short, copious, 4 lin. diam. ; bracts suborbicular, cuspidate, m em bianous,
strongly keeled in the upper half.
Hab. Eastern Cuba, G. Wright 1825 ! 1826 b !
146. S. OONFERTA Baker in Journ. Bot. 1884, 1 1 3 .— Stems very
slender, trailing intermatted, 1 -2 in. loug, copiously pinnate, the
lower branches slightly compound. Leaves of the lower plaue close,
eieoto-patent, h n e^ -ob lon g , obtuse, 4 line loug, bright green, mem-
H 1’ strongly ciliated, aud a little
mbiioated over the stem at the base ; leaves of the upper plane a
O l i % ik e s very
slio it, 2 hu. diam. ; bracts ovate, crowded, strongly keeled
Hab. Cuba, Wright 3909 ! A near ally of S. alhonitem.
17 ’ f i i - 80. S. mollis L ’Herminier
Dinn-itp t f " slender, trailing, copiously
pinnate, the upper branches simple, the lower slightly compound
Leaves of the lower plane spaced on the main stem, spreading
oblong-lanceolate a hue long, subacute, membranous, brigM green
s£h o it ly ciliated, and slightly imbr ri cated over th«ei^ is^t em; Lleeavdeas soif
stLnglyLmeled!“ '®’ '
E ic oT tu tì7B !L ir r » Ì « Ì !r^ Guadeloupe, Porto
148. S. CLADORHIZANS A. Br. in Crypt. Nov. Gran. 8 6 6 . - S t e m s
v e iy weak, trailing, 2 -3 m. long, copiously pinnate, the upper
compound, excurrent and wlhp-
hke at the top, with rudimentary leaves. Leaves of the low L
1 7 *'P branches, spreading, oblong
iZ l n tm i i ^ P"^® membranous, nearly
equilateial, rounded on both sides at the base, the upper shortly
p in e i ’tiih d®^ imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the upper
plane a th u d as long, obovate, distinctly cuspidate. Spikes u i in
ImefeL ■ " o v a te -lL c e o k te , c r o S ! strongly
on the E i o ^ ? " l ’r : i - S ! of G .T f t
traili?" 2 “ Crypt. Nov. Gran. 871. — Stems
1 pinnate, the lower branches
slightly compound. Leaves of the lower plane crowded and
o ? i S ? a i n ^ t e n branches, spaced and spreading
«v a i; ; °Piong-lanceolate, subacute, a line long, bri"ht
g ie en , firmer in texture than in albonitens, rather more prodimed
side i t the^bns" °T f ciliated, cordate on the upper
S S i e half nnbncated over the stem ; leaves of the upper
i l Bn T ’ 1 r ® r"" ®’ '“ 1 cuspidate. Spikes
strongly keeled! ovate-lanceolate, rigid,
Panuré. on the Eio Uapes. Spruce 2535-
150. S. FLAGELLATA Spring Mon. ii. 208. — Stems trailing,
intermatted, half a foot long, the branches erecto-patent, the
lower copiously compound, the branchlets excurrent and whip-like
at the end. Leaves of the lower plane ovate-lanceolate, very acute,
above a line long, pellucid, bright green, more produced on the
upper side of the midrib, rounded at the base, shortly ciliated, and
imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the upper plane a third as long,
ovate-acuminate, falcate, convergent. Spikes 4~4 in. lon g ; bracts
very acuminate, strongly keeled.
Hab. In French Guiana, on rocks on the banks of the streams of Upper
Oyapok, Leprieur.
151. S. RHizoPHORA Baker in Journ. Bot. 1884, 2 44.— Stems
very slender, trailing, half a foot long, closely pinnate, the erecto-
patent branches copiously compound, both branches and main stem
often excurrent and whip-like at the tip. Leaves of the branchlets
oblong-lanoeolate, contiguous and ascending, of the main stem
ovate-lanceolate, spaced and nearly spreading, acute, l - 12th to
l - 8 th in. long, bright green, membranous, rather unequal-sided,
broadly rounded, serrulate, and a little imbricated over the stem on
the upper side at the base ; leai'es of the upper plane half as long,
oblique ovate, with a long cusp. Spikes square, 4 -4 in. long, 4 lin.
d iam .; bracts crowded, ovate-lanceolate, strongly keeled.
Hab, In woods near the towns of San Juan and Panama, Seemann 29 ! 32 !
Series I I .— A soendentbs.
Group 1.— Siiherectce,
152. S. yemensis Spring Mon. ii. 193. 8. a dm ca A. Br. Lycopjodium
yemense Sw. Syn. F il., tab. 4, fig. 4 .— Stems 6 -9 in. long,
wiry, decumbent and unbranched, with root-fibres from the nodes
in the lower part, decompound upwards, with dense erecto-patent
flabellately compound branches. Leaves obscurely dimorphous,
those of the lower plane imbricated, usually adpressed to the stem,
rarely erecto-patent, oblong, cuspidate, 4 lin. long, rigid in texture,
with a distinct white serrulate edge ; those of the upper plane
rather shorter tand more erect. Spikes short, square, f -1 lin.
d iam .; bracts deltoid, with a long cusp, strongly keeled.
Hab. West Himalayas, ascending 3000 ft. in Gurwhal, aud mountains of
Arabia and Abyssinia. A near ally of sanyuinolenta and borealis, and a connecting
link between the subgenera liuselaginella and Stachygynandrum.
163. S. BOREALIS Spring Mon. ii. 96. S. Jacqiiemontii Spring
Mon. ii. 124. Lycopodium horeale Kaulf. — Stems densely matted,
terete, very slender, wiry, bright red, usually ascending, forked low
down, reaching a length of half a foot or more, distantly pin n
ate ly branched, with short copiously compound branches. Leaves
slightly dimorphous, those of the lower plane close, erecto-patent,
obovate, 4 hn. long, cuspidate, firm in texture, convex on the back,
ivith a distinct keel, slightly ob liq ue ; those of the upper plane
erect and rather smaller. Spikes square f - i in. loug, 4 lin. d iam .;
bracts deltoid, acute, imbricated, 4 liu. loug, angular on the back.