i l
new species of mollusks from the Pacific coast of the United States, with
notes on other mollusks from th e same region. 13 pp. - J . Henderson:
New species of cretaceous invertebrates from northern Colorado. 1 pl. 6 pp. -
A. H. Clark: Some oases of abnormal arm structure in recent crinoids.
5 fig. 6 pp. - The crinoid genus Eudiocrinus, with description of a new
species. 11 fig. 9 pp. - 0 . H. Girty: On some new and old species of
carboniferous fossils. 8 pl. 23 pp. - A. H. Clark: On a collection of feather
stars or Comatulids, from Japan. 15 pp. — F. Boas: Decorative designs of
Alaskan needlecases: a study in the history of conventional designs, based
on materials in the U. S. National Museum. 9 pl. 16 fig. 24 pp. - B. Arnold:
Descriptions of new cretaceous and tertiary fossils from th e Santa Cruz
Mountains, California. 7 pl. 45 pp. - II. Klcbardsou: Description of a new
isopod genus of the family Dajidae. 3 fig. 2 pp. — M. W. Lyon J r .: Remarks
on th e horns and on the systematic position of th e American antelope.
2 pl. 9 pp. - R. Arnold : Description of a new brittle star from th e upper
miocene of th e Santa Cruz Mountains, California. 1 pl. 3 pp. - TV. F. Pate
and R. S. Bassler: The late Niagaran stra ta of West Tenessee. 26 pp. -
TV. Tassin: On the occurrence of calcium sulphide [old-hamite] in th e Allegan
meteorite. 2 pp. - A. H. Clark: The nomenclature of the recent crinoids.
108 pp. — C. C. S littin g : Descriptions of th e Alcyonaria collected by the
U. S. Bureau of fisheries steamer „Albatross” in th e vicinity of the Hawaiian
islands in 1902. 12 pi. 59 pp. - D. S. Jordan and M. C. Dickerson: On a
collection of fishes from Pÿi, with notes on certain Hawaiian fishes. 6 flg.
15 pp. - M. TV. Lyon J r . : Mammals collected in Eastern Sumatra by
TV. L. Abbott, during 1903, 1906 and 1907, with descriptions of new
species and subspecies. 5 pl. 61 pp. — J . TV. Gidley: Descriptions of two
new species of pleistocene ruminants of th e genera Ovibos and Bootherium,
with notes on the latter genus. 3 pl. 1 fig. 6 pp. - TV. Tassin: On meteoric
chromites. 6 pp. - M. C. Ha ll: A new rabbit cestode, Cittotaenia mosaica.
6 fig. 9 pp. — C. Adler and I. M. Casauowicz: The collection of Jewish
ceremonial objects in th e U. S. National Museum. 46 pl. 46 pp.
Vol. XXXV. 1909. 0. T. Mason : Vocabulary of Malaysian basket work in tho
W. L. Abbott collections. 17 pl. 41 fig. 51 pp. - H. G. Dyar and F. Knab:
Descriptions of some new mosquitoes from tropical America. 18 pp. - II.
Ricbardson: Some new isopoda of the superfamily Aselloidea from the
Atlantic coast of North America. 21 fig. 16 pp. - A. H. Clark: The axial
canals of the recent Pentacrinitidae. 16 fig. 5 pp. - J . 0. Snyder: Descriptions
of eighteen new species and two genera of fishes fi'om Japan and the Rice
Kiu islands. 19 pp. — A. H. Clark: The homologies of tho arm joints and
arm divisions in the recent crinoids of the families of th e Comatiilida and
the Pentaorinitidae. 18 flg. 19 pp. - R. S. Bassler: The formation of geodes
with remarks on th e silicification of fossils. 7 pl. 1 fig. 9 pp. — T. Gill:
Choerodon in place of Choerops for a labroid genus of fishes. 2 pp. - F. H.
Knowlton: Description of a new fossil liverwort from the Fo rt Union Beds
of Montana. 1 pl. 3 pp. — 0. P . Hay: Descriptions of five species of North
American fossil turtles, four of which are new. 2 pl. 3 fig. 9 pp. - A. Hrdlicka:
New exemples of American Indian skulls with low forehoad. 1 pl. 1 fig.
