Crawford, J. C. New Hymenoptera from the Philippine islands.
„ „ „ Three new genera and species of parasatic Hymenoptera.
Proo. Ü. S. Nat. Mus. V. 38.
„ „ „ Descriptions of new Hymenoptera. I.
,j „ „ New South Amerioan parasitic Hymenoptera.
Proo. Ü. S. Nat. Mus. V. 39.
„ „ „ Descriptions of new Hymenoptera. II.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 40.
„ „ „ Descriptions of new Hymenoptera. III.
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Diuis, H. S. Spermatogenesis in Acrididae and Locustidae.
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„ „ Peloria en una flor de calabaza [Cucurbita pepo].
„ „ Trichodectes geomydis, Osborn. var. expansus, Alf. Duges.
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Dyar, H. G. Life histories of some North Amerioan moths.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 23.
„ „ „ Descriptions of th e larvae of some moths from Colorado.
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„ „ „ The Lepidoptera of the Kootenai district of British Columbia.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 27.
„ „ „ A descriptive list of a collection of early stages of Japanese Lepidoptera.
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u >, ,, A list of American cochlidian moths, with descriptions of new genera
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„ „ „ New genera of South American moths.
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„ „ „ Descriptions of new species of moths of tho family Cochlidiidae.
„ „ „ Eeport on the mosquitoes of the coast region of California, with
descriptions of new species.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus, V. 32.
„ „ „ Descriptions of some new species and genera of Lepidoptera from
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 38.
Dyar, H. G. and Knab, F, Descriptions of some new mosquitoes from tropical
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Eichhoff, W. Remarks on the synonemy of some North American Scolytid beetles.
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„ „ Anoplura [Siphunculata] et Mallophaga.
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Felt, E. P. Elm leaf-beetle in New-York.
52 An. Rep. N. York St. Mus. 1898.
„ „ „ Collection, preservation and distribution of New York insects.
53 An. Rep. N. York. St. Mus. 1899,
„ „ „ I6tb Report of th e state entomologist 1900.
„ „ „ Illustrated descriptive Catalogue of some of the more important
injurious and beneficial insects of New York. State.
„ „ „ Scale insects of importance and a list of th e species in New York
54 An. Rep. N. York. St. Mus. 1900.
„ „ „ Elm leaf beetle in New York State.
„ „ „ Grapevine root worm.
„ „ „ Report of the state entomologist on injurious and other insects of
th e State of New York.
56 An. Eep. N. York. St. Mus. 1902.
„ „ „ Report of the sta te entomologist on injurious and other insects of
the State of New York. 1903.
„ „ „ Mosquitos or Culicidae of New York State.
„ „ „ Gravepine root worm.
57 An. Rep. E. York. St. Mus. 1903.
„ „ „ Report of th e state entomologist. 1904.
58 An. Rep. N. York. St. Mus. 1904.
„ „ „ The gipsy and brown tail moths.
„ „ „ 21Ui Report of the state entomologist on injurious and other insects
of the State of New York. 1905.
„ „ „ Insects affecting park and woodland trees.
59 An. Rep. N. York. St. Mus. 1905.
„ „ „ Tvliite marked tussock moth and elm leaf beetle.
„ „ „ 22tii Reporth of the state entomologist on injurious and other
insects of the State of New York. 1906.
60 An. Rep. N. York. St. Mus. 1906.
„ „ „ 23tii Report of th e state entomologist on injurious and other insects
of the State of New York. 1907.
61 An. Eep. N. York. St. Mus. 1907.
„ „ „ Control of household insects.
„ „ „ 24*11 Report of the state entomologist on injurious and other insects
of the State of New York.
62 An. Rep. N. York. St. Mus. 1908.
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