138. S. DENDEICOLA Jeiimaii. — Stems trailing, 3 -6 in. long,
copiously pinnate ; branches distant, short, spreading, simple or
forked. Leaves membranous, bright green ; those of lower plane
spaced out, erecto-patent, oblique broad ovate, l-1 6 th in. long,
produced ou upper side of distinct midrib, and broadly rounded at
base ; those of upper plane half as long, ascending, broad ovate,
cuspidate. Spikes copious, slender, square, erecto-patent from the
main stem, an inch long ; bracts ovate, acute, sharply keeled.
Hab. British Guiana ; Essequibo and Macourea Hivers, on prostrate logs,
Jenman 2323 !
139. S. EXPANSA Sodiro Eecens. Crypt. Vase. Quit. 95 .— Stems
slender, trailing, diffusely branched from the base ; branches short,
the lower bipinuate. Leaves light green, those of the lower plane
spaced out except at the tip of the branchlets, patent, obliquely
attached, unequal-sided, acute, rounded on the upper margin and
minutely auricled at the base, adnate to the stem on the lower ;
leaves of the upper plane ovate-lanceolate, unequal-sided, slightly
falcate, prominently keeled. Spikes short, square ; bracts ovate,
acuminate, distinctly keeled.
Hab. Andes oi Ecuador, Sodiro.
140. S. BRASILIENSIS A. Br. in Crypt. Nov. Gran. 374. S. cms-
sineri'ia, pohjsperma, and apus, ex parte Spring. S. upiis Fée F il.
Bras. Suppl. 98. S. L’«/rtc/wj A. Br. Lycopodkmi hrasiliense'Ra.dii
Fil. Bras. 82, tab. 1, fig. 4. L . patulum Gaudich, non Sw.— Stems
trailing, 2 -4 in. long, copiously pinnate, the branches erecto-
patent, the upper simple, the lower slightly compound. Leaves of
the lower plane spaced and spreading, except towards the tip of