4 pp. — 14°. XXIX. A revision of tlie order Heterorai, deep-see fishes,
with a desription of th e new generic types Maedonaldia and Lipogenys.
I pi. 16 pp. - N°. XXX. Oil Harriotta, a new typo of chiiuaeroid fisli fi'om
tlie deeper waters of the northwestern Atlantic. 1 pl. 3 pp. — N°. XXXI.
J. E. Benedict: Descriptions of new genera and species of crabs of tho
family Litliodidae, with notes on th e young of Lithodus oamtschaticus and
Litliodes brevipes. 10 pp. — R. P. Bigelow: N°. XXXII. Report ou tho
Crustacea of th e order Stomatopada collected by tlie steamer „Albatross”
between 1S85 and 1891 and other specimens in th e U. S. National Museum.
3 pl. 28 flg. 61 pp. — B. A. Bean; X X X III: Descriptions of two new
flounders, Gastropsetta frontalis and Cyclopsetta chittendeni. 3 fig. 4 pp. -
N°. XXXIV. TV. H. B a ll: Report on mollusca and brachiopoda dredged iu
deep water, chiefly near tho Hawaiian islands, with illustrations of h itherto
iiiitigured species from nortliwest America. 8 pl. 2 tig 58 pp. — 0 . T. Mason:
Overlaying with copper by the American aborigines. 4 fig. 3 pp. — II. L.
Clark: The pterylography of certain American goatsuckers and owls. 11 fig.
22 pp. — TV. E. Taylor: The box tortoises of North America. 7 fig. 16pp. —
E. Stejnegcr: Description of Uta m earnsi, a new lizard from California. 4 pp. -
Notes on B utler’s garter snake. 2 pp. — On th e specific name of the
coachw’hip snake. 2 pp. — Description of a new salamander from Arkansas
with notes on Ambystoma annulatum. 3 pp. — C. TV. Kicliinoml: Diagnosis
of a new genus of trogons [Heterotrogou], based on Hapaloderma vittatum
of Shelley; with a description of tho female of th a t species. 4 pp. — E. 0.
Howard: On the Bothriothoracine insects of the United States. 9 pp. —
T. D. A. Cockerell: Notes on the geograpliical distribution of scale insects.
I I pp. - T. H. Bean: Description of a new species of rookflsh, Sebastioh-
th y s brevispinis from Alaska. 2 pp. - Description of a new species of
fish, Bleekeria Gilli. 2 pp. — T. H, Beau and B. A. Bean: Description of
Gobioides broussoneti; a fish new to North America from the Gulf of Mexico.
1 flg. 2 pp. — G. P. Merrill: Notes on some eruptive rocks from Gallatin,
Jefferson, and Madison counties, Montana. 10 fig. 37 pp.
Vol. XVIII 1895. TV. H. D a li: Diagnoses of new mollusks from the survey of
the Mexican boundary. 20 pp. - Diagnoses of new tertiary fossils from the
southern United States. 26 pp. — 0 . E. Cook: Two new diplopod Myriapoda
of th e genus Oxydesmus from the Congo. 6 pp. - Priodesmus, a new
genus of Diplopoda, from Surinam. 1 pl. 6 pp. - On Geopliilus attenuatus,
Say, of th e class Chilopoda. 4 pp. - An arrangement of tho Geophilidae,
a family of Chilopoda. 13 pp. — M. E. Einell: Description of a new species
of golden beetle from Costa Rica. 2 pp. — F. II. Cliilteiideii: Two new species
of beetles of tho Tenebrionid genus Echocerus. 2 pp. ~ 0 . F. Cook: East
African Diplopoda of the suborder Polydesmoidea, oolieoted by TV. A.
CUaiilcr. 5 pl. 31 pp. — 1!. TV. Eveniiaiiu and TV. C. KemlaTl: Description of
a new species of pipefish [Siphostoma scovelli] from Corpus Christi, Texas.
