C l a v is .
Subgenus 1 . S e l a g in e l l a proper. Ordinary leaves all alike,
multifarious. Bracts uniform.
Spikes not sharply square . Sp. 1 -5
Spikes sharply square . . Sp. 6 -8
Subgeuus 2. S t a c h y g y n a n d r u m . Ordinary leaves of two kinds
and spreading iu two planes, tliose of the upper plane smaller
and more ascending. Bracts uniform.
Series I. D e c u m b e n t e s . Dwarf species with the main stem
decumbent and root fibres extending to its upper nodes.
Group 1. Microphijilæ. Persistent species, with leaves of firm
or moderately firm texture, continuous stems, and leafy
branches not more than l-1 2 th - l-8 th in. broad.
Asiatic and European
African .
Sp. 9 -1 7
Sp. 18 -2 5
Sp. 2 6 -5 7
Group 2. Plumosce. P ersistent species, with leaves of firm or
moderately firm texture, continuous Stems and leafy
branches J - 4 iu broad.
Asiatic and Australian
African .
Country unknown
Sp. 5 8 -6 5
Sp. 6 6 -7 4
Sp. 7 5 -1 0 1
Sp. 102
Group 3. Stoloniferoe. Persistent species, with articulated stems
(all but one American) . Sp. 1 0 3 -1 2 0
Group 4. Apodoe. Fugacious species, mostly tropical annuals
of the rainy season, with continuous stems.
Sp. 1 2 1 -1 2 6
Sp. 1 2 8 -1 2 9
Sp. 1 30-151
Series II. A s c e n d e n t e s . Stems ascending, branched down to
the base, with the root-fibres confined to the nodes of the
lower half.
Group 1. Suberectæ. Persistent species, with continuous stems,
the leaves small, the leafy branches not more than
l-1 2 th - l-6 th in broad.
Asiatic and Polynesian
Sp. 1 5 2 -1 5 8
Sp. 1 59-161
Group 2. Atrovirides. Persistent species, witli continuous
stems, and broad leafy branches.
Country unknown
Sp. 1 6 2 -1 6 8
Sp. 169
Sp. 1 7 0 -1 8 2
Sp. 183
Group 3. Articidatæ. Persistent species, with articulated
stems (all American) . Sp. 1 8 4 -1 8 8
Group 4. Padiatce. Fugacious species, mostly tropical annuals
of the rainy season, with unjointed stems.
Old World .
New World .
Sp. 182 -1 9 5
Sp. 196 -2 0 3
Series II I. R o s u l a t ie . Stems densely tufted, curling up in
drought, sometimes, but not always, branched down to the
base, the root-fibres confined to the base.
Old World .
New World .
Sp. 2 0 4 -2 0 8
Sp. 2 0 9 -2 1 3
Series IV. S a r m b n t o s æ . Persistent species, with elongated stems
branched nearly or quite down to tlie base.
Asiatic and Polynesian . Sp. 2 1 4 -2 2 4
American . . . Sp. 225
Series V. S o a n d e n t e s . P ersistent species, with wide-climbing
continuous stems . . Sp. 2 2 6 -2 2 8
Series VI. O a u l e s c e n t e s . P e rsistent species, with erect stems,
simple in tlie lower part, decompound and frond-like upwards,
the root-fibres confined to the base.
Group 1. Flabellatoe.
Stems continuous.
Sp. 229-2 4 7
Sp. 248 -2 5 1
Sp. 252 -2 6 4
Group 2. Genicidatæ. Stems articulated (all American).
Sp. 2 6 5 -2 6 8
Subgenus 8. H o m o s t a o h y s . Ordinary leaves of two kinds, and
spreading iu two planes. Bracts also dimorplious, the smaller
bracts in the same plane as the smaller, more ascending
leaves . . . . . Sp. 2 6 9 -2 7 0
Subgenus 4 . H b t e r o s t a o h y s . Ordinary leaves of two kinds, and
spreading in two planes. Bracts also ol two kinds, but the
spikes resupiiiate (i. e., the smaller bracts in the same plane as
the larger leaves, and vice versá).
Group 1. Bisidcata. Persistent species, with decumbent continuous
main stems.
All Asiatic . . . Sp. 2 7 1 -2 7 4
Group 2. PronifiorcB. Fugacious species, with decumbent continuous
main stems.
Asiatic and Polynesian .
Sp. 2 7 5 -2 9 0
Sp. 291 -2 9 4