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Vol. XXIV. 1902. D. s. Jordan and J . 0. Snydcr: A review of the Hyposto-
inide and Lophobranchiate fishes of Japan. 12 pl. 20 pp. — R. Y. Cliauiber-
liii: List of th e myriapod family Lithobiidae of Salt Lake county, Utah,
with descriptions of five new species. 5 pp. - Ü. W. Coqnillett: New
Diptera of southern Africa. 6 pp. — R. S. Jord an and J . 0 . Snyder: A
review of the Gobioid fishes of Japan, with descriptions of 21 new species.
33 fig. 100 pp. - F. A. Lncas: A flightless auk, Manoalla californiensis,
from the miocene af California. 3 flg. 2 pp. — TV. Robinson and M. TV.
Lyou J r .: Annotated list of mammals collected in th e vicinity of La Guaira,
Venezuela. 44 pp. — L. Stejneger: An annotated list of batrachians and
reptiles collected in the vicinity of La Guiara, Venezuela, with descriptions
of two new species of snakes. 33 fig. 14 pp. — tî. P . Me rrill: On a stony
meteorite, which fell near Felix, Perry county, Alabama, May 15, 1900. 2 pl.
6 pp. “ R. S. Jordan and E. C. S ta rk s: A review of the Atherine fishes
of Japan. 4 fig. 8 pp. — E. A. Mearns: The cacomiti oat of th e Rio Grande
valley. 4 pp. — E. Stejneger: A new species of bullfrog from Florida and
the Gulf Coast. 5 pp. — N. Banks: Some spiders and other arachnida from
Porto Rico. 1 pl. 11 pp. — I). S. Jordan and J . 0 . Snyder: A review of
the Gymnodont fishes of Japan. 8 fig. 36 pp. - D. TVbite: Two new species
of algae of the genus Buthotrephis, from th e upper Silurian of Indiana.
3 pl. 6 pp. - R. E. C. Stearns The fossil fresh water shells of the Colorado
desert, their distribution, environment, and variation. 6 pl. 9 fig. 29 pp. —
T. TV. Stanton: Chondrodonta, a new genus of ostreiform mollusks from
the cretaceous with descriptions of th e Genotype and a new species. 2 pl.
7 pp. — H. C. Oberbolser : Catalogue of a collection of hummingbirds from
Ecuador, and Colombia. .34 pp. — D. S. Jo rd an and J . 0 . Snyder:
A review of the Discobolous fishes of Japan. 2 fig. 9 pp. — D. S. Jo rd an :
A review of th e Japanese species of surf-fishes or Embiotocidae. 2 fig. 7 pp. —
A review of th e Pediculate fishes or anglers of Japan. 7 fig. 21 pp. —
TV. Scbans: Descriptions of new American butterflies. 78 pp. — R. S. Jordan
and J . 0 . Snyder; A review of the Trachinoid fishes and th eir supposed
allies found in the waters of Japan. 7 flg. 37 pp. — TV. H. Ra il: Illu s tra tions
and descriptions of now, unfigured, or imperfectly known shells,
chiefly American, in the U. S. National Museum. 13 pl. 68 pp. — D. S.
Jordan and J . 0 . Snyder: A review of th e Salinonoid fishes of .Japan. 5 fig.
27 pp. — A review of the Lahroid fishes and related forms found in the
waters of Japan. 9 fig. 68 pp. — C. TV. Riclnnoud: List of generic terms
proposed for birds during the years 1890 to 1900 inclusive, to which are
added names omitted by TVaterlionse in his: Index generum avium”. 67 pp. —
A. Rnsck: A review of the American moths of th e genus Depressaria
Haworth, with descriptions of new species. 19 fig. — G. .S. Miller J r .:
The mammals of the Andaman and Nicohar islands. 2 pl. 45 pp. - R. V.
Chamberlin: Henicops dolichopus, a new chilopod from Utah. 4 pp. —
H. C. Oberbolser: A review of the larks of the genus Otocoris. 4 cartes,
3 pl. 83 pp. — M. J . Rathbnn: Descriptions of a new Decapod crustaceans
from the west coast of North America. 21 pp. - G. P . Merrill : A newly
found meteorite from Admire, Lyon county, Kansas. 7 pl. 7 pp. — E. A.
Mearns: Descriptions of three new birds from the southern United States. 12 pp.
Vol. XXV. 1903. H. Dike: A list of the beetles of the district of Columbia.
57 pp. — H. C. Oberbolser: Some new South American birds. 10 pp. —
TV. Tassin: The Casas Grandes meteorite. 4 pl. 6 pp. — R. S. Jordan and
H. TV. F ow le r: A review of the oplegnathoid fishes of Japan. 4 pp. —
1). S. .Tordau and J . 0 . S n y d e r: Descriptions of two new species of squaloid
sharks from Japan. 2 fig. 3 pp. — D. TV. C o q n ille tt: New diptera from
North America. 44 pp. — H. C. O b e rb o ls e r: List of birds collected by TV. T.
F o s te r in Paraguay. 21 pp. — L. S te jn e g e r : The reptiles of th e Huaohuca
mountains, Arizona. 10 pp. — J . B. Sm itb : Contributions toward a monograph
of th e Lepidopterous family Noctuidae of Boreal North America.
2 pl. 51 pp. - N. B a n k s : A list of spiders collected in Arizona by S chw a rz
and B a rb e r during th e summer of 1901. 1 pl. 11 pp. - TV. P . H a y : Observations
on the crustacean fauna of th e region about Mammoth cave, Kentucky.
14 pp. — E. A. M e a rn s : The ocelot cats. 13 pp. — I). S. Jo rd a n
and II. TV. F ow le r; A review of th e trigger-fishes, file-lishes, and tru n k -
fishes of Japan. 6 fig. 36 pp. — C. TV. R iclimond: Birds collected by TV. L.
Abbott and C. B. Kloss in the Andaman and Nicobar islands. 28 pp. —
D. S. Jo rd a n and B. TV. E v e rm an ii: Notes on a collection of fishes from
th e island of Formosa. 29 fig. 54 pp. — H. G. D y a r: Descriptions of the
larvae of some moths from Colorado. 44 pp. — D. S. Jo rd a n and H. TV.
F ow le r : A review of th e cling fishes [Gobiesooidae] of th e waters of Japan.
1 fig. 4 pp. — TV. P . Hay : Observations on th e crustacean fauna of Nicka-
jack cave, Tennessee, and vicinity. 8 fig. 23 pp. — D. S. J o rd a n and J . 0 .
S n y d e r: A review of the blennoid fishes of Japan. 28 fig. 64 pp. — H.
R ic h a rd s o n : A new fresh wa ter isopod of the genus Mancasellus from
Indiana. 4 fig. 7 pp. — D. S. J o rd a n and II. TV. F ow le r: A review of the
Chaetodontidae and related families of fishes found in the waters of Japan.
6 fig. 51 pp. ~ E. C. S t a r k s : The relationship and osteology of th e caproid-
fishes or Antigoniidae. 3 fig. 8 pp. - D. S. Jo rd a n and H. TV. F ow le r : Notes
on little known Japanese fishes with description of a new species of Aboma.
1 fig. 4 pp. - C. D. TT'alcott; Cambrian brachiopoda, Acrotreta, Linnarsson-
ella; Obolus; with descriptions of new species. 36 pp. — D. S. J o rd a n
and J . 0 . Sn y d e r: On certain species of fishes confused with Bryostemraa
polyaotocephalum. 3 flg. 6 pp. - E. C. S ta rk s : The shoulder girdle and
characteristic osteology of the hemibrauchiate fishes. 6 fig. 16 pp. — C. B.
Wilson: North American parasitic copepods of the family Argulidae, with
a bibliography of th e group and a systematic review of all known species.
20 pl. 23 flg. 108 pp. — D. S. Jo rd a n and H. TV. F ow le r : A review of the
ophidioid fishes of Japan. 6 flg. 24 pp, - A. R n s c k : A revision of the
American moths of the family Geleohiidae, with descriptions of new species.
5 pl. 164 pp. — Supplement to the revision of American Gelechiidae. 8 pp. —
D. S. Jo rd a n and H. TV. F ow le r: A review of the dragonets [Gallionyniidae]
and related fishes of the waters of Japan. 9 fig. 21 pp.
Vol. XXVI. 1903. D. S. Jo rd a n and H. TV. F ow le r: A review of the berycoid
fishes of Japan. 4 pl. 21 pp. — M. J . R a th b n n : Japanese stalk-eyed crustaceans.
24 fig. 33 pp. — D. S. Jo rd a n and E. C. S ta rk s : A review of the
hemibrauchiate fishes of Japan. 3 fig. 17 pp. — M. J . R a th b n n : Descriptions
of new species of Hawaiian crabs. 3 fig. 3 pp. — TV. E. H in d s: Contribution
to a monograph of the insects of the order Thysanoptera inhabiting North
America, 11 pl. 163 pp. - J . E. B e n ed ic t: Descriptions of a new genus and
46 new species of crustaceans of the family Galatheidae, with a list of the
known marine species. 47 flg. 92 pp. — TV. 11. D a li: Synopsis of the family
Veneridao and of the North American recent species. 5 pl. 78 pp. — C. Scbn-
c b e r t: On the lower devonic and ontaric formations of Maryland. 12 pp. —