4. PiLULAKiA (Vaill.) Liuu.*
Conceptacles globose, coriaceous in texture, placed singly ou short
pedicels in the axils of the leaves, 2 -4-ee lled, dehisoing at the tip
into as many valves as there are cells, each cell (sorus A. Br.)
furnished with a parietal placenta, from which arise numerous sacs
with loose cellular membranous walls, the upper sacs representing
microsporangia and each coutaiuiiig numerous microspores, the
lower sacs representing macrosporaugia and each containing a
single macrospore.— Submerged inconspicuous plants, with widecreeping
slender rhizomes, with a leaf from the upper side, and a
tuft of root-fibres from the lower side of each node. Leaves
filiform, without any lamina, circinate in vernation, furnished, like
the creeping stem, with several vascular bundles.
Conceptacles 2-celled.
Macrosporangia 1 in each cell . Sp. 1.
Maorosporaiigia many in each cell . Sp. 2.
Conceptacles 2 -4 , usually 3-oelled . Sp. 8.
Conceptacles 4-celled . . . . Sp. 4 -6 .
1. P. MiNUTA Durieu ; A. Br. in Berl. Monat. 1869, 485 ; Dexr.
Sc. Alger, t. 8 8 .—Rhizome and leaves muoh more slender than in
F. (jlohuhfera, the latter I - I 4 in. long. Pedicels longer than the
conceptacles, which are not more than 4 lin , diam., deflexed,
2-celled. Macrospores globose, not constricted, solitary in the cells.
Hab. South of Prauee, Algeria, Sardinia, aud Asia Minor.
2. P. N0VA3-ZELANDM Kirk ill Traus. New Zeal. In stit. ix. 547,
t. 29. —■ Rhizome aud leaves more slender than in P . (jlohulifera,
the latter fewer and more distant 1^ -2 in. long. Pedicels as long
as the conceptacles, attached to the centre of their base. Oon-
ceptacles 4 - i ki. diam. erect or subcernuous, 2-oelled. Macrospores
subglobose, not constricted, 1 0 -1 2 to a cell.
Hab. New Zealand ; hills of the southern island, K irk 832 ! Berggren !
8. P . AMERICANA A. Br. in Berl. Monat. 1863, 4 3 5 .— P .va ld iv ian a
Philippi. — Ehizome and leaves rather more slender than in P .
globulifera, the latter 1 -2 in. long. Pedicel short, arcuate. Conceptacle
2 -4 , usually 3-oelled, l-1 2 th to l-8 th in. diam., erect.
Macrospores subglobose, not constricted, 1 0 -1 5 to a cell.
Hab. Arkansas, N u tta ll! Near Santa Barbara, California, Mrs. Cooper.
Valdivia, Chili, P h ilip p i!
4. P. N0VA3-H0LLANDIA3 A. Br. lu Bei'l. Monat. 1868, 485. —
Ehizome and leaves rather more slender than in P . globulifera, the
latter 1 4 -2 in. long. Pedicel short, attached to one side of the
deflexed conceptacle, which is 4 hi. diam., 4-celled. Maorospores
subglobose, not constricted, 2 0 -2 5 to a cell,
Hab. Swan Eiver, Dntminond 991! Tasmania, Gunn 1661! South-east
Australia, Ilannaford.
* See A. Braun in ‘ Monatberichte der Konigl. Akadamie der Wissenschaften
in Berlin.’ Oct. 1863 (translated into French Ann. Sc. Nat., Series vi., vol. i„
p. 93), and Aug, 15, 1872.
5. P. GLOBULIFERA Lliin. Sp. 1568 ; Valent, in Trans. Linn.
Soc. xviii. t. 84 ; Hook. Brit. Ferns, t. 57.— Leaves usually 2 -4 in.
long. Pedicel very short, erect, attached to the centre of the base
of the erect conceptacle, whioh is 4-eelled, 4 in. diam. Macrospores
ovoid, constricted above the middle, 1 5 -2 0 to a cell.
Hab. Throughout Europe.
G. P. M a n d o n i A. Br. in Berl. Monat. 1862, 679. — Leaves
rather flattened, I - I 4 hi. long,. Pedicel aroiiate-ascending, 4 - 4 hi.
long, attached to the centre of the base of the 4-oelled conceptacle,
which is just like that of P . globulifera.
Hab. Andes of Bolivia, alpine region, a t 16,000 ft. above sea-level, Mandón