s Vi
Band XXII. 1909-1910. No. 56. J. Tìele: Revision des Systems der Chitonen.
10 pl. 13-2 pp. - No. 57. E. P. Allis Jr.: The cranial anatomy of th e
mail-cheeked fishes. 8 (double) pl. 219 pp. - No. 58. II. vou Staff: Die An.atomio
und Physiologie der Fusulinen. 2 pl. 62 flg. 93 pp.
Band XX III. 1910. No. 59. E. von Daday: Untersuchungen über dio Süsswasser
Mikrofauna Deutsoh-Ostafrikas. 18 pl. 19 flg. 314 pp. - No. 60.
H. A. Kraus: Monographie der Embien. 5 pl. 7 flg. 78 pp.
Band XXIV. No. 61. 1911. E. H. Riibsaauicii: Die Zoocecidien, durch Tiere
erzeugte Pflanzengallen Deutschlands und ihre Bewoliner. F. Thomas: Verzeichnis
der Schriften über deutsche Zoozecidien und Cecidozoen bis einschliesslich
1906. - E. Küster: Allgemeiner Teil. A. Nalepa: Eriophyiden
[Gallenmilben] 6 pl. 3 flg. 293 pp.
Band XXV. No. 62. 1911. F. Hempelmanu : Zur Naturgaschichte von Nereis
dumerilii. Aud et Edw. 4 pl. 14 fig. 135 pp. - No. 63. 1912: F. E. Rübe:
Monographie der Daphniden Deutschlands und der benachbarten Gebiete.
I. Monographie des Genus Bosmina. A. Bosmina coregoni im baltischen
Seengebiete. 7 pl. 8 flg. 141 pp.
Zoologica. Original-Abhandlungen der Zoologie. GenerahRegister zu Band
I_X V . Bearbeitet von F. Braem. Stuttgart, E. Nägele. 1901:. In 4°.
31 pp.
59. Mittheilungen aus dem Königl. Zoologischen Museum zu Dresden.
Ad. pag. 380. III.
(Suite). A. R. Meyer: Ober Hundert fünf und dreissig Papua-Schädel von
Neu-Guinea und der Insel Mysore [Geelvinksbai]. (Fortsetzung).
5 [31-35] pl. 27 pp.
63. Fay Lankester, E. A treatise on Zoology. Ad pag. 381. III.
P a rt I. 1909. First fascicle. S. J. Hieksoii, J. J. Lister, F. TV. Gamble, A. TVllley,
H. M. TVoodeoek, the late TV. F. R. TT'cldon and E. Ray Laiikester. In tro duction
and Protozoa.
151 fig. X X II + 296 pp.
Id. Second fascicle. 1903. J. B. Farmer, J. J. Lister, E. A, Minebiii and
S. J. Hiekson: Introduction and Protozoa.
303 fig. VI + 451 pp.
P a rt III. 1900. F. A. Bather, J. TV. Gregory and E. S. Gooilrieb : The Echinoderma.
283 fig. VI + 344 pp.
P a rt IV. 1901. TV. Blaxland Benbam: The Platyhelmia, Mesozoa and Nemertini.
113 fig. VI + 204 pp.
P a rt V. 1906. P. Pelseneer: Mollusca.
301 fig. 355 pp.
P a rt VII. 1909. Appendiculata. Third Fascicle. TV. T. Caiman: Crustacea.
194 fig. V III + 346 pp.
P a rt IX. 1909. Vertebrata Craniata. First Fascicle. E. S. Goodrich : Cyclostomes
and Fishes.
515 fig. XVI + 518 pp.
65. Wobér, M. Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Reise in Niederländisch Ostindien.
Ad. pag. 381. III.
Band IV. 1897-1907. E. vou Martens: Süss- und Braokwasser-Molusken des
Indischen Archipels. 12 pl. 331 pp. — R. Rlaucliard: Hirudinees des Indes
néerlandaises. 11 fig. 25 pp. - A. Dollfns : Isopodes terrestres des Indes néerlandaises.
Recueillis par M. TVeber et par F. e t P. Sarasin. 3 pl. 22 fig.
26 pp. — P. N. van Kanipcn : Amphibien des Indischen Archipels. 1 pl. 36 pp. —
Gesamtregister zu den vier Bänden der „Zoologischen Ergebnisse”. 80 p p .—
Supplement zum Gesamtregister zu den vier Bänden der „Zoölogisclien
Ergebnisse”. 5 pp.
6 6 . Willy, A. Zoological Results based on material from New Britain,
New Guinea, Loyalty Islands and elsewehre, collected during the
years 1895, 1896 and 1897. Ad. pag. 382. III.
P a rt IV. 1900. J. S. Gardiner: On th e anatomy of supposed new species of
Coenopsammia from Lifu. 1 pl. 2 flg. 23 pp. — D. Sharp; On th e insects of
New Britain. 1 pl. 14 pp. — L. A. Borradallc: On the Stomatopoda and
Macrura brought by Dr. Willey from th e South Seas. 4 pl. 34 pp. — TV. E.
Collinge: Report on the Slugs. 2 pl. 10 pp. - E. G. Philipps; Report on the
Polyzoa collected by Dr. Willey from th e Loyalty Isles, New Guinea and
New Britain. 2 pl. 12 pp. — L. R. Thornely : The hydroid zoophytes collected
by Dr. Willey in the Southern Seas. — J. J. Lister: Astrosclera Willeyana,
the type of a new family of Sponges. 4 pl. 3 fig. 24 pp. — TV. P. Pycraft;
A contribution towards our knowledge of the pterylography of the Mega-
podii. 1 pl. 10 pp. — S. J. Hickson and I. L. Hiles; The Stolonifera andAIcyo-
nacea oolieoted by Dr. Willey in New Britain, etc. 2 pl. 16 pp. - J. H.
Asworth; Report on the Xeniidae collected by Dr. Willey. 2 pl. 21 pp.
Part. V. 1900. A. E. Shipley: A description of the Entozoa collected by
Dr. Willey during his sojourn in the Western Paoiflc. 3 pl. 38 pp. —
R. C. Pnniiett; On some South Pacific Nemertines collected by Dr. Willey.
5 pl. 16 pp. — L. A. Borradaile: On th e y o u n g of the Robber Crab. 8 flg.
6 pp. — E. M. Pratt: Anatomy of Neohelia porcellana (Mosely). 2 pl. 12 pp. —
G. A. Bouleng'cr: On a new blind snake from Lifu, Loyalty Islands. 4 fig.
2 pp. — T. R. B. Stebbing: On Crustacea trought by Dr. Willey from the
South Seas. 11 pl. 85 pp.
Part. VI. 1902. A. TVilley: Contribution to the natural history of the Pearly
Nautilus. I. Personal narrative 18 fig. 44 pp. — II. Special contribution. 9pl.
1 carte. 15 fig. 91 pp.
70. Furueaux. W. S. The Sea Shore. London, New York, Bombay,
Longmans, Green and Co., 1903. In 8 °.
8 pl. ool. 313 fig. XV III + 436 pp.
71. Scherren, H. The Zoological Society of London. A sketch of its
foundation and development and the story of its farm, museum,
gardens, menagerie and library. Loudon, Cassell and Co. Ld.,
1905. In 8 °.