i I
i i
24 pl. 170 pp. - Birds and mammals of th e 1907 Alexander expedition to
southern Alaska. - Introdution. 2 pp. - F. Stephens and J . Dixon: Descriptions
of localities. 8 pp. - J . (irin n e ll: The birds. 64 pp. - E. Heller:
The mammals. 2 pl. 4 fig. 20 pp. - J . Griimcll: Three new song sparrows
from California. 5 pp. - A new cowbird of the genus Molothrus, with a
note on th e probable genetic relationships of th e Nortli American forms.
1 fig. 6 pp. - Two heretofore unnamed wrens of th e genus Thryomanes.
3 pp. - The Savannah sparrow of the Great Basin. 5 pp. — A second
record of the spotted bat [Euderma maculatum]. 1 pl. 4 pp. - Birds of the
1908 Alexander Alaska expedition, with a note on the avifaunal relationships
of the Prince William Sound district. 2 pi. 9 fig. 67 pp. - J . Dixon: A
new harvest mouse from Petaluma, California. 3 pp. — A northern coast
form of the California gray fox. 3 pp. - W. P . Taylor: Two new rodents
from Nevada. 3 pl. 20 pp. — E. Heller: Mammels of th e 1908 Alexander
Alaska expedition, with descriptions of the localities visited and notes on
th e flora of the Prince William Sound region. 2 pl. 40 pp.
Vol. VI. N°. 1 -1 5 . 1908-1911. W. E. Bitter and S. E. Bailey: On the weight
of developing eggs. P. I. - Vi. E. Bitter : The possible significance of such
investigations. P. II. - S. E. Bailey: Practicability of th e determinations.
10 pp. — H. B. Torrey: The Leptomedusae of th e San Diego region. 11 fig.
21 pp. - J. F. McClendon: The Ophiurans of the San Diego region. 6 flg.
32 pp. — Vi. E. Ritter: Halocynthia Johnsoni. n. sp., a comprehensive
inquiry as to th e extent of law and order th a t prevails in a single animal
species. 8 pl. 50 pp. - H. B. Torrey and F. L. Kleeberger: Three species
of Cerianthus from southern California. 4 fig. 11 pp. - E. Hindle : The life
history of Trypanosoma dimorphon, Dutton & Todd. 3 pl. 1 flg. 18 pp. —
M. Elizabeth Johnson: A quantitative study of the development of th e salpa
chain in Salpa fusiformisruncinata. 15 fig. 32 pp. — C. A. Kofoid: A revision
of th e genus Ceratocorys, based on skeletal morphology. 11 pp. — G. F.
McEwen: Preliminary report on th e hydrographic work carried on by the
Marine biological station of San Diego. 1 carte, 1 fig. 16 pp. - H. B. Torrey :
Biological studies on Corymorpha. III. Regeneration of hydranth and holdfast.
— Note on geotropism in Corymorpha. 17 fig. 20 pp. — Alice Eobert-
son: The oyclostomatous Bryozoa of the west coast of Nort America. 8 pl.
60 pp. — H. C. Tracy : Significance of white markings in birds of th e order
Passeriformes. 28 pp. — C. 0. Esterly: Third report on th e Copepoda of
the San Digo region. 7 pl. 40 pp. - E. E. Watson: The genus Gyrocotyle,
and its significance for problems of Cestode structure and phylogeny.
16 pl. 115 pp.
Vol. VII. 1910-1912. H. S. Sw art: Two new owls from Arizona, with description
of the juvenal plumage of Strix oocidentalis [Xantus]. 8 pp. -
Birds and mammals of th e 1909 Alexander Alaska expedition. 6 pl. 3 fig.
164 pp. - Two new species of marmots from northwestern America.
4 pp. - Description of a new ha iry woodpecker from southeastern Alaska.
6 pp. - W. P . Taylor: An apparent hybrid in the genus Dendroioa. 5 pp. -
Mammals of the Alexander Nevada expedition of 1909. 2 fig. 103 pp. -
Field notes on amphibians, reptiles and birds of northern Humboldt County,
Nevada, with a discussion of some of th e faunal features of the region.
