: V
: i l
169. Everts, E. Coleoptera Neerlandica. Ad pag. 501. III.
Deel II. 1903. 8 pl. 62 fig. 796 pp.
Supplement. 1903. Lichaamsbouw, ontwikkeling en verblÿf, alsmede een körte
mededeeling over het verzamelen en prepareeren. 6 pl. 138 pp.
161. Ganglbauer, L. Die Käfer von Mitteleuropa. Ad pag. 501. III.
Band IV. Erste Hälfte. 1904. Dermestidae, Byrrhidae, Nosodendridae, Georyssidae,
Dryopidae, Heterooeridae, Hydrophilidae.
12 fig. 286 pp.
A cessé de paraître.
162. Ter Haar, ü . Onze vlinders. Zutphen, W. J. Thieme & Go. S. d.
In 4°. Ad pag. 502. III.
[Bewerking van Bcrge’s Schmetterlingbuch].
47 pl. IV + L + 407 pp.
163. Hampson, G. F. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the
British Museum. Ad pag. 502. III.
Vol. IV. 1903. Noctuidae [Agrotinae].
23 [55-77] pl. ool. 125 fig. XX + 689 pp.
Id. V. 1905. Noctuidae [Hadeninae].
18 [78-95] pl. ool. 172 flg. XVI + 634 pp.
Id. VI. 1906. Noctuidae [Cuoullianae].
12 [96-107] pl. col. 172 fig. XIV + 532 pp.
Id. VII. 1908. Nootuidea [Aoronyctinae].
15 [108-122 pl. col. 184 fig. XV + 709 pp.
Id. VIII. 1909. Noctuidae [Aoronyctinae, II].
14 [123-136] pl. ool. 162 flg. XIV + 583 pp.
Id. IX. 1910. Noctuidae [Aoronyctinae, III].
11 [137-147] pl. ool. 247 fig. XV + 552 pp.
Id. X. 1910. Noctuidae [Erastrianae].
26 [148-173] pl. col. 214 flg. XIX + 829 pp.
Id. XI. 1912, Nootuidea [Eutelianae, Stiotopterinae, Sarrothripinae and Acontinae].
[174-191] pl. ool. 275 fig. XVII.
174. Moore, F. and Swinhoe, C. Lepidoptera indica. Ad pag. 503. III.
Vol. V. 1901-1903. Rhopalocera. Family Nymphalidae. Subfamily Nympha-
linae [continued], groups Melitaeina and Eurytelina. Subfamilies
Acraeinae, Pseudergolinae, Calinaginae and Libytheinae.
Family Riodinidae, subfamily Nemeobiinae.
Family Papilionidae, subfamilies Parnassiinae. Thaidinae, Leptooir-
cinae and Papilioninae.
88 [379-466] pl. col. V III + 248 pp.
Id. VI. 1903-1905. Rhopalocera. Family Papilionidae. Subfamily Papilioninae
Family Pleridae. Subfamily Pierinae.
84 [467-550] pl. col. VIII + 240 pp.
Id. VII. 1905-1910. Rhopalocera. Family Papilionidae. Subfamily Pierinae
[continued], Family Lycaenidae. Subfamilies Gerydinae, Lyoaenop-
sinae and Everinae.
89 [551-639] pl. col. X + 286 pp.
Vol. VIII. 1910—1911. Rhopalocera. Family Lycaenidae. Subfamilies Lyoaeninae,
Plebeinea, Lampidinae, Chrysophaninae, Poritiinae, Amblypodiinae,
Curetinae, Liphyrinae, Ruralinae.
66 [640-705] pl. col. IX + 293 pp.
Id. IX. 1911-1912. Rhopalooera. Family Lycaenidae [continued]. Subfamilies
Horaginae, Deudorixinae, Hypolyoaeninae, Zesiusinae, Aphnaeinae,
Biduandinae, Cheritrinae, Loxurinae. Family Hesperiidae. Subfamilies
Ismeneinae, Aohalarinae.
51 [706-756] pl. col. V III + 278 pp.
177. Kühl, F. und Heyne, A. Die palaearktischen Grossschmettorlinge
und ihre Naturgeschichte. Ad pag. 504. III.
Band II. Lief. 1 - 7 . 1899-1902. Nachfalter. Bearbeitet von M. Bartel.
366 pp.
A cessé de paraître.
203. Leech, J. H. Butterflies from China, Japan and Corea, London,
R. H. Porter. In 4°.
Vol. I. 1892-1893. Nymphalidae and Lemoniidae.
LV + 297 pp.
Id. II. 1893-1894. Lycaendae, Papilionidae, and Hesperiidae.
384 [298-681] pp.
Atlas 1892-1894. 1 carte. 5 + 43 pp.
204. E. E. Austen: A monograph of the Tsetse-flies (Genus Glossina,
Westwood) based on the collection in the British Museum. With
a chapter on mouths-parts by H. J. Hansen. London, Longmans
and Co. 1903. In 8 °.
9 pl. 1 carte. 16 fig. IX + 319 pp.
205. Wollaston, T. Y. Coleoptera Sanctae-Helenae. London, J. van Voorst,
1877. In 8 °.
1 pl. XXV + 256 pp.
206. Siebold, C. T. E. von. On a true parthenogenesis in Moths and
Bees, a contribution to the history of reproduction in animals.
Translated by W. S. Dallas. London, ■/. van Voorst, 1857. In 8 °.
1 pl. VII + 110 pp.
207. Willîinson, S. J. The british Tortrices. London, J. van Voorst. 1859.
In 8 °.
4 pl. VII + 328 pp.
208. Wollaston, T. Y. Insecta Maderensia; being an account of the insects
of the islands of the Madeiran group. London, J. van Voorst. 1854.
In 4°.