M O N T R E A L .
T h e C a n a d ia n R e c o rd o f S c ie n c e , in c lu d in g th e p ro c e e d in g s o f th e N a tu r a l
H i s to r y S o c ie ty o f M o n tr e a l a n d r e p la c in g th e C a n a d ia n N a tu r a l is t .
A d p a g . 221. III.
Vol. VIII. 1901- J 902. N°. 5 - 8 . D. White: Some palaeobotanioal aspects of
the upperpalaeozoic in Nova Scotia. 6 pp. - R. Campbell: Additional notes
on the flora of Cap-a-l’Aigle. 15 pp. — H. SI. Ami: On a new or hitherto
unrecognized geological formation in the devonian system of Canada. 10 pp. -
J . Dearness: An hour’s botanizing on the Mountain side. 2 pp. - F. S.
Jackson: The Canadian marine biological station. 7 pp. - J . A. Dresser:
A hornblende lamprophyre dyke a t Richmond, P. Q. 6 pp. - J . S. Biieliaii:
Was Mount Royal an active volcano? 8 pp. - H. M. Ami: Addenda and
corrigendum to „ Progress of geological work in Canada during 1899”. 4 pp. -
C. H. McLeod: Meteorological observations Ju ly —December 1900. - R. W.
E lls: The devonian of the Acadian provinces. 9 pp. - A. E. Norris: Life
history of the Camberwell beauty butterfly [Vanessa Antiopa]. 5 pp. —
R. Campbell: The flora of Montreal Island. 16 pp. - B. E. Walker: List of
th e published writings of E. BiUings. Palaeontologist to th e geological
survey of Canada 1856-1876. 22 pp. - C. H. McLeod: Meteorological observations
1901. — B. J . Harrington: Necrology G. M. Dawson. 1 portrait,
13 pp. - F. D. Adams: An experimental investigation into the flow of
marble. 11 pp. — G. F. Matthew: Ostraooda of the Basal Cambrian rooks
in Cape Breton. 2 pl. 30 pp. - H. M. Ami: Bibliography of G. M. Dawson.
14 pp. — J . S. Buchan: Some notes on Mount Royal. 4 fig. 9 pp. — A. W.
G. Wilson: Some recent folds in th e Lorraine shales. 2 pl. 1 fig. 5 pp. -
C. H. McLeod: Meteorological observations 1902.
Vol. IX. 1903 — 1004. N°. 1—5. L. C. Graton: On th e petrographical relations
of th e Laurentian limestones and the granite in th e township of Glamorgan,
Haliburton County, Ontario. 1 pl. 38 pp. - B. Campbell: Progress of botany
in the 19th century. 15 pp. - A. W. Nolan and J . D. Dixon: Geology of
St. Helen’s Island. 5 fig. 14 pp. - C. J . S tn a rt: Notable display of Northern
lights during the n ight of May 4 th - 5 th , 1900. 12 pp. - F. C. Embersoii:
The trees of Montreal Island. 6 pp. - R. Campbell: Canadian Fungi. 10 pp, -
G. F. Mattliew: New genera of Batrachian footprints of the carboniferous
system in Eastern Canada. 1 pl. 13 pp. - A. J . H ill: Resurrection plant.
Lewisia rediviva Pursh. Order Portulacaceae. 2 pp. - A. W. G. Wilson: The
theory of the formation of sedimentary deposits. 4 flg. 21 pp. — C. H.
McLeod: Meteorological observations 1903. - E. W. MacBride: The Canadian
oyster. 12 pp. - JIai-y van Horne: Some mushrooms found in Canada.
19 pp. — R. Campbell: Some conspicuous British Columbia summer plants,
14 pp. - J . S. Bnchan: The pleistocene of Montreal and the Ottawa Valley
from a railway carriage. 6 pp. - R. Rudemanu: The cambric dictyonema
fauna of th e Slate Belt of eastern New York. 2 pp. - F. D. Adams: The
Monteregian Hills. A Canadian petrographical province. 7 fig. 48 pp. -
C. W. Knigbt: Analoite-trachyte tufts and breccias from South West
Alberta, Canada. 8 fig. 14 pp. — D. P, Pcnballow: Observations upon
some noteworthy leaf variatons and their bearing upon palaeontological
evidence. 1] fig. 27 pp. - 0 . Klotz: Along th e British Pacific cable. 10 pp. -
C. H. McLeod: Meteorological observations. 1904.
T O R O N T O .
