pinnately brauclied, witli short 2-3-furcate erecto-patent bi'iiuches.
Leaves of the lower plane close, spreading, ovate, acute, very
oblique, 2 liu. long, flat, pale green, firm iu texture, denticulate,
much more produced on the upper side of the distinct midrib, the
base cordate and much imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the
upper plane half as long, oblong, cuspidate, much imbricated.
Spikes copious, short, square, 4 liu, diam. ; bracts ovate, cuspidate,
much imbricated, strongly keeled.
Hab. Panure, on the Eio Uapes, Spruce'. Habit of serpens, but totally
different in the leaves.
41. S. CRYPTOGASA Baker in Journ. Bot. 1883, 99. — Stems
slender, trailing, densely iiitermatted, 2 -3 in. long, the erecto-
patent branches simple or little compound. Leaves of the lower
plane crowded even on the main stem, erecto-patent, oblique
ovate, acute, 4 hu. loug, bright green, moderately firm in texture,
dilated, cordate, strongly ciliated and much imbricated over the
stem on the upper side at the b a s e ; leaves of the upper plane a
third as long, oblique ovate, acute, much imbricated. Spikes
short, sharply square, i- lin. d iam .; bracts ovate, acute, crowded,
strongly keeled.
Hab. On the ground on the banks of the Eio Uapes, North Brazil, Spruce
2905! An ally of S. radiata, from which it differs by its short decumbent
stems and crowded leaves.
42. S. CAYENNENSis Baker. — Stems about 2 in. loug, densely
intermatted, very slender, copiously pinnate ; branchlets 4 h i. diam,
Leaves bright green, moderately firm iu texture ; those of the
lower plane contiguous on the branchlets, oblique oblong, obtuse,
f liu, loug, more produced aud more rounded at the base of the
upper side of the midrib ; leaves of the lower plane half as long,
much imbricated, ovate, acute. Spikes not seen.
Hab. French Guiana ; cataract of Bradel, Leprieur 167 !
43. S. TAR.APOTENSis Baker in Journ. Bot. 1883, 98.— Stems
trailing, 8-G in. long, subterete on back and face, copiously
pinnate, the lower branches elongated and copiously compound.
Leaves of the lower plane close or rather spaced, oblong-lanceolate,
acute, f - 1 lin. long, bright green, moderately firm in texture, more
produced on the upper side of the distinct midrib, shortly rigidly
ciliated in the lower half of the upper edge, broadly rounded at its
base and somewhat imbricated over the b ran ch ; leaves of the
upper plane ha lf as long, suborbicular, with a very long cusp.
Spikes' copious, square, f - f in. long, 1 lin. d iam .; bracts very
dense, ovate cuspidate.
Hab. In North West Peru on Mont Campaua, and Mont Guayrapurima
near Tarapota, Spruce 4625 !
44. S. ACANTHOSTACHYS Baker in Journ. Bot. 1883, 99.— Stems
very slender, trailing, angled on both back and face, 2 -4 in. long,
copiously pinnate, the branches copiously compound. Leaves of the
lower plane oblong-lanceolate, acute, 4 “i hn. long, bright green
and moderately firm in texture, ascending, spaced, except at the
tip of the branchlets, a little more produced on the upper side of
the distinct midrib, its edge shortly rigidly ciliated, its base very
cordate and much imbricated over the branch ; leaves of the upper
plane 4 -4 as long, oblique ovate, cuspidate, incurved. Spikes
copious, square, i - 1 in. loug, 4 - i 1™- d iam .; bracts ovate-
lanceolate, rigid, very acuminate.
Hab. In North West Peru, on Mont Campana, Spruce !
45. S. BRAOHYCLADA Baker. — Stems trailing, densely intermatted,
2 -3 in. long, coiuously piimiate; branches short aud but
little compound, l- 1 2 - l - 8 th in. diam. Leaves bright green, thick
and firm in texture ; those of the lower plane close on the
branchlets, oblique-ovate, l-1 6 th in. long, subacute, much produced
on tlie upper side of the midrib, very cordate at the base aud
much imbricated over the s t em ; leaves of the lower plane half as
long, broad ovate, ascending, imbricated. Spikes not seen.
Hab. British Guiana ; foot of the Kaieteur, Jenmiin 1481!
46. S. J enmani Baker.— Stems trailing, densely intermatted,
3 -4 in. long, copiously p in n a te ; lower branches with several short
simple branchlets in. diam. Leaves bright green, moderately
firm in texture, those of the lower plane close on the branchlets,
very oblique ovate, f - 1 lin. long, much produced on the upper side
of the distinct midrib, very cordate at the base and imbricated over
the stem, rounded at the base on the lower side and not imbricated
over the s t em ; apex d e lto id ; leaves of the upper plane rather
shorter, ovate, erecto-patent, strongly keeled. Spikes not seen.
Hab. British Guiana; foot of the Kaieteur, Jenman 1480 I
47. S. BRBviPBS Fee F il. Bras. 226, tab. 75, fig. 1.— Stems
trailing, 4 -6 in. long, flat on the back, convex on the face, copiously
pinnate, the lower branches elongated and copiously compound.
Leaves of the lower plane crowded, spreading or rather ascending,
oblong-lanceolate, subaoute, f - 1 lin. long, bright green and mode-^
rately firm iu texture, much more produced on the upper side of
the midrib, shortly rigidly ciliated towards the base, where it is
cordate aud much imbricated over the branch; leaves of the upper
plane 4 - 4 as long, broad ovate, with a long cusp. Spikes square,
4 - f in. long, f liu. d iam .; bracts ovate-cuspidate, strongly keeled.
Hab. On the Tejuca Mountains, near Eio Janeiro, Burchell 3008 ! Serra
das Orgaos, Glaziou 2241!
48. S. L indbergh Baker in Journ. Bot. 1883, 99. — Stems
trailing, intermatted, 8 -6 iu. long, terete on the back, angled on the
face, forked low down, copiously pinnate, the branches ascending,
the lower copiously compouud. Leaves of the lower plane close
or slightly spaced on the branches, spreading, oblong-lanceolate,
subacute,’ f - 1 lin. long, more produced on the upper side of the
midrib, with a strongly ciliated deeply cordate auricle on the upper
side which reaches quite across the branch; texture moderately
firm ; upper border rather r ev o lu te ; leaves of the upper plane a
third as long, broad ovate, shortly cuspidate. Spikes copious,
4 -1 in. long, 1 lin. diam., square; bracts ovate, acute, strongly
Hab. Minas Geraes, Brazil, ¡Lindberg I In 8t. Paulo, on the Serra de
Cubatao, Burchell 1