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strations of seven species of fossils from the Cambrian, Camhro silurian,
and Devonian rocks of Canada. — Revised list of tho fossils of the Guelph
formation of Ontario. With Appendix, consisting of a list of errata, and an
■index to the volume.
2-3 (X X III-X L II) pl. 25 flg. 110 (243-352) pp.
Mesozoic fossils. Vol. I. P a rt IV. 1900. AVhiteaves, J. F. On .some additional
or imperfectly understood fossils from the cretaceous rocks of the Queen
Charlotte Islands, with a revised lis t of the species from these rocks.
7 (X X X III-X X X IX ) pl. 2 flg. 45 (263-307) pp.
Part V (and last) 1903. AVliiteavcs, J. F. On some additional fossils from the
Vancouver cretaceous, with a revised list of th e species therefrom.
12 (X L -L I) pl. 14 fig. 108 (308-415) pp.
AAhitcaves, J. P. Catalogue of the Marine Invertebrata of Eastern Canada.
Ottowa, 1901. In gr. 8°.
271 pp.
Peiihallow, D. P. Report on tertiary plants of British Columbia collected by
L. M. Lambe in 1906, together with a discussion of previously recorded
tertiary floras. 1908. In 4°.
33 fig. 167 pp.
Standard Topographical map Ontario, Ontario sheet.
Idem idem idem Hamilton sheet.
Relief map of the Dominion of Canada.
Map of the Jukon Territory.
Special map of Rossland.
Geological cart. Minerals.
Plan and section Salmon river gold district.
Preliminary geological map of Gowganda mining division.
No. 770. Geological map of a portion of Ontario (Bancroft map).
Resource map Dominion of Canada.
Plans and Sections of Gold districts.
No. 622. Killag, Halifax county. — No. 645. Goldenville, Guysborough county. —
No. 646. Moose River, Halifax county. - No. 648. Mooseland, Halifax
county. — No. 649. Forest Hill, Guysborough county, — No. 650. Fifteen
mile Stream, Halifax county. - No. 656, Upper Seal harbour, Guysborough
county. Richardson mine. - No.666. Lawrencetown, Halifax county. - No. 701.
Renfrew, Hants county. — No. 709. Mount Uniacke, Hants county. —
No. 721. Waverley, Halifax county. - No. 740. Montague, Halifax county. —
No. 768. South Uniacke, Hants county. — No. 773. Tangier, Halifax
county. — No. 832. Isaac Harbour (Goldboro), Guysborough county. —
No. 843. Cochran Hill, Guysborough county. - No. 844. Gold river, Lunenburg
county. — No. 867. Wine Harbour, Guysborough county. — No. 937.
Leipsigate, Lunenburg county. - No. 945. Harrigan Cove, Halifax county. -
No. 995. Plan and section of Malaga Gold district. Queens county. —
No. 1012. Plan and sections of Brookfield gold district.
North West Territories. Map No. 915. Southwest coast of Hudson Bay.
British Columbia Map. No. 604. Shuswap sheet. No. 669. Shuswap sheet.
Economic minerals, Glacial Striae, etc. — Quebec. No. 1007. Preliminary
geological map of a group of townships adjoining Lake Timiskaming,
No. 1066. Geological map of an area adjoining the east side of Lake Timiskaming.
E T A T S -U N IS .
Maryland State Geological and Economic Survey. Baltimore.
Reports on the County resources. Baltimore. The Johns Hopkins Press.
In gr. 8°.
Report No. 4. 1907. Calvert County.
3 cartes. 16 pl. 11 fig. 227 pp.
Report No. 5. 1907. St. Mary’s County.
3 cartes. 16 pl. 12 fig. 209 pp.
Museum of Comperative Zoology a t Harvard College, in Cambridge, Mass.
Ad pag. 728. III.
Vol. XLII. [Geological series, VI]. 1903—1905. AV. M. Davis: An excursion to
the Plateau province of Utah and Arizona. 7 pl. 14 fig. 50 pp. - E. AV. Skeats:
The chemical composition of limestones from upraised coral islands, with
notes on th eir microscopical structures. 76 pp. — AV. JI. Davis: Tho Mountain
Ranges of the Great Basin. 7 pl. 18 fig. 52 pp. - R. S. T a rr: Postglacial
and interglacial (?) changes of level at Cape Ann, Massachusetts. - With
a note on the elevated beaches. By J. B. AVoodworth. 13 pl, 18 pp. —
E. Huntington and J. AV. Goldthwait: The Hurricane fault in the Toqueville
District, Utah. 7 pl. 13 fig. 61 pp. - J, AV. Goldthwait: The sand plains
of glacial lake Sudbury. 5 pl. 5 fig. 39 pp.
Vol. XLIV. [Geological series, VII]. 1904. J. C. Bran u er: The stone reefs of
Brazil, th eir geological and geographical relations, with a chapter on the
coral reefs. 99 pl. 104 fig. 285 pp.
Vol. XLIX. [Geological series, VIII], 1905—1908. AV. JI. Davis: Glaciation of
the Sawatoh Range, Colorado. 1 pl. 5 fig. 11 pp. - The Wasatch, Canyon,
and House Ranges, Utah. 3 pl. 28 fig. 42 pp. - G. R Mansflcld; Posb
pleistocene drainage modifications in the Black Hills and Bighorn Mountains.
4 pl. 9 fig. 29 pp. - The origin and stru c tu re of th e Roxbury conglomerate.
7 pl. 10 fig. 182 pp. - H. G. Fergnsou and P. N. Tiirgeon: An occurence
of barney granite in the Northern Black Hills. 3 pl. 8 pp. - T. A. J ag g a r J r .:
Experiments illustrating erosion and sedimentation. 6 pl, 5 fig. 21 pp. -
H. E. Jlerwiu: Some late Wisconsin and post-AA'isoonsin shore-lines of
Northwestern Vermont. 3 pl. 22 pp.
Vol. LV. [Geological series. Vol. IX. No. 1]. 1912. J . B. AA'oodworth: Harvard
seismographio station, third annuel report for the year, 1 August, 1910-31
July, 1911. 23 pp.
Vol. LVI. [Geological series. Vol. X. Shaler memorial series, No, 1]. 1912.
J. R. AVoodworth: Geological expedition to Brazil and Chile, 1908—1909.
37 pl. 36 fig. 137 pp,
Wisconsin Geological and Natural history Survey. Madison.
Voyes: 06. Sociétés générales. Academies. Ad pag. 139. IA».
Geological and Natural history Sui’vey. Mimiea.polis.
Voyez: 06. Sociétés générales. Academies. Ad pag. 140. IV.
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