6 pl. 118 pp. - J . Grinnell: The linnet of the Hawaiian islands, a problem
in spéciation. 17 pp. — Description of a new spotted towhee from the
Great Basin. 3 pp. — The modesto song sparrow. 3 pp.
Vol. VIII. N°. 1 - 9 . 1911. C. 0 . Ksterloy: The vertical distribution of E ucalanus
elongatus in the San Diego region during 1909. 7 pp. — E. C. Starks and
W. M. Maim: New and rare fishes from southern California. 2 fig, 11 pp. -
C. A. Kofoid: Dinoflagellata of the San Diego region. IV. The genus Gony-
aulax, with notes on its skeletal morphology and a discussion of its generic
and specific characters. 5. On th e skeletal morphology of Gonyaulax catenata
[Levander] 6. Dinoflagellata of the San Diego region. V. On Spiraulax, a new
genus of the Peridinida. 11 pl. 114 pp. - S. S. Berry: Notes on some Cephalopods
in the collection of the University of California. 2 pl. 10 pp. -
C. A. Kofoid: On a self-closing plankton net for horizontal towing. - On
an improved form of self-closing water-bucket for plankton investigations.
4 pl. 42 pp. - E. S. Michael: Classification and vertical distribution of the
Chaetognatha of the San Diego region including redesoriptions of some
doubtful species of th e group. 8 pl. 1 flg. 149 pp.
Vol. IX. N°. 1 - 5 . 1911-12. H. C. Bryant: The horned lizards of California
and Nevada of the genera Phrynosoma and Anota. 9 pl. 84 pp. — A. C.
Chandler: On a lymphoid stru c tu re lying over the Myelencephalon of Lepi-
sosteus. 3 pl. 20 pp. - E. L. Mark and J. A. Long: Studies on early stages
of development in ra ts und mice. — J. A. Long: The living eggs of ra ts
and mice, with a description of apparatus for obtaining and observing them.
5 pl. 32 pp. - W. E. Ritter: The Marine biological station of San Diego
its history, present conditions, achievements, and aims. 2 cartes. 5 pl.
112 pp. — H. B. Torrey: Oxygen and polarity in Tubalaria. 3 pp.
Vol. X. N°. 1 - 8 . 1912. H. S. Swarth: Report on a collection of birds and
mammels from Vancouver island, 4 pl. 124 pp. - J. Grinnell: A new cony
from the vicinity of Mount Vfhitney. 5 pp. - J. Grinnell and H. S. Swarth:
The mole of southern California. - Myotis orinomus Elliot, a ba t new to
California. 4 flg. 12 pp. - J. Grinnell: The bighorn of th e Sierra Nevada.
4 fig. 11 pp. — W. P . Taylor: A new Perognathus from th e San Joaquin
valley, California. — The beaver of west central California, 1 flg. 15 pp. —
J. Grinnell: The two pocket gophers of the region contiguous to th e lower
Colorado river, in California and Arizona. 1 pl. 8 pp.
Puhlioations. Entomology. Vol. I. No. 1. 2.
Idem. Botany. Vol. I - I I I 1902/1903-1907/1909. Vol. IV. N°. 1 -1 4 .
Idem. Mathematics. Vol. I. N°. 1.
Idem. Physiology. Vol. I - I I I . 1902/1903-1905/1910. Vol. IV. N®. 1 -1 5 .
Idem. Psychology. Vol. I. No. 1. 2.
Idem. American Archaeology and Ethnology. Vol. I - IX . 190.3/1904-
1910/1911. Vol. X. N®. 1 -3 .
Idem. Graeco-Roman Archaeology. Vol. I - I I . 1902-1907.
Idem. Egyptian Archaeology. Vol. III. 1909. In 4°.
Idem of the Lick-Observatory.
Voyez: 52. Astronomie.
Bulletin Department of Geology, Vol. I -V . 1893/1896-1906/1910. Vol VI.
N°. 1 -1 9 . Vol. VII. N®. 1 - 2 .
Technical Bulletins. College of Agriculture. Agriculture experiment Station.
Nos. 133, 146, 149, 150, 151, 153, 154, 156, 161-172, 174, 176-202, 205,
208-221, 227-230, 232, 2c 3.
Register 1904-1905. Published by the Regents of the University of California.
In 8°. 1905. 570 pp.