IX -X X I . 1902/1904-1911. Vol. XXII. N°. 1.
Proceedings. Vol. X I I -X V I . 1902/1904-1919.
Royal Irish Academy. Ad pag. 50. I.
Section A. JIatheniatical, Astronomical and Physical Science.
Vol. X X V I-X X IX . 1906/1907-1911/1912. Vol. XXX. N°. 1 -4 .
Id. B. Biological, Geological and Chemical Science.
Vol. X X V I-X X IX . 1906/1907-1911/1912. Vol. XXX. N°. 1. 2.
Id. C. Archaeology, Linguistic and Literature.
Vol. X X V I-X X IX . 1906/1907-1911/1912. Vol. XXX. N°. 1 -1 1 .
Vol. XXXI. N°. 2, 4, 5, 1 0 -2 ) , 2 2 -2 4 , 2 6 -3 1 , 3 5 -4 1 , 43, 44, 46, 51, 52, 53,
56 - 60, 63, 65.
Transactions. Vol. XXXII - XXXIII. 1902/1904-1906/1907.
Index to the serial publications of the Royal Irish Academy [Transactions,
Proceedings, Cunningham Memoirs, Todd lecture series, and Irish manuscript
series] from 1786 to 1906 inclusive. Dublin, London. 1912. In 8°.
X + 116 pp.
Royal Dublin Society. Ad pag. 1-19. III.
Economic Proceedings. Vol. I. 1899-1909. Vol. N°. 1 - 5 .
Scientiflc Proceedings. N. S. Vol. X -X I I . 1903/1905-1909/1910. Vol. X III.
X°. 1 -2 6 .
Scientiflc Transactions. N. S. Vol. V I I I - IX . 1902/1905-1905/1909.
Index to th e Scientific Proceedings and Transactions of th e Royal Dublin
Society from 1898 to 1909 inclusive.
Proceedings. Vol. IX -X I . Transactions. Vol. V I I - IX . Dublin. 1910. In 8°. 12 pp.
Royal Society of Edinburgh. Ad pag. 51. I.
Proceedings. Vol. X X V -X X X II. P a rt I - IV . 1 9 0 3 /P 5 -1912.
Transactions. Vol. X L I I -X L V I I I . P a rt 1. 2. 1902-1911/1912.
General Index to the Volumes issued during th e years 1889-1908. [Vols
XX XV -X LV I], with an Address by Sir W. Turner, the President, delivered
at the opening of the new rooms of th e Society, 8th November 1909. List
of contents of each volume, etc. etc. Edinburg, Neill & Co. Ltd. 1910. In 4°.
Royal Philosophical Society. Ad pag. 51. I.
Proceedings. Vol. X X X V -X L III. 1903/1904—1911/1912.
Biological So ciety . Ad pag. 261. III.
Proceedings and Transactions.
Vol. XV. 1900-1907. Paterson: Some anatomical problems bearing upon
evolution. 16 pp. - W. A. Herdman: 14 Annual report of the Liverpool
marine biology committee and th e ir Biological station a t Po rt Erin, 7 pl.
10 fig. 66 pp. - J. Wiglesworth: Note on th e spread of th e fulmar. 7 pp. -
S. J. Hickson: Aloyonium. 3 pi. 22 pp, - F. J. Cole: Some variations in
the spinal nerves of the frog, with a note on an abnormal vertebral column.
2 pl. 12 pp. - W. A. Herdman, A. Scott and J. Johnstone: Report on the
investigations carried on during 1900 in connection with the Lancashire
sea-flsheries laboratory at Liverpool, and the sea-fish hatchery a t Piel, near
Barrow. 9 pl. 3 fig. 116 pp. - R. C. Puunett: Lineus. 4 pl. 37 pp. - J. T.
Jenkins; The methods and results of the German Plankton investigations,
with special referenoe to th e Hensen nets. 11 flg. 63 pp. — A. Scott: Some
additions to th e fauna of Liverpool Bay. 2 pl. 1 fig. 12 pp. - J. Johnstone:
The neck glands of th e Marsupialia. 3 fig. 9 pp. - W. Gardner: A lis t of
th e Hymenoptera-Aculeata so far observed in th e counties of Lancashire
and Cheshire with notes on th e habits of th e genera, 1 carte. 61 pp.
Vol. XVI. 1902 — 1903. H. C. Beasley: The fauna indicated in th e lower Keuper
sandstone of the neighbourhood of Liverpool. 2 pl. 24 pp. - W. A. Herdman:
15 Annual report of the Liverpool marine biology committee and their
Biological station a t Port Erin. 2 pl. 23 fig. 82 pp. - W. A. Herdman,
A. Scott, J. Johnstone and F. J. Cole: Report on th e investigations carried
on during 1901 in connection w ith th e Lancashire sea-flsheries laboraty
a t Liverpool and the sea-fish hatchery a t Piel, near Barow. 11 pl. 288 pp. -
A. Scott: On some Red Sea and Indian Ocean Copepoda. 3 pl. 30 pp. -
0 . V. Darhlshlre: Chondrus. 7 pl. 42 pp. - W. Hanna: Snake venoms.
14 pp. - C. Lapworth: The place of geology in economics and education. 20 pp.
Vol. XVII. 1903 — 1904. B. Caton: Acquired differences in stru c tu re and
function between th e rig h t and left sides of th e body. 12 pp. - W. A.
Herdman: 16® Annual report of th e Liverpool marine biological committee
and th eir Biological station a t Po rt Erin. 29 fig. 66 pp. - Vi. A. Herdman,
A. Scott and J. Jolinstonc: Report on the investigations carried on
during 1902 in connection with th e Lancashire sea-fisheries laboratory
a t Liverpool and the sea-fish hatchery at Piel, near Barrow. 4 flg. 106 pp. -
A. D. Imms: A marine Chironomid [Clunio bicolor, Kieff], new to th e fauna
of Great Britain. 7 pp. - J. B. Ainsworth Davis and H. J. Fleure: Patella,
2 pl. 70 pp. - W. M. Tatsersall: Notes on the classification and geographical
distribution of th e Cephaloohorda. 34 pp. - A. T. Watson: Observations
on the habits of the Onuphidae [Polychaeta], and on the internal structures
with which they fortify their homes. 1 pl. 16 pp. - J. Wiglesworth: St.
Kilda and its birds. 5 pl. 67 pp.
Vol. XVIII. 1903-1904. T. S. Lea: Weeds of our fields, waysides and towns.
13 pp. - W. A. Herdman: Tlie marine Biological station at Po rt Erin, being the
17 annual report of the Liverpool marine biology committee. (With a memoir
of I. C. Thompson). 1 portrait. 8 fig. 64 pp. - W. A. Herdman, A. Scott and J.
Johnstone: Report on the investigations carried on during 1903 in connection
with the Lancashire sea-flsheries laboratory a t Liverpool and the sea-fish h a tchery
a t Piel, near Barrow. 3 pl. 12 fig. 217 pp. — M. Cussans: Gammarus.
4 pl. 47 pp. - J. H. Ashworth: Arenicola th e „lugworm”. 8 pl. 28 pp.