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f. Professional Papers. Ad pag. 1064 III.
No. 9. 1903. H. D. Laiigille, F. G. Plnmmer, A. Dodwell, T. F. Rixon and
J. B. Fciberg: Forest conditions in the Cascade range forest reserve
Oregon. With an introduction by H. Gannett. 4 oartes. 37 pl. 298 pp.
„ 10. 1902. TV. C. Mendenhall: Reconnaissance from F o rt Hamlin to Kotzebue
Sound, Alaska by way of Dali, Kanuti, Allen and Kowak rivers.
4 cartes. 5 pl. 68 pp.
„ 11. 1903. H. Ries: The clays of tho United States. East of th e Mississippi
river. 5 cartes. 4 pl. 11 fig. 298 pp.
„ 12. 1903. F. 1. Ransome: Geology of the Globe copper district, Arizona.
3 oartes. 24 pl. 10 fig. 168 pp.
„ 13. 1903. TV. G. Tight: Drainage modifications in southeastern Ohio and
adjacent parts of West Virginia and Kentucky. 4 oartes. 13 pl. 1 fig 108 pp.
„ 14. 1903. II. S. Washington: Chemical analyses of igneous rooks. Published
from 1884 to 1900. W'ith a critical discussion of th e character and
use of analyses. 495 pp.
„ 15. 1903. W. C. Mendenhall and F. C. Schrader: The mineral resources of
th e Mount Wrangel district, Alaska. 4 oartes. 6 pl. 5 fig. 71 pp.
„ 16. 1903. G. H. Girty: The carboniferous formations and faunas of Colorado.
10 pl. 546 pp.
„ 17. 1903. N. H. Darton: Preliminary report on the geology and water
resources of Nebraska west of the one hundred and third meridian.
9 cartes. 34 pl. 23 fig. 66 pp.
„ 18. 1903. J. P. Iddings: Chemical composition of igneous rooks. Expressed
by means of diagrams. With reference to rock classification on a
quantitative chemioo-mineralogical basis. 8 pl. 98 pp.
„ 19. 1903. G. 0. Smith: Geology and physiography of Central Washington.
B. Willis: Physiography and deformation of th e Wenatchee-Chelan
district, Cascade Range. [Contributions to th e geology of Washington].
7 pl. 1 fig. 101 pp.
„ 20. 1904. F. C. Schrader: A reconnaissance in northern Alaska, across the
Rocky Mountains, along Koyukuk, John, Anaktuvuk and Colville
rivers and the arctic coast to Cape Lisburne, in 1901, with notes by
TV. J . Peters. 16 pl. 4 fig. 139 pp.
„ 21. 1904, P. L. Ransome: The geology and ore deposits of the Bisbee
quadrangle, Arizona. 3 cartes. 26 pl. 5 fig. 168 pp.
„ 22. 1904. J. B. Lciherg, T. F. Rixon and A. Dodwell: Forest conditions
in th e San Francisco mountains forest reserve, Arizona. 1 carte. 6 pl.
62 pp.
„ 23. 1904. F. G. Plnmmer: Forest conditions in the Black Mesa forest
reserve, Arizona. From notes by T. P. Rixon and A. Dodwell. 7 pl. 62 pp.
„ 24. 1904. G. I. Adams, assisted by A. H. Purdue and E. F. Rurchard: Zinc
and lead deposits of northern Arkansas. With a section on the determination
and correlation of formations by E, 0. Ulrich. 27 pl. 6 fig. 118 pp.
„ 25. 1904. A. C. Spencer: The copper deposits of the Encampment district,
Wyoming. 2 oartes. 49 flg. 167 pp.
„ 26. 1904. J. D. Irving, with contributions by S. F. Emmons and T. A.
Jaggar Jr.: Economic resources of the northern Black Hills. 20 pl.
16 fig. 222 pp.
„ 27. 1904. W. L indgren : Geological reconnaissance across the Bitterroot Range
and Clearwater Mountains in Montana and Idaho. 15 pl. 8 flg. 123 pp.
