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No 271. 1911. W. B. Cliipp and F. F. Heiishim: Surfaoo water supply of tho
United States. 1909, P a rt XI. California. 6 pl. 1 fig. 256 pp.
272 1911. J. C. Stevens, E. C. La Rue and F. F. Henshaw: Surface water
supply of th e United States. 1909. P a rt X II. North Pacific coast.
• 8 pl. 521 pp.
273. 1911. H. N. Tarker: Quality of the water supplies of Kansas. With
a preliminary report on stream pollution by mine waters in southeastern
Kansas. 1 carte. 1 fig. 375 pp.
274. 1911. H. Stabler: Some stream waters of the Western United States,
with chapters on sediment carried by th e Rio Grande and the industria
l application of water analyses. 188 pp.
275. 1911. 0. E. Meinzer: Geology and water r e s o u r c e s of E stanoia valley,
New Mexico. V7ith notes on ground water conditions in adjacent
parts of Central New Mexico. 14 pl. 7 fig. 89 pp.
276. 1911. C. H. Gordon: Geology and underground waters of northeastern
Texas. 2 pl. 6 fig. 78 pp.
277. 1911. 0. E. Meinzer: Ground water in Juab, Millard and iron counties
Utah. In cooperation with the State of Utah oaleb tanner State
engineer. 1 carte. 4 pl. 13 fig. 162 pp.
„ 278. 1911. H. B. Johnson: Water resources of Antelope valley. California.
1 carte. 6 pl. 11 fig. 92 pp.
279. 1912. H. K. Barrows and C. C. Rahh: Water resources of the Penobscot
river basin Maine. 7 carres. 12 pl. 5 flg. 285 pp.
280. 1912. B. D. Wood: Gaging stations maintained by th e United States
Geological Survey 1888-1910 and Survey publications relating to
water resources. 102 pp.
282. 1912. M. R. Hall and J. G. Mathers: Surface water supply of the
United States. 1910. Pa rt II. South Atlantic coast and Eastern Gulf
of Mexico. 3 pl. 109 pp.
285. 1912. R. Follanshee, A. II. Horton and G. C. Stevens: Surface water
supply of th e United States. P a rt V. Hudson Bay and Upper Mississippi
river. 4 pl. 318 pp.
„ 286. 1911. W. A. Lamb, W. R. Freeman, R. Bichards and R. C. Rice: Surface
water supply of the United States. 1910. P a rt VI. Missouri river basin.
4 pl. 1 flg. VII + 308 pp.
287. 1911. W. B. Freeman and J. G. Mathers: Surface w a te rsu p p ly of the
United States. 1910. P a rt VII. Lower Mississippi basin. 2 pl. 91 pp.
„ 288. 1911. AV. B, Freeman and J. G. Mathers: Surface water supply of
the United States. 1910. P a rt VIII. AVestern Gulf of Mexico. 3 pl.
1 fig. 149 pp.
d. Bulletins. Ad pag. 1062. III.
No. 208. 1903. J. E. Spnrn: Descriptive geology of Nevada south of the fortieth
parallel and adjacent portions of California. 8 pl. 229 pp.
209. 1903. R. A. Daly: The geology of Ascutney Mountain, Vermont.
7 pl. 122 pp.
„ 210. 1903. H. S. Williams: The correlation of geological fauna, a contribution
to Devonian paleontology. 1 pl. 147 pp.
211. 1903. G. Adams, G. H. Girty and D. White: Stratigraphy and paleontology
of th e Upper carboniferous rooks of the Kansas section.
10 pl. 4 cartes. 123 pp.
No. 212. 1903. C. W, Hayes and W. Kennedy: Oil fields of the Texas Louisana
gulf coastal plain. 11 pl. 12 fig. 147 pp.
„ 213. 1903. S. F. Emmons and C. W. Hayes: Contributions to economic
geology. 1902. 449 pp.
„ 214. 1903. S. S. Gannett: Geographic tables and formulas. 5 flg. 284 pp.
„ 215, 1903. P. C. Warmnn: Catalogue and index of the publications of the
United States Geological Survey. 1901 to 1903. 234 pp.
„ 216. 1903. S. S. Gannett: Results of primary triangulatiou and primary
traverse. 1 carte. 222 pp.
„ 217. 1903. I. C. Russell: Notes on the geology of southwestern Idaho and
southeastern Oregon. IS pl. 83 pp.
„ 218. 1903. A. J. Collier: Coal resources of the Yukon, Alaska. 18 pl. 71 pp.
„ 219. 1903. J. E. Spurr: The ore deposits of Tonopah, Nevada. [Preliminary
report]. 1 pl. 31 pp.
„ 220. 1903. F. W. Clarke: Mineral analyses from the laboratories of the
United States Geological Survey. 1880 to 1903. 119 pp.
„ 221. 1903. F. B. AVceks: Bibliography and Index of North American geology,
paleontology, petrology and mineralogy for the year 1902 . 200 pp.
„ 222. 1904. L. F. Schmeckebler: Catalogue and Index of the publications
of the Hayden, King, Powell and Wheeler Surveys. 208 pp.
„ 223. 1904. G. I. Adams: Gypsum deposits in th e United States. 21 pl. 129 pp.
„ 224. 1904, H. Gannett: A gazetteer of Texas [Second edition]. 7 pl. 177 pp.
„ 225. 1904. S. T. Emmons and C. W. Hayes: Contributions to economic
geology. 1903. 1 pl. 11 flg. 527 pp.
„ 226. 1901. H. Gannett: Boundaries of the United States and of th e several
States and Territories with an outline of the history of all important
changes of territory. [Third edition]. 54 pl. 145 pp.
„ 227. 1904. The United States Geological Survey. Its origin, development,
organization and operations. 9 pl. 5 fig. 205 pp.
„ 228. 1904. F. W. Clarke: Analyses of rooks from th e laboratory of the
United States Geological Survey. 1880 to 1903. 375 pp.
„ 229. 1904. A. J. Collier: The tin deposits of th e York Region, Alaska.
7 pl. 5 fig. 61 pp.
„ 230. 1904. H. Gannett: A gazetteer of Delaware. 15 pp.
„ 231. 1904. H. Gannett: A gazetteer of Maryland. 84 pp.
„ 232. 1904. H. Gannett: A gazetteer of Virginia. 159 pp.
„ 233. 1904. H. Gannett: A gazetteer of West Virginia. 164 pp.
„ 234. 1904. S. S. Gannett: Geographic tables and formules. Second edition.
5 flg. 310 pp.
„ 235. 1904. G. 0. Smith and F. C. Calkins: A geological reconnaissance
across the Casoada Range near the forty-ninth parallel. 4 pl. 103 pp.
„ 236. 1904. C. W. AVrlght: The Porcupine placer district, 10 pl. 35 pp.
„ 237. 1904. L. V. Plrsson: Petrography and geology of the igneous rooks
of the Highwood Mountains, Montana. 7 pl. 208 pp.
„ 238, 1904. G. I. Adams, E. Haworth and AV. R. Crane: Economic geology
of th e loia quadrangle, Kansas. 1 pl. 83 pp.
„ 239. 1905. C. K, Leith: Rock cleavage. 27 pl. 216 pp.
„ 240. 1904. F. B. Weeks: Bibliography and index of North American geology,
paleontology, petrology and mineralogy, for the year 1903. 243 pp.
„ 241. 1904. G. F. Becker: Experiments on schistosity and slaty cleavage.
7 pl. 32 pp.
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