C a n a d ia n I n s t i tu t e . A d p a g . 229. III.
Vol. VII. 1904. M. Dawson: On th e anatomical characters of th e substance
„Indian Soap”. 1 pl. 6 pp. — P . W. Currie: On th e ancient drainage at
Niagara Falls. 5 pl. 8 pp. - A. G. Morice: Déné surgery. 1 pl, 14 pp. —
J . Campbell: Critical examination of Spanish documents relative to the
Canary Islands, submitted to the writer by senor Don Ju an Betbenconrt
Alfonso, of Tenerife. 2 pl. 74 pp. — F . C. Ha rriso n : The ripening of cheese
and the rôle of micro-organisms in th e process. 1 pl. 32 pp. — L. E. Horning:
Goethe’s Faust. 4 pp. — A. W. G. Wilson: Physical geology of Central
Ontario. 12 pl. 10 fig. 48 pp. — R. D. Rudolf: Observations on blood pressure
with special reference to chloroform. 49 fig. 47 pp. ~ J . B. Daudeno:
An investigation into the effects of water and aqueous solutions of some
of th e common inorganic substances on foliage leaves. 2 pl. 16 fig. 114 pp, —
J . W. Spencer: The Windward Islands of the West-Indies. 14 pl. 20 pp. -
J . S. P ia sk e tt: Photography, in n a tu ra l colours. 1 pl. 6 fig. 20 pp. —
E. Crniksbaiik: Joseph B ran t in th e American revolution. 18 pp. — A. Sb o rtt:
The beginning of municipal government in Ontario. 16 pp. — A. P . Kn ight:
Sawdust and fish live. 6 flg. 42 pp. - F. C. Harrison : The bacterial contamination
of milk and its control. 17 fig. 30 pp, - G. 6 . Nasmith: The chem
istry of wheat gluten. 18 pp. - A. G. Morice: The Nah’ane and their
language. 2 pl. 18 pp. — A. B. Macallnm: The palaeochemistry of the ocean
in relation to animal and vegetable protoplasm. 28 pp.
Vol VIII. 1910. K. Tnlly: The fluctuations of Lake Ontario. 10 pp, - A. W.
G. Wilson: A forty-mile section of pleistocene deposits n orth of Lake Ontario.
2 pl. 1 fig. 12 pp. — A. T. Drummond: How plant life is distributed in
Canade and why. 18 pp, - J . M. C lark: International arbitration. 12 pp. -
J . J . Mackenzie: Ultramicroscopio organisms. 10 pp. - G. Kennedy: Science
and English law. 10 pp. — A. Harvey: The principles of insurance with
especial reference to sick benefit provision. 25 pp. - C. B. Dickson: N. R.
Fliisen, his life and work. 18 flg. 33 pp. - R. J . Lecbmere Gnppy: The
growth of Trinidad. 1 pl. 8 fig. 14 pp. — W. E. Lang: The chemical industries
of the dominion. 40 pp. — C. A. Hodgetts: The medical inspection of school
children. 22 pp. — J . T. Sunderland: The causes of famines in India.
27 pp. - G. E. Wilson: On th e absorption of fat in th e intestine. 2 pl.
18 pp. — J . McPherson Boss: Trees and their individuality and relation to our
daily life. 6 fig. 11 pp, — T. H. Robinson: Miniature steam engines. 3 fig.
5 pp. - H. De Q. Sewell: Is belief in a glacial period justified? 11 pp. —
R. i . S tu p a r t: Climate of Yukon territory. 5 pp. — T. S o n tbw o rtb : Do we
need a forrestry college? 7 pp. - W. A. Douglass: Ignored distinctions in
economics. 9 pp. — A. K irscbm an u : Space and its dimensions, a critical study.
25 pp. — E. S. Moore: The geology of the Lake Wendigokan region. 1 pl.
2 fig. 21 pp. — W. A. P a r k s : Notes on the Ophiurian genua, Protaster,
with description of a new species. 1 pl. 10 pp. - E . J . Lecbmere Gnppy:
The geological connexions of the Caribean region. 1 carte, 19 pp. - J . B.
T y r r e ll: A story of a F ra n k lin searcli expedition. 1 carte, 10 pp. - Mand
L. Menton: Tlie distribution of fat, chlorides, phosphates, potassium and iron
in striated muscle. 1 carte, 19 pp. — A. H. Macallum : On the origin of life
on tlie globe. 19 pp. - W. F. G re en : Crystallization of erythrite from