55. G E O L O G IE 483
No. 28,
„ 33.
„ 34.
„ 36.
„ 37.
„ 38.
„ 39.
„ 40.
„ 41.
„ 42.
„ 43.
„ 44.
„ 45.
„ 46,
1904. H. S. Washington: The superior analyses of igneous rooks from
Roth’s tabollen, 1869 to 1884, arranged according to the quantitavive
system of classification. 68 pp.
1904. J. B. Leiherg: Forest conditions in the Absaroka division of the
Yellowstone forest reserve, Montana, and th e Livingston and big
timber quadrangles. 3 pl. 148 pp.
1904. J. B. Leiherg: Forest conditions in the Little Belt Mountains
forest reserve, Montana, and the Little Belt Mountains quadrangle.
2 pl. 75 pp.
1904. J. A. Taff: Pre lim in ary report on the geology of th e Arbuokle
and Wichita mountains in Indian territory and Oklahoma. With an
appendix on reported ore deposits of the Vfichita Mountains by
H. Forster Bain. 8 pl. 1 fig. 97 pp.
1905. N. H. Darton: Preliminary report on th e geology and un d e rground
water resources of the Central Great Plains. 2 oartes. 70 pl.
18 fig. 433 pp.
1905. T. G. Plummer and M. G. Gowsell: Forest conditions in the
Lincoln forest reserve. New Mexico. 1 carte. 11 pl. 47 pp.
1904. TV. C. Alden: The Delavan lobe of the Lake Michigan glacier of the
Wisconsin stage of glaciation and associated phenomena. 15 pl. 106 pp.
1905. G. 0. Smith and D. White: The geology of the Perry basin in
southeastern Maine. 1 carte. 5 pl. 107 pp.
1905. E. 0. Ulrich and W. S. Tangier Smith: The lead, zinc and fluorspar
deposits of Western Kentucky.
P a rt I. E. 0. Ulrich: Geology and general relations. 2 cartes. 5 pl. 105 pp.
P a rt II. TV. S. Tangier Smith: Ore deposits and mines. 1 carte 7 pl.
31 flg. 104 (115-218) pp.
1905. H. B. Ayres and W. W. Ashe: The Southern Appalachian forests.
2 oartes. 36 pl. 2 fig. 291 pp.
1905. J. M. Bontwell: Economic geology of the Bingham mining district,
Utah. With a section on areal geology by A. Keith and an introduction
on general geology by S. F. Emmons. 3 cartes. 46 pl. 10 fig. 413 pp.
1905. T. F. Rixon: Forest conditions in the Gila river forest reserve,
New Mexico. 1 carte. 1 pl. 89 pp.
1905. A. Hyatt and J. P. Smith: The triassic cephalopod genera of
America. 85 pl- 1 fig. 394 pp.
1905. W. C. Mendenhall: Geology of th e Central Copper river region,
Alaska. 3 cartes. 19 pl. 11 fig. 133 pp.
1905. J. E. SpniT: Geology of the Tonopah mining district, Nevada.
24 pl. 78 fig. 295 pp.
1905. TV. Lindgren: The copper deposits of the Clifton-Morenci district,
Arizona. 1 carte. 24 pl. 19 fig. 375 pp.
1906. A. C. Veatch, C. S. Slichter, I. Bowman, TV. 0. Crosby and
R. E. Horton: Underground water resources of Long Island, New York.
1 carte. 34 pl. 71 fig. 394 pp.
1906. A. H. Brooks: The geography and geology of Alaska. A summary
of existing knowledge. With a section on climate by C. Abhc Ji-. and
a topographic map and description thereof by E. U. Goode. 35 pl.
1 carte. 6 fig. 327 pp.
1906. A. C. Veatch: Geology and underground water resources of
northern Louisiana and southern Arkansas. 5 oartes. 44 pi. 33 fig. 422 pp.
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