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No. 147. 1905. E. C. Mm-pliy: Deatruotive floods in the United States in 1904.
18 pl. 19 flg. 206 pp.
„ 148. 1905. C. N. GoiiM: Geology and waterresouroes of Oklahoma. 19 pl.
3 cartes. 32 fig. 178 pp.
„ 149. 1905. N. H. Darton: Preliminary list of deep borings in the United
States. 175 pp.
150. 1906. R. E. Horton: Weir experiments, coefficients and formulas.
33 pl. 16 fig. 189 pp.
„ 151. 1905. M. 0 . Leighton: Field assay of water. 4 pl. 3 fig. 76 pp.
„ 152. 1905. E. B. Goodell: A review of th e laws forbidding pollution of
inland waters in th e United States. Second edition. 149 pp.
„ 153. 1906. C. S. Slich te r: The underflow in Arkansas Valley in Western
Kansas. 3 pl. 24 fig. 90 pp.
„ 154. 1906. C. N. Gonld: The geology and water resources of the eastern
portion of the Panhandle of Texas. 15 pl. 4 fig. 64 pp.
„ 155. 1906. A. C. Veatch: Fluctuations of the water level in wells, with
special reference to Long Island, New York. 9 pl. 17 flg. 83 pp.
„ 156. 1906. L. S. Smith: Water powers of Northern AVisconsin. 1 carte. 5 pl.
5 fig. 145 pp.
„ 157. 1906. G. B. Richardson: Underground water in th e valleys of Utah
Lake and Jordan river, Utah. 9 pl. 5 fig. 81 pp.
„ 158. 1906. C. A. Fish e r: Preliminary report on the geology and underground
waters of th e Boswell artesian area, New Mexico. 3 cartes.
6 pl. 29 pp.
„ 159. 1906. A. F. Crider and L. C. Johnson: Summary of underground
w a te r resources of Mississippi. 1 carte. 5 pl. 11 flg. 86 pp.
„ 160. 1906. M. L. F u lle r: Underground-water papers. 1 carte. 4 fig.
104 pp.
„ 161. 1906. S. J . Lewes: Quality of water in th e Upper Ohio river basin
and at Erie. Pa. 6 pl. 3 fig. 114 pp.
„ 162. 1906. E. C. Mnrphy c.s.: Destructive floods in th e United States in
1905 with a discussion of flood discharge and frequency and an index
to flood literature. 3 cartes. 1 pl. 11 flg. 101 pp.
„ 163. 1906. M. L. Fuller, P. G. Clapp and B. L. Johnson: Bibliographic
review and index of Underground water literature published in the
United States in 1905. 130 pp.
„ 164. 1906. L. C. Glenn: Underground waters of Tennessee and Kentucky
west of Tennessee river and of on adjacent area in Illinois. 7 pl.
173 pp.
„ 165. 1906. Report of progress of stream measurements for the calender year
1905. H. K. Barrows and J . C. Hoyt: Pa rt I. Atlantic coast of New
England drainage. 1 carte. 2 fig. 155 pp.
„ 166. 1906. Idem. R. E. Horton, N. C. Grover and J . C. Hoyt: Part. II.
Hudson, Passaic, Raritan, and Deleware river drainages. 1 carte.
2 fig. 101 pp.
„ 167. 1906. Idem. N. C. Grover and J . C. Hoyt: P a rt III. Susquehanna,
Gunpowder, Patapsco Potomac, James, Roanoke and Yadkin river
drainages. 1 carte. 2 fig. 128 pp.
„ 168. 1906, Idem. M. R. Hall and J . C. Hoyt: P a rt IV. Santee, Savannah,
Ogeechee and Altamaha rivers and Eastern Gulf of Mexico drainages.
1 carte. 2 fig. 164 pp.
No. 169. 1906. Report of progress of stream measuremenis for th e calender year
1905. M. R, Hall, F. W. Hanna and J . C. Hoyt: P a rt V. Ohio and
Lower eastern Mississippi river drainages. 1 carte, 2 fig. 153 pp.
