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„ „ „ A new fossil stickleback fish from Nevada.
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„ „ „ Descriptions of five species of North American fossil turtles, four of
which ai'6 new.
„ „ „ On certain genera and species of carnivorous Dinosaurs, with special
reference to Ceratosaurus nasicornus Marsh.
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„ „ „ Description of two species of fossil turtles, Toxochelys stenopora and
Chisternon? interpositum, the latter hitherto unknown.
„ „ „ On the skull and th e brain of Triceratops, with notes on the braincases
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„ „ „ Descriptions of eight new species of fossil tu rtle s from west of the
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Haycock, E. Fossils, possibly triassic, in glaciated fragments in the boulder-clay
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Henderson, J. New species of cretaceous invertebrates from northern Colorado.
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Holtedahl, 0 . Zur Kenntnis der Karbonablagerungen des westlichen Spitzbergens.
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Hudson, G. H. Contributions to the fauna of the Chazy limestone on Valcour
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„ „ „ Les mollusques des terrains orétaoiques supérieurs de TArgentine
„ „ „ Les Brachiopodes tertiaires de Patagonie.
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„ ,, „ Les mollusques fossiles du tertiaire et du crétacé supérieur
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„ „ „ Mollusques du pampéen de Mar del Plata et Chapalmaián
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Jackson, R. F. Phylogeny of the Eoheni, with a revision of palaezoio species.
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Jordan, A. Die F au n a der miocänen Thone von Hassendorf.
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Kidston, R. and Gwyime-Yaughan, D. T. Fossil Osmundaceae. Pt. IV.
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Kinkeln, F. Bären aus dem altdiluvialen Sand von Morbach-Biebrich.
Abh. Senckenb. Naturf. Ges. Bd. 29.
Klem, M. The development of Agaricocrinus.
Tr. Aoad. of Sc. St. Louis. V. 10.
Klem, M. J. A revision of the palaeozoic Palaeëohinoidea, with a synopses of
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Tr. Acad, of Sc. St. Louis. V. 14.
Knowlton, F. H. New species of fossil wood [Araucarioxylon arizonioum], from
Arizona and New Mexico.
„ „ Description of two new species of fossil coniferous wood from
Iowa and Montana.
„ „ ., Description of two species of Palmoxylon, one new, from
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V. 11.
„ „ „ A revision of the genus Araucarioxylon of Kraus, with compiled
descriptions and partial synonomy of the species.
Proc. Ü. S. Nat. Mus. V. 12.
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