■' 4
Smith, H. M. Description of a new notidanoid shark from the Philippine islands,
representing a new family.
„ „ „ The squaloid sharks of the Philippine archipelago, with descriptions
of new genera and species.
Proc. XJ. S. Nat. Mus. V. 41.
Smith, H. M. and P o p e , X. E. B. List of fishes collected in Japan in 1903, with
descriptions of new genera and species.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 31.
Smitli, H. M. and E adcllffe, L. Descriptions of three new fishes of the family
Chaetodontidae from the Philippine islands.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 40.
Sm ith , K. Description of a new species of Uranidea [Uranidea rhothea] from
Spokane river, Washington territory.
On the life coloration of the young of Pomacentrus rubicundus.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 5.
„ The life color of Cremnobates integripinnis.
„ „ Note on th e occurence of Gasterosteus Williamsoni, Grd, in an
artesian well a t San Bernardino, Cal.
„ „ Notes on th e fisheS of I'odos Santos Bay, Lower California.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 6.
„ Notes on fishes collected at San Cristobal, Lower California.
Proo. TJ. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 7.
On th e ooourenoe of a new species of Rhinoptera [R. encenadae] in
Todos Santos Bay, lower California.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 9.
Smith, B . and Swain, J . Notes on a collection of fishes from Johnston’s Island,
including descriptions of five new species.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 5.
Snyder, J . 0 . A review of the Mullidae, surmullets, or goatfishes of the shores of
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 32.
„ „ Descriptions of Plantosteus Santa-Anae, a new species of fish from
the Santa Anariver, California.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 34.
„ Description of eighteen new species and two new genera of fishes
from Japan and th e Rice Kiu islands.
„ Notes on two rare California fishes, Rimicola Eigenmanni and
Plagiogrammus Hopkinsky.
Proe. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 35.
„ „ „ Descriptions of new genera and species of fishes from Japan and
the Riu Kiu islands.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 36.
„ „ „ Descriptions of a new genera and species of fishes from Japan and
the Riu Kiu islands.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 40.
S ta rk s , E. C. The characters of Atelaxia, a new suborder of fishes.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 52.
i '
■il’ . ! ;
S ta rk s , E. C. The relationship and osteology of the oaproid fishes or Antigoniidae.
„ „ The shoulder girdle and characteristic osteology of the hemibran-
chiate fishes.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 25.
„ „ „ On a collection of fishes made by P. 0. Simons in Ecuador and
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 30.
S ta rk s , E. C. and Thompson, W. F . A review of the flounders belonging to the
genus Pleuronichthys.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 38.
Swain, J . A review of the Syngnathinae of the United States, w ith a description
of one new species.
Proo. Ü. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 5.
„ A description of a new species of Hadropterus [Hadropterus scierus]
from Southern India.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 6.
Swaiii, J . and Kalb, G. B. A review of th e genus Noturus, w ith a description
of ono new species.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 5.
Swain, J . and Meek, S. E. Notes on the pipe fishes of Key West, Florida, with
description of Siphostoma MoKayai, a new species.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. Y. 7.
Swenander, G. Bidrag till kännedomen om Trondhjems fjordens fiskar.
Skr. K. Norske Yidensk. Selsk. Throndhjem. 1905.
T anake, S. On two new species of Chimaera.
Journ. Coll. of Science. Imp. University Tokyo. Y. 20.
„ „ Descriptions of one new genus and ten new species of Japanese
Journ. Coll. of Science. Imp. University Tokio. Y. 27.
„ „ Notes on some Japanese fishes, with descriptions of fourteen new
„ „ Notes on some rare fishes of Japan, with descriptions of two new
genera and six new species.
Journ. Coll. of Science. Imp. University Tokyo. Y. 23.
T a tte rs a ll, W. M. Notes on the classification and geographical distribution of the
Proo. & Transact. Liverpool. Biol. Soo. Y. 17.
T ro jan , E. Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie des Tiefseefischgehirnes.
Mem. Harv. Mus. Comp. Zool. No. 30.
V e rrill, A. E. Descriptions of new species of starfishes and ophiurans, with a
revision of certain species formerly described, mostly from the
collection made by the U. S. Commission of fish and fisheries.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 17.
Vieira, L. Catalogo dos peixes de Portugal.
Ann. Soieuo. Nat. Porto. V. 7.
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