3 pp. — E. Stejueger: Description of a new species of snake [Tantilla
eiseni] from California. 2 pp. - B. Bidgway: Description of a new species
of ground warbler from eastern Mexico. 2 pp. - P. P . Calvert: East
African Odonata, oolleotod by TV. E. Abbott. 15 fig. 22 pp. — Notes on
the Odonata from East Africa, collected by the Chanler expedition. 3 pp. —
T. Gill: On the proper name of the gunnels or butterfishes. 5 pp. - The differential
characters of the Syngnathid and Hippocampid fishes. 7 pp. — Notes
on th e synonymy of tho Torpedinidao or Narcobatidao. 5 pp. - The families
of Syiientogiiathous fishes and th eir nomoiiclature. 12 pp. — Ou the application
of the name Touthis to a goiuis of fishes. 11 pp. — Notes on the
nomenclature of Scyranus or Scyranorhiniis, a genus of sharks. 3 pp. —
Notes on tho genus Cephaleuthorus of Rafinesquo, and other rays with
aberrant pectoral fins [Propterygia and Hieroptera]. 4 pp. — Notes on
Cliaracinoid fishes with Ctenoid scales, with a description of a now Psectro-
gastor. 5 pp. — The differential characters of Cliaracinoid and Erythrinoid
fishes, 5 pp. — Notes on Orectolobus or Crossorhinus, a genus of sharks.
2 pp. - Note on the fishes of th e genus Characinus. 3 pp. - The nomenclature
of Rachicentron or Elacate, a genus of Acanthopterygian fishes. 3 pp. —
Note on the nomenclature of the Poecilioid fishes. 4 pp. — The nomenclature
of the fishes of tho Characinoid genus Tetragonopterus. 3 pp. —
TV. J. Holland: List of th e Lepidoptera collected in Eastern Africa by TV. E.
Abbott, with descriptions of some apparently new species. 1 pl. 30 pp. —
List of th e Lepidoptera collected in Somali-Land, East Africa, by TV. A.
Cbanlcr and E. von Hbliiicl. 1 pl. 20 pp. - G. P . M e rrill: Notes on asbestos
and abestiform minerals. 4 flg. 12 pp. — E. Ridgway: Preliminary description
of some now birds from th e Galapagos Archipelago. 2 pp. — C. T.
Simpson: The classification and geographical distribution of th e pearly fresli
water mussels. 1 pl. 49 pp. — F. TV. T rn e: Note on the occurence of on
armadillo of th e genus Xenurus in Honduras. 2 pl. 3 pp. - M. J. Eatlibnu:
The genus CallineotBs. 19 pl. 27 pp. - C. T. Simpson: Description of four
new triassic unios from the Staked Plains of Texas. 5 flg. 5 pp. — D. TV.
Coqnillctt: Revision of the Nord American Empidae, a family of two —
winged insects. 54 pp. — R. Ridgway: Description of a new subspecies of
the genus Peucedramus, coues. 1 pp. - E. A. Macriis: Preliminary diagnoses
of new mammals from the Mexican border of th e United States. 5 pp. —
R. Ridgway: Characters of a new American family of passerine birds. 2 pp. —
C. TV. Richmond: Catalogue of a collection of birds made by TV. L. Abbott
in Kashmir, Baltistan and Ladak, with notes on some of the species, and
a description of a new species of Cyaneoula. 53 pp. — F. A. Lncas: Osteo-
logical and pterylographical characters of tlie Procniatidae. 5 fig. 3 pp. —
R. Ridgway: On birds collected by TV. E. Abbott in th e Seychelles, Amiran-
tes, Gloriosa, Assumption, Aldabra, and adjacent islands, w ith notes on
habits, etc., by the collector. 38 pp. - - II. C. Oberliolscr: Descriptions of
two new subspecies of th e downy woodpecker, Dryobatus pubescens [Linnaeus].
4 pp. — E. A. Mcarns: Preliminary description of a new subgenus
and six new species and subspecies of hares, from the Mexican border of
the United States. 15 pp. — T. Gill: Note on Plootroplites and Hypoplec-
trodes, genera of Serranoid fishes. 2 pp. - C. TV. Richmond: Catalogue ol'
a colleotioa of birds mado by TV. E. Abbott in eastern Turkestan, the
Thian-Shan mountains, and Tagdumbasli Pamir, Centrai-Asia, with notes
on some of the species. 23 pp. — S. 1). Judd: Descriptions of three species
of sand fleas [Amphipods], collected at Newport, Rhode Island. 11 fig.
11 pp. — TV. Eichbofl': Remarks on the synonymy of some North American
Scolytid beetles. 6 pp. - C. D. TValcott: Fossil jelly fishes from tho middle
Cambrian terrane. 2 pl. 4 pp. — J. E. Benedict: Preliminary descriptions
of a new genus and throe new species of crustaceans from an artesian
well a t San Marcos, Texas. 3 pp. — E. Stejnegcr: Description of a new-
gonus and species of blind tailed Batrachians from the subterranean waters
of Texas. 3 pp. — TV. C. Kendall: Description of a new stickleback, Gaste