branches, oblique ovate-lanceolate, obtuse or subacute, 4 Ihi. long,
spreading, revolute, dark green, moderately firm iu texture, broadly
rounded on the upper side at the base, not ciliated ; leaves of lower
plane J as long, ovate, acute, ascending, imbricated, distinctly
keeled. Spikes unknown.
Hab. Khasia Mountains, on rooks, Griffith.
16. S. oRNiTHopoDioiDEs Spi'iiig Moii. 11. 93. r.j/copoiUnm omith-
opoilioides Linii. Sp. 1569, as regards the figure of Dilleuius cited,
llis t . Muse. t. 66, fig. 1 b , but not the Ceylon plant. L. hispidum
Willd.— Stems slender, pale, trailing, densely matted, 2 -8 in. long,
copiously piunately branched, with short erecto-patent flabellately
compound branches. Leaves of the lower plane close, oblique,
ovate-laiiceolate, about a line long, spreading, flat, acute, moderately
firm iu texture, the midrib distinct in the upper part, the base
broadly rounded and distinctly ciliated on the upper side, less
rounded and not ciliated on the low e r ; leaves of the upper plane
4 as long, oblique ovate, acute, ascending, imbricated. Spikes
short, square, 4 hu. diam. ; bracts ovate, acute, much imbricated,
strongly keeled.
Hab. Khasia Mountains, Hook. fil. d) Thompson ! A near ally of S. plumosa,
well represented in the figure of Dillenius above cited.
17. S. AiiABicA Baker.— Stems trailing, wiry, 4 ft. loug, sending
out large wiry rootlets, densely in te rm a tted ; branches numerous,
short, copiously compound. Leaves of the lower plane crowded,
oblique ovate 1-12 iu. long, firm in texture, green with a distinct
white edge, produced and more rounded at the base on the lower
side, distinctly ciliated at the very base o n ly ; leaves of the upper
plane oblique ovate, cuspidate, strongly ciliated, about half as long.
Spikes not seen.
Hab. Aden, Hunter 267! Intermediate between S. denticulata and
1 8 . S. B a r k l y i Baker FI. Maur. 5 2 2 . — Stems densely tufted,
decumbent, not more than an inch long, copiously compound.
Leaves of the lower plane crowded, spreading, flat, oblong, obtuse,
4 lin. long, firm in texture, minutely ciliate-denticulate, nearly
equal-sided, rounded on both sides at the b a s e ; leaves of the lower
plane a third as long, obovate, cuspidate, much imbricated. Spikes
4 - 4 in. long, 4 h n . diam., square ; bracts deltoid-cuspidate, crowded,
strongly keeled.
Hab. Bound Island, off the coast of Mauritius, S ir H. B a r k ly ! A near
ally of S. obtnsa.
19. S. o b t u s a Spring Mon. ii. 200. S. viridula and pusilla
Spring. Lycopodium obtusum Desv. L. pusillum Desv. I., viri-
dulmn Bory. L. umbrosum Willd.— Stems trailing, pale, square,
with ail angled face, 2 -4 in. long, copiously pinnately branched,
the branches short, the lower deltoid, copiously compound. Leaves
of the lower plane close, spreading, ovate-deltoid, | - 1 lin. long,
bright green, obtuse, moderately firm in texture, flat, very unequalsided,
minutely oiliate-deuticulate, broadly rounded on the upper
side at the base and much imbricated over the stem, cuneatetruncate
on the lower side ; leaves of the lower plane a third as long,
obovate, with a cusp nearly as long as the blade. Spikes square,
4 -4 in. long, 4 lin. d iam .; bracts deltoid-cuspidate, crowded, acutely
Hab. Mountain rocks of Mauritius, Bourbon, and Madagascar.
20. S. M i t t e n i i Baker in Jourii. Bot. 1883, 8 1 .— Stems densely
intermatted, trailing, 1 4 -2 in. long, tripiiinate, with sever-,il erecto-
patent main branches. Leaves bright green, moderately firm in
texture, those of the lower plane cordate-ovate, subacute, l-1 2 th in.
long, strongly denticulate all down the upper margin, with a central
midrib, contiguous or rather imbricated on the bran ch le ts; leaves
of the upper plane a third as long, oblique ovate, acute. Spikes
copious, 4-angled, not more than 4 h i. loug ; bracts ovate-lanceolate,
much imbricated, 4 lin. long, strongly keeled, conspicuously denticulate
on the margins.
Hab. Usassura Mountains, Central Africa, Bishop Hanningtonl
21. S. B alfourii Baker FI. Maur. 522.— Stem trailing, densely
matted, 8 -4 in. long, forked low down, distantly pinnate, with short
copiously compound lower branches. Leaves of lower plane spaced,
except at the tips of the branchlets, patent, oblong, obtuse, 4 - f Lu.
long, entire, not ciliated, flat, rather rigid in texture, pale green,
the lower edge parallel with the midrib, the upper convex and
broadly rounded at the base ; leaves of the upper plane a third as
long, obovate-ouspidate, much imbricated, strongly keeled throughout!
Spikes 4 - 4"in. long, square, 4 lin. diam. ; bracts orbicular-
cuspidate, crowded, strongly keeled, not much longer than the
Hab. Eodriguez, on the coralline limestone. Dr. I. B. Ba lfo u r ! A near
ally of 8. obtusa.
22. S. W e l w i t s o h i i Baker in Journ. Bot. 1888, 81.— Stems
densely matted, trailing, 2 -3 in. long, distantly pinnately branched,
the lower branches slightly compound. Leaves of the lower plane
crowded on the branches, ascending, ovate, acute, slightly unequalsided,
4 lin. long, incurved, moderately firm in texture, oihate-
denticulate on all the margins, cordate and more strongly ciliated
on the upper side at the base, rounded on the lower side ; midrib
distinct from base to tiq); leaves of the upper plane a third as long,
ascending, imbricated, ovate, acute. Spikes unknown.
Hab. Angola, on dry rocks ol the Pedras of Pungo Andongo, Welwitsch
43 ! A close ally of S. vaginata.
23. S. s o m a l ie n s is Baker in Journ. Bot. 1 8 8 3 ,8 2 . Stems
wiry, wide-trailing, terete, 4 -1 ft. long, dichotomously forked, the
forks copiously pinnate, the sliort distant branches copiously
flabellately compound. Leaves of the lower plane crowded on the
branchlets, patent, ovate-lanceolate, 4 fin- loii>g> subacute or sub-
obtuse, flat, not incurved, moderately firm in texture, not very
unequal-sided, the midrib distinct, both sides, especially the upper,
furnished with conspicuous unequal cilia, the upper side broadly
rounded at the base and much imbricated over the rachis ; leaves