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■ï 1 3 /
True, F. W. Description of a new species of deer, Cariacus clavatus, from
Central America.
„ „ „ On the occurence of Echinomys semispinosus, Tomes, in Nicaragua.
„ „ „ On th e mammals collected in eastern Honduras in 1887 hy
C. H. Townsend, with a description of a new subspecies of
Capromys, from Little Swan island.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 11.
„ „ „ Observations of th e life history of the hottlenose porpoise.
„ „ „ Description of two new species of mammals from Mount Kilima-
Njaro, East Africa.
„ „ „ Description of a new species of mouse, Phenacomys longicaudus,
from Oregon.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 13.
„ „ „ An annotated catalogue of the mammals collected by W. L. Abbott
in th e Kilama-Njaro region, East Africa.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 15.
„ „ „ Description ot a new species of fru it bat, Pteropus aldabrensis,
from Aldabra island.
„ „ „ Notes on a small collection of mammals from the Tana river, East
Africa, with descriptions of new species.
„ „ „ Description of a new species of mouse [Sitomys decolorus] from
Central America.
„ „ „ On the relationship of Taylor’s mouse Sitomys taylori.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 16.
„ „ „ On the rodents of the genus Sminthus in Kashmir.
„ „ „ Diagnosis of some undesoribed wood rats [genus Neotoma] in the
U. S. National Museum.
„ „ „ Notes on some skeletons and skulls of porpoises of the genus
Prodelphinus, collected by W. L. Abbott in the Indian Ocean.
„ „ „ Notes on mammals of Baltistan and th e Vale of Kashmir, presented
to th e National Museum, by W. L. Abbott.
„ „ „ Diagnoses of new North Amerioan mammals.
Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 17.
„ „ „ Note on th e occurence of an armadillo of the genus Xenurus in
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 18.
„ „ „ Note on a killer whale [genus Orcinus] from the coast of Maine.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 27.
Tnrner, W. The morphology of the manus in Platanista gangetioa, th e dolphin
of th e Ganges.
Proo. Roy. Soo. Edin. V. 30.
Johnston, H. British Mammals. An attempt to describe and illustrate
the mammalian fauna of the British islands from the commencement
of the pleistocene period down to the present day. London,
Hutchinson d Co., 1903. In gr. 8 °.
16 pl. col. 36 pl. noires. 120 fig. XVI + 405 pp.
56. Lydekker, R. Wild oxen, sheep, & goats of all lands living and
extinct. London, B. Ward, 1898. In 4°.
27 pl. 61 flg. XIV + 318 pp.
57. Bylandt, H. de. Les Races de Chiens. Leurs Origines, Points, Descriptions,
Types. Qualités, Aptitudes et Défauts. Traitant 316 races
et sous-variétés, avec 1392 gravures, représentant 2064 chiens.
Bruxelles, 1897. In 4°.
10 + 1160 pp.
58. Millais, J. G. The Mammals of Great Britain and Ireland. Longmans,
Green and Co. London, New York and Bombay. In 4°.
Vol. I. 1904. 18 photograv. 31 pl. ool. 63 pl. noires. XX + 365 pp.
Vol. II. 1905. 21 photograv. 19 pl. col. 33 pl. noires. XI + 299 pp.
Vol. III. 1906. 23 photograv. 12 pl. col. 53 pl. noires. X II + 384 pp.
59. Paardenrassen. Kunstalbum van een en veertig afbeeldingen naar
schilderijen van 0. Eerelman, met beschrijvingen door E. A. L.
Quadekker. Chromolitographie van J. L. Goffart. Zutphen, Schille-
mans d van Belkum. S. d. Fol.
60. Me'hely, L. Species generis Spalax. A foldi kutyak fajai. Szârmazâs-
es rendszertani tekintetben. Budapest, 1909. In 8°.
33 pl. 10 flg.
[L. Méhely. Origine et classement des espèces du genre Spalax.]
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