Subgeuiis H ippochiete. Spikes apiculato. Stomata with their
aperture immersed beneath the epidermis.
Branches many, regularly whorled . . . S o 10-11
Branches few irregular . . ’ SiV 12- 1 4 *
Branches n o n e ............................................. j ; ^
Subgenus E quisetum peopeb.
1 E . abi;ense Linn. Sp. edit. ii. 1 5 1 6 ; Milde, Mon. t. 1- 3 -
T f r i *■. 1 edit. hi. t. 1809. — Barren
and fertile steins entirely different. Barren stem festival, a- 1 in
diam 1 -2 ft. long with G-15 ribs and a small central lioliow
uroov/d i f V i i“ - long, their ribs distinctly
g io o v ed , teeth lanceolate, black, with a white membranous edge •
branches regular, densely whorled, solid, tetragonous, usually
W ?■ f'^g^cious; sheaths distant, an inch
loDj,, blown, membranous ; spike peduncled, obtuse, l - l j in. Ion".
arctic zones of both hemispheres. Ji cam
pestie C. I . Schultz is a form with a compound festival stem, ending in a spike.
t iL ® * edit. hi.
k ! f ; TQ Milde, Mon. t. 4 - 6 ; Hook. Brit.
E e in s, t. o8 L flun a tile Smith, non Linn. E . ehurnoum B o th .—
Barren and fertile stems entirely different. Barren stem festival,
J - 4 m diam., sometimes 6 -8 ft. long, with 2 0 -4 0 ribs and a la i- e
central hollow ; sheaths adpressed, i in. long ; teeth brown, lanceo-
hate a cum in a te ; branches regular, simple, solid, densely whorled.
F c itile stem vernal, fugacious, l - l | - f t . lon g ; sheaths very loose
above an inch long ; spike peduncled, obtuse, 2 -3 in. long.
Hab North temperate zone of both hemispheres. E . ehurnenm Sehreb
{E. u I ula, c fecheele) is a form with a compound festival stem, ending in a spike!
TT Li»H- Sp. edit. ii. 1516 ; Milde, Mon. t. 9 -1 0 -
Hook. Brit. Ferns, t. 61 ; Eng. Bot. edit. hi. t. 1801.—Barren and
ie itd e stems different Barren stem slender, 1 -2 ft. long, with
12--18 prominent scabrous ribs and a moderately large central
hollow, not caudate ; sheaths about J in. long, rather loose ; teeth
blown membianous, lanceolate; branches regular, densely whorled,
v a y slender, copiously compound, 2 - 6 in. long. Fertile stem
i ft. long, sending out whorls of short simple or compound
branches from the upper nodes ; sheaths very loose, i - f in. loii" •
spike obtuse, ^-1 m. long, distinctly peduncled. “ ’
Hab. North temperate and arctic zones of both hemispheres.
+ T H ‘'IJ10V. Mag. 1784, 138 ; Milde, Mon
L 7, 8 , E iig . Bot. m. t. 1890. E . wnhrosum. Meyer; Hook Brit*
diffm-enf* B Hook. — Barren and fertile stem^
different. Barren stem 1- 1| ft. long, J - i in. diam with 12- 2(1
l o i k i “ I V f r k c a u f i’a t e ; s h e a t h s
lo o s e , 4 m . l o n g ; t e e t h l a n c e o l a t e , w i t h a b r o w n m i d r i b a n d p a l e
copious, regular, densely whorled, sim p le ; lower
usually spreading or decurvecl. Fertile stem * ft. Ion" sinmle or
sending out a few whorls of short branches; slieatlis^l’oose, i in.
equisetace.e . 3
long ; teeth much larger ; spike oblong, obtuse, peduncled, 1 in.
Hab. North temperate and arctic zones of both hemispheres.
5. E . p a l u s t r e Linn. Sp. edit. ii. 1516; Milde, Moii. t . 1 3 -1 4 ;
Hook. Brit. Ferns, t. 63; E n g . Bot. edit. iii. t . 1892. E . tuberosum
DC. ■—■ Barren and fertile stems alike, 1 -2 ft. long, with a small
central hollow and 6 -1 2 square grooved ribs ; sheaths loose, in.
lon g ; teeth lanceolate, dark brown, with a pale edge; branches
copious and regularly whorled in the typical form, ascending, 4 -6 -
angled, hollow ; spike dense, oblong, obtuse, -J-J in. long, distinctly
Hab. North temperate and arctic zones of both hemispheres ; rare in
South Europe. Var. pohjstachijmn VilL, with the branches ending in spikes,
occurs frequently ; and a similar form is found in several other species. Alpine
forms are slender, simple, or sparsely irregularly branched.
6 . E . d i f f u s u m D. Don, Prodr. El. Nep. 19 ; Milde, Mon. 1 .11.
E . scoparium, loeve, and hicarinatum W all.—Barren and fertile stems
alike, 1 -2 ft. long, with a small central hollow and 6 -1 2 square
grooved ribs; sheaths loose, J -v Li. long; ribs very distinctly
grooved ; teeth linear or lanceolate, brown or green, distinctly
keeled ; branches in the typical form copious and densely whorled,
ascending, solid ; spike oblong-cylindrical, obtuse, 1 -2 in. long,
shortly peduncled.
Hab. Central and E astern Himalayas ; Kumaon to Manipur, 3000—7000 ft.
Nearest E . palustre, from which it differs in its sheaths and spikes. I t has
similar poiysfnc/ii/HHt and alpine forms.
7. E . BOGOTENSE II. B. K. Nov. Gen. i. 42 ; Milde, Mon. t. 12.
E . stipulacenm Vauoli. E . ßageUiferum Kunze. E . cldlense Presl.
E . quítense F é e .—Barren and fertile stems alike, very slender, often
decumbent, - J - l i ft. long, with a small central hollow and 4 -9
square ribs; sheaths loose, in. lon g ; ribs distinctly grooved ;
teeth short, deltoid, brown, membranous ; branches fewer than in
palustre and debile, 4-5 -an g led , solid, often absent ; spike oblong,
obtuse, peduncled, in. long.
Hab. Along the Andes from Venezuela to Chili, ascending to 10,000 ft. on
Pichincha. British Guiana, Appaa ! Less compound th an palustre, with
different sheath-ribs, and much shorter membranous teeth. The locality of
Jamaica, given by Milde, is a mistake.
8 . E . LITTORALE Kulilw. ill Bupi’eclit Beitr. iv. 91 ; Milde, Mon.
t . 1 7 -1 8 . E . inundatum Lasch. E . Kochianum Bookel. E . arvensi-
limósum Lasch. — Barren and fertile stems alike, 1 -3 ft. long,
caudate, with a large central hollow and 6 -1 6 prominent ribs ;
sheaths loose, in. lon g ; ribs distinctly grooved; teeth lanceolate,
black, rigid ; branches often copious, densely whorled, simple,
ascending ; spike dense, oblong, obtuse, subsessile or shortly
peduncled, J- 1 in. long ; spores generally without elaters.
Hab. Russia, Scandinavia, Austria, Germany, Prance, and discovered
recently in Surrey by Mr. W. H. Beeby. The lof ality of Canada, given by Milde,
needs confirmation. Intermediate in general habit between palutitre and the
ßiiviatile form of limosvm.