Appendixes 1 - 4 . Museum bulletins.
Bulletin, 77. F. J. H. Me rrill: Geology of the vicinity of Little Palls, Herkimer
13 pl. 8 fig. 95 pp.
Id. 70. H. P. Wliitlock: List of New York mineral localeties.
108 pp.
Bulletin, 80. J . M. Clarke: Report of the State paleontologist, 1903 3 pl
133 pp. - Percé: A brief sketch of its geology. 4 pl. 39 pp. - G. H. Hudson:
Contributions to th e fauna of th e Chazy limestone on Valcour Island, Lake
hamplam. 5 pl. 7 fig. 26 pp. - H. >y. Shinier: Upper siluric and lower
devomo faunas of Trilobite Mountain. 4 pl. 10 fig. 57 pp. - R. Ruedeiiiaim:
Ih e stru c tu re of some primitive cephalopods. 8 pl. 26 fig. 46 pp. - C. A. Hart-
iiagel: Notes on the siluric or Ontario section ef eastern New York. 17 pp.
Bulletin, 71. J . L. Kellogg: Feeding habits and growth of Venus mercenaria
8 fig. 28 pp.
Vol. I. P a rt II. 1905.
Appendix 5. Museum bulletins.
Bulletin, 72. E. P. F e lt: Gravepine root worm.
13 pl. 55 pp.
i4. E. P . Felt and L. H. Jo n te l: Monograph of the genus Saperda.
14 pi. 86 pp.
76. E. P. F e lt: 19th Report of th e State entomologist on injurious
and other insects of the State of New York, 1903.
4 pl. 145 pp.
79. E. P. F e lt: Mosquitos or Culicidae of New York State
57 pl. 113 fig. 151 pp.
Vol. II. 1905. Appendixes 6 - 7 . Museum bulletins.
Bulletin, 7o. C: H. Peek: Report of the State botanist. 1903.
3 pl. 68 pp.
73. W. M. Beauchami): Metallic ornements of the New York Indians
37 pl. 120 pp.
78. W. M. Beauchamp: A history of the New York Iroquois.
17 pl. 337 pp.
Vol. III. 1905. Appendix 8. Museum memoirs. In 4°.
Memoir 5. J M. Clarke and K. Ruedcmauii: Guelph fauna in the State of
New York.
21 p]. 196 pp.
Id. 6. J . M, Clarke: Naples fauna in western New York. Pa rt 2
1 carte, 26 pl. 16 fig. 268 pp.
Vol. IV. 1905. Appendix 8 (continued) Museum memoirs. In 4°
Memoir 7. E , Euedemaun: Graptolites of New York.
1 carte, 17 pl. 105 flg. 350 pp.
58th Annual report 1904.
- Geology and paleontology. - Mine-
lalogy. Botany. _ Entomology. - Zoology. - Archeology. - Publicatmns.
Collections. - Accessions. - Localities of American paleozoic
În e P^ieo^oic fossils. -
Specimens of tertiary fossils from the Pebas on the Maranhao river. Brazil
Appendix 1. Museum bulletins.
Bulletin, 83. J B. Woodworth: Pleistocene geology of the Mooers quadrangle.
25 pl. 59 pp.
Bulletin, 84. J . B. Woodworth: Ancient waterlevels of the Champlain and
Hudson valleys.
28 pl. 22 flg. 201 pp.
Id. 95. H. P . Cushing: Geology of th e northern Adirondack region.
18 pl. 9 fig. 183 pp.
Id. 96. Ida H. Ogllvic: Geology of the Paradox lake quadrangle, New York.
1 carte, 17 pl. 1 fig. 47 pp.
Vol. II. 1906. Appendix 2. Museum bulletins.
Bulletin, 85. G. W. R a fte r: Hydrology of th e State of New York.
45 pl. 74 flg. 902 pp.
Id. 93. D. H. Newland: The mining and quarry industry of New York State.
71 pp.
Vol. III. 1906. Appendix 3. Museum bulletins.
Bulletin, 81. J . M. Clarke and D. D. L u th e r: Geology of the Watkins and
Elmira quadrangles.
1 carte, 27 pp.
Id. 82. .1. M. Clarke and D. D. L u th e r: Geologic map of tho Tully quadrangle.
1 carte, 36 pp.
Id. 92. A. W. Graban: Guide to th e geology and paleontology of the
Schoharie valley in eastern New- York.
1 carte, 24 pl. 223 fig. 310 pp.
Id. 90. B. Euedemaun: Cephalopoda of th e Beekman town and Chazy formations
of the Champlain basin.
38 pl. 57 flg. 219 pp.
Vol. 1906. Appendixes 4 — 6. Museum bulletins.
Bulletin, 88. Elizabeth J . Letson; Check list of th e Mollusca of New York.
110 pp.
Id. 91. P. C. P an lm ie r: Higher Crustacea of New York city.
59 flg. 73 pp.
Id. 87. W. M. Beauchamp: Perch lake mounds.
12 pl. 80 pp.
Id. 89. W. M. Beauchamp: Aboriginal use of wood in New York.
35 pl. 186 pp.
Id. 94. C. H. P e c k : Report of the State botanist 1904.
10 pi. 54 pp.
Vol. V. 1906. Appendix 7. Museum bulletins.
Bulletin, 86. J . G. Needham: May flies and midges of New York. Third report
on aquatic insects.
37 pl. 850 pp.
Id. 97. E. P . F e lt: 20th Report of the State entomologist. 1904.
19 pl. 24 fig. 239 pp.
59th Annual report. 1905. Vol. I. Second report of th e Director of the Science
division including the 59th report of the State Museum, the 25th report of
the State geologist and the report of the State paleontologist for 1905.
1 carte, 20 pl. 99 pp.
Appendix 1. 2. Museum bulletins.
Bulletin, 100. W. E. McCoiirt: Fire tests of some New York building stones.
22 pl. 38 pp.
Id. 106. H. L. Fairchild: Glacial waters in the Lake Erie basin.
1 carte, 15 pl. 86 pp.