Hab. Eastern Siberia, Kamschatka, and Eastern Himalayas. Habit of S.
sanguinolenta, from wliich it differs by its slightly dimorphous leaves. Earely
the stems are decumbent, with root-fibres from the upper nodes.
154. S. NEOCALEDONIOA Baker in J o im i.B o t. 1884, 245.— Stems
suberect, with root-fibres from the base only, reaching a length of
half a foot, distantly pinnate, the short erecto-patent brauolies
sparingly compouud. Leaves of the lower plane close on the
branchlets, spaced on the main stem, erecto-patent, ovate, subaoute,
bright p e e ii, firm in texture, not more than i liu. long, nearly
equal-sided, serrulate, rounded at the base on tlie upper side, and
a little imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the upper plane h a lf as
loug, ovate, acute, not cuspidate. Spikes short, square, J liu . d iam .;
bracts ovate, strongly keeled, scarcely longer tliaii the sporaugia.
Hab. New Caledonia, in damp places ou the mountains of Balade,
Vieillard 1690'.
156. S. M a c g il l iv r a y i Baker in Journ. Bot. 1884, 245.— Stems
reaching a length of G-9 in., suberect, with root-fibres from the
base only, bisulcate on the face, scarcely at all branched in the
lower third or quarter, distantly branched upwards, the branches
ascending and little compound. Leaves of the lower plane contiguous
ou the branchlets, much spaced on the stem, nearly
spreading, ovate-oblong, obtuse, flat, 1 lin. long, bright green,
moderately firm iu texture, nearly equal-sided, rounded aud shortly
ciliated, and a little imbricated over the stem at the base on the
upper s id e ; leaves of the upper plane half as long, ovate, acute.
Spikes short, square, 4 lin. diam. ; bracts ovate, acute, strongly
keeled, scarcely longer than the sporangia.
Hab. Isles of Pines, in clefts of rock near the summit of the main peak,
MacgilUvray 729 ! Milne 208 !
156. S. BARBATA Spring Mon. ii. 204, ex parte.— Stems suberect,
half a foot long, with root-fibres from the base only, copiously
pinnate, angled on the face, the close erecto-patent branches
copiously compound. Leaves of the lower plane close on the
branches, spaced on the stem, ovate, acute, ascending, a line long,
bright green, moderately firm in texture, nearly equal-sided, broadly
rounded and ciliated ou both sides at the base, imbricated on the
upper side over the s t em ; leaves of the upper plane half as long,
oblique ovate, acute. Spikes short, 1 lin. d iam .; bracts deltoid,
with a long cusp, strongly keeled.
Hab. Philippines, Cuming 2014 !
157. S. SUBERECTA Baker in Journ. Bot. 1884, 245. S. harbata
Spring Mon. ii. 204, ex parte. — Stems suberect, 6 -9 in. loug,
rounded on the back, acutely angled on the face, little branched in
the lower third, copiously branched upwards with crowded ascending
very compound branches. Leaves of the lower plane crowded
aud much imbricated on the branchlets, nearly contiguous on the
main stem, ascending, oblique ovate, acute, l - 12th to l - 8th in. long,
bright green, moderately firm in texture, more produced on the upper
side of the midrib, shortly ciliated on the upper side, very cordate
on the upper side at the base, and much imbricated over the stem ;
leaves of the upper plane half as long, oblique ovate, cuspidate,
much imbricated on the branchlets. Spikes not seen.
Hab. Malacca, Griffith ! Upper Yangtze, China, Francis !
158. S. ACUTANGDLA Spring Mon. ii. 206. — Stem erect, about
half a foot long, with root-fibres confined to the base, strongly
angled down the face, decompound, closely pinnate, the ascending
branches copiously pimiate. Leaves of the lower jilane rather
spaced both on the stem and branches, spreading, lauoeolate-
liiomboid, acute, bright green, moderately firm iu texture, l - 12th in.
long, unequal-sided, more rounded, strongly ciliated and imbricated
over the stem ou the upper side at the b a s e ; leaves of the
upper plane half as long, ovate, with a long cusp, conspicuously
ciliated. Spikes square, copious, 4 -4 in. long, 1 liu. d iam .; bracts
ovate, acute, crowded, strongly keeled.
Hab. Malacca, Griffith'.
159. S. ERECTiFOLiA Spring Mon. ii. 92. S. campnostachys Fee
F il. Bras. 225, tab. 75, fig. 3 .— Stems 3 -6 iu. long, suberect, with
root-fibres from the base only, copiously pinnate, the erecto-patent
branches considerably compound. Leaves of the lower plane
ascending and contiguous both on the stem and branches, oblong-
lanceolate, acute, bright green, moderately firm in texture, 4 hn.
long, nearly equal-sided, rounded, shortly ciliated and imbricated
over the stem on the upper side at the b a s e ; leaves of the upper
plane half as long, ovate, cuspidate, much imbricated. Spikes
square, 4 -4 in. long, 4 lin. diam. ; bracts ovate, acute, strongly
Hab. Eio Janeiro, Swainson ! Glaziou 2242 !
160. S. P b a r o e i Baker in Journ. Bot. 1884, 246. — Stems
suberect, 6 -9 iu. long, with root-fibres from the base only, bisuloate
down the face, copiously pinnate, the erecto-patent branches
considerably pinnately compouud. Leaves of the lower plaue
spreading or rather ascending, contiguous on the branches, spaced
on the main stem, ovate-lanceolate, acute, f - 1 lin. long, dark
green, moderately firm in texture, rather unequal-sided, rounded
and shortly ciliated and imbricated over the stem on the upper side
at the base j leaves of the upper plane ha lf as long, ovate, acute,
much imbricated. Spikes short, 1 lin. d iam .; bracts ovate, acute,
serrulate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Cordilleras of Pozuzo, alt. 6000 ft., Pearce !
161. S. SETiGEKA Jenm. in Journ. Bot. 1886, 273. — Stems
suberect, 4- I ft. long, usually rooting at the base only, but sometimes
also at the caudate tip, copiously compound ; branchlets
erecto-patent, lower compound, rhomboid. Leaves bright green,
moderately firm in texture, those of the lower plane close, ascending,
oblong, 4 iu. long, with an oblique point and distinct midrib,
more produced and more rounded at the base on the upper side,
copiously ciliated on both sides downwards ; leaves of the upper
plane half as loug, ascending, ovate cuspidate. Spikes short,
square ; bracts ovate, similar to the leaves in texture.
Hab. Jamaica, II'iisoH 136 ! Morris 5031 Sherring'.