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Kirsclimiiiiii, A. Spaco and its dimensions, a critical study.
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Lercli, M. Essais sur le calcul du nombre des classes do formes quadratiques
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Mém. Sav. Étr. Ao. Sc. Paris. T. 33. 1908.
Levy, H. On the singular solutions of partial differential equations of the first order.
Proc. Roy. Soo. Edin. V. 32, 1912.
Lie, S. Ueber Integralinvarianten und Differentiaigleiohungen.
Vidensk. Selsk. Christiania. Skr. Math. Natv. ICI. 1902.
Lorcy, W. Zur Theorie der Mittelwerte.
Abh. Naturf. Ges. Görlitz. Bd. 25.
Maefnrlime, A. Vector differentiation.
Bul. Phil. Soc. Washington. V. 14.
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Maclttalioii, P. A. Memoir on th e theory of the partitions of n um b e r s .-P a r t III.
Phil. Trans, A. Vol. 205. 1905.
» ,, » Second memoir on the compositions of numbers.
Phil. Trans. A. Vol. 207. 1908.
„ „ „ Memoir on th e theory of the partitions of numbers Part. IV.
On the probability th a t th e successful candidate a t an election
by ballot may never at any time have fewer votes th an the
one who is unsuccessful; on a generalization of this question;
and on its connexion w ith other questions of partition, permutation,
and combination.
Phil. Trans. A. Vol. 209. 1909.
» » » Memoir on the theory of the partitions of numbers. Part. V.
Pa rtitions in tw o -d im en sio n a l space. P a rt VI. Partitions in
tw o -d im e n sio n a l space, to which is added an adumbration of
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Phil. Trans. A. Vol. 211. 1910.
Maillet, E. Recherches su r la classe et l’ordre des groupes de substitutions.
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Sciences mathématiques qu ’il a obtenu, a du être rédigé sou.s la
forme anonyme qui a été conservée pour l’impression].
Mém. Sav. Étr. Ac. Sc. Paris. T. 32. 1902.
Mémlez, J. Notas acerca del empleo del planimetro.
Soo. Cient. Ant. Alzate. T. 25.
Merccr, J. Functions of positive and negative type, and th eir connection witli
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Phil. Trans. A. Vol. 209, 1909.
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Mercer, J. Sturra-Liouville seiles of normal functions in the theory of integral
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Minkowski, H. Mémoire su r la théorie der formes quadratiques, à coeffloents entiers.
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Miiir, T. The theory of persymmetric determinants in the historical order of
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„ „ The theory of bigradients in the historical order of development up to 1860.
„ „ The theory of orthogonants in th e historical order of development
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Proo. Roy. Soc. Edin. V. 30. 1910.
Nagaoka, H. The inductance coeffloients of solenoids.
Journ. Coll. of Science. Imp. University Tokyo. V. 27.
Nakagawa, S. Miscelen aus dem Gebiete der hyperbolischen Geometrie.
Journ. Coll. of Science. Imp. University Tokyo. V. 27.
Oss, S. L. van. Das regelmässige Sechshundert —Zell und seine Selbstdeokenden
Verh. K. Ak. Wet. Amsterdam. 1 Sect. Dl. 7. 1901.
Ovcrcein J i\, M. van. De merkwaardige punten van den ingeschreven veelhoek.
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Palmströni, A. Einige zahlentheoretisohe Probleme.
Vidensk. Selsk. Christiania. Skr. Math, Natv, Kl. 1900.
Pearson, K. On the mathematical theory of errors of judgment, with special
reference to the personal equation.
Phil. Trans. A. Vol. 198. 1902.
Poats, P. G. Isogonic transformation.
Tr. Acad, of So. St. Louis. V. 11.
Radelflnger, F. G. Linear differential equations.
„ „ „ Progress of pure mathematics in 1900.
„ „ „ Analytic representation of complex functions.
Bul. Phil. Soo. Washington. V. 14.
Ramströni, M. Om Corpora stria ta ’s och Thalarai funktion.
K. Sv. Vet. Ak, Handl. N. F. Bd. 49.
Rayleigh, Lord. On th e acoustic shadow of a sphere, with an appendix giving
the values of Legendre’s functions from Po to Pao a t intervals of
5 degrees, by A. Lodge.
Phil. Trans. A. Vol. 203. 1904.
Riqnicr, C. Mémoire su r l’existence des intégrales dans un système quelconque
et sur la réduction d’un semblable système à une forme linéaire et
complètement intégrable du premier ordre.
Mém. Sav. Étr. Ac. Sc. Paris. T. 32. 1902.
Roclcke, 0 . Ueber die Bâoklundsche Transformation der Flächen konstanter
Abh. Naturf. Ges. Görlitz. Bd. 25.
Sánchez, P. C. Radio de la esfera osculadora. Diferencia entre los ángulos
considerados en esta esfera y los correlativos del elipsoide. Exceso
esférico do un triangulo elipsoidal.
Soc. Cient. Ant. Alzate. T. 13.
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