„ 170, 1906, Idem. R. E. Horton, F. W. Hanna and J . C. Hoyt: P a rt VI.
Great Lake and St. Lawrence river drainages. 1 carte. 2 fig. 116 pp.
„ 171. 1906. Idem. F. W. Hanna and J . C. Hoyt: Pa rt VII. Hudson Bay
and Upper eastern and Western Mississippi river drainages. 1 carte.
2 fig. 113 pp.
„ 172. 1906. Idem. C. C. Babh, M. C. Hiuderlider and J . C. Hoyt: P a rt VIII.
Missouri river drainage. 1 carte. 2 fig. 283 pp.
„ 173. 1906. Idem. M. C. Hiuderlider, J . M. Giles and J . C. Hoyt: P a rt IX.
Meramec, Arkansas, Bed and Lower Western Mississippi river drainages.
1 carte. 2 fig. 105 pp.
„ 174. 1906. Idem. T. U. Taylor and J . C. Hoyt: P a rt X. Western Gulf of
Mexico and Rio Grande drainages. 1 carte. 2 fig. 133 pp.
„ 175. 1906. Idem. M. C. Hiuderlider and G. L. Swendsen: P a rt XI. Colorado
River drainage above Yuma. 1 carte. 2 fig. 194 pp.
„ 176. 1906. Idem. M. C. Hiuderlider, G. L. Swendsen and H. T lm rte ll:
P a rt X II. The Great Basin drainage. 1 carte. 2 fig. 142 pp.
„ 177. 1906. Idem. W. B. Clapp and J . C. Hoyt: P a rt X III. Great Basin and
Pacific Ocean drainages in California and Colorado river drainage
below Gila river. 1 carte. 2 fig. 273 pp.
„ 178. 1906. Idem. D. W. Ross, J . T. Whistler and T. A. Noble: P a rt XIV.
Columbia River and Puget Sound drainages. 1 carte. 2 fig. 250 pp.
„ 179. 1906. H. Stabler: Prevention of stream pollution by distillery refuse.
Based on investigations a t Lynchburg, Ohio. 1 pl. 5 fig. 34 pp.
„ 180. 1906. B. E. R o rton: Turbine water wheel tests and power tables.
2 pl. 33 fig. 134 pp.
„ 181. 1906. W. T. Lee: Geology and water resources of Owens valley,
California. 6 pl. 28 pp.
„ 182. 1906. F. Leverett o.s.; Flowing wells and municipal water supplies
in the southern portion of the southern Peninsula of Michigan. 6 pl.
44 fig. XI + 292 pp.
„ 183. 1907. P. Leverett o. s.: Flowing wells and municipal water supplies
in th e middle and northern portions of the southern Peninsula of
Michigan. 5 pl. 69 fig. XIV + 393 pp.
„ 184. 19Ü6. C. S. Slichter and H. C. AVolff: The underflow of th e South
Platte Valley. 13 fig. 42 pp.
„ 185. 1906. C. E. A. Winslow and E. B. Ph e lp s: Investigations on the
purification of Boston sewage. Made a t th e Sanitary research laboratory
and sewage experiment station of the Massachusetts In stitu te
of technology. With a history of th e Sewage-disposal problem.
22 fig. 163 pp.
„ 186. 1906. H. Stabler: Stream pollution by acid-iron wastes. A report based
on investigations made at Shelby, Ohio. 1 pl. 36 pp.
„ 187. 1907. H. K. Barrows and R. E. Horton: Determination of stream
flow during th e frozen season. 1 pl. 14 fig. 93 pp.
„ 188. 1907. W. T. Lee: Water resources of the Rio Grande Valley in New
Mexico and th eir development. 10 pl. 2 fig. 59 pp.
„ 189. 1906. E. B. Ph e lp s: The prevention of stream pollution by strawboard
waste. 2 pl. 2 fig. 29 pp.