5 pp. - TV. H. Dali: Descriptions and figures of some land and fresh water
shells from Mexico, believed to be new. 2 pl. 6 pp. — J . 0 . Snyder; Notes
on two rare California fishes, Rimicola Eigenmanni and Plagiogramraus
Hopkinsi. 4 pp. — A. Bnsck: A generic revision of American moths of the
family Oecophoridae with descriptions of new species. 21 pp. - J. B. Smitb:
A revision of some species of Noctuidae heretofore referred to the genus
Homoptera Boisduval. 6 pl. 67 pp. - E. 0 . Clrlcli and R. S. Bassler:
New American paleozic Ostracoda. Preliminary revision of the Beyricbiidae,
with descriptions of new genera. 8 pl. 64 fig. 49 pp. ~ M. J. Rathbnn:
Descriptions of fossil crabs from California. 5 pl. 9 pp. - 0 . P. Hay: On
certain genera and species of carnivorous Dinosaurs with special reference
to Ceratosaurus nasioornis Marsh. 4 fig. 16 pp. - TV. D. Kearfott: Descriptions
of new species of North American crambid moths. 14 fig. 27 pp. -
J. A. G. Rebn: Two new species of neotropical Orthoptera of the family
Acrididae. 5 fig. 4 pp. — R. TV. Sharpe: A further report on th e Ostracoda
of th e U. S. National Museum. 16 pl. 32 pp. - C. B. TVilsou: North American
parasitic copepods; a list of those found upon th e fishes of the Pacific coast,
with descriptions of new genera and species. 18 pl. 51 pp. — H. Richardson:
Some new isopods of th e family Gnathiidao from the Atlantic coast of
North America. 6 fig. 6 pp. — S. J. Holmes: The Amphipoda collected by
th e D. S. Bureau of fisheries steamer ,,Albatross’’ off th e west coast of
North America, in 1903 and 1904, with descriptions of a new family and
several new genera and species. 46 fig. 55 pp. — TV. L. Halm: Notes on
the mammals and cold-blooded vertebrates of th e Indiana University farm,
Mitchell, Indiana. 37 pp. - C. TV. Richmond: Generic names applied to
birds during th e years ISOl to 1905, inclusive, w ith fu rther additions to
TVaterbonse’s, „Index generum avium”. 73 pp. — H, C. Oberbolser: A revision
of the kingfisher genus Eaniphaloyon [Pelargopsis]. 24 pp. - C. C. Snttiiig:
Alcyonaria of the Californian coast. 8 pl. 47 pp.
Vol. XXXVI. 1909. H. Coutiere: The American species of snapping shrimps
of the genus Synalpheus. 54 fig. 93 pp. — 0 . P. Hay: On th e skull and the
brain of Triceratops, with notes on the brain-cases of Iguanodon and Me-
galosaurus. 3 pl. 14 pp. - J. A, G. Relm: On Brazilian grasshoppers of the
subfamilies Pyrgomorphinae and Locustinae [Aoridinae of authors]. 38 fig.
55 pp. - D. S. Jordan and B. TV. Evermaim: Descriptions of three new
species of Cisco, or lake h erring [Argyrosomus], from the Great Lakes of
America, with a note on the species of whitefish. 3 fig. 8 pp. - H. Ricbardson :
The isopod crustacean, Ancinus depresses [Say]. 9 flg. 5 pp. — F. Springer:
A new American Jurassic crinoid. 1 pl. 12 pp. - 0 . P. Hay: Description
of two species of fossil tu rtle s Toxochelys stenopora and Chisteriion? inter-
positum, the latter hitherto unknown. 1 pl. 6 pp. — C. TV. Gilmore: Osteology
of th e Jurassic reptile Camptosaurus, with a revision of the species of the
genus, and descriptions of two new species. 13 pl. 48 flg. 106 pp. - I. M.
Casauowicz: The oollectiou of rosaries in th e United States National Museum.
10 pl. 27 pp. — A. H. Clark Comatilia, a remarkable new genus of unstalked
crinoids. 7 pp. - TV. Palmer: Description of a new species of leatlierback
tu rtle from th e miocene of Maryland. 1 pl. 5 pp. - S. J. Holmes and M. E.
Gay: Four new species of isopods from the coast of California. 6 fig. 5 pp. —
TV. TV. Kobbins and T. D. A. Cockerell: Notes on two slugs of the genus
Veronicella. 1 pl. 4 pp. — 0 . T. Mason: Anyam Gila [Mad weave]: a Malaysian
type of basket work. 11 flg. 6 pp. — A. H. Clark; On a collection
of recent crinoids from th e Philippine islands. 1 flg. 20 pp. - T. D. A.
Cockerell: Descriptions of some bees in the U. S. National Museum. 10 pp. —
H. Ricbardson: Description of a new isopod of the genus Jaeropsis from
Patagonia. 1 fig. 2 pp. — J . A. Cuslimau: Ammodiscoides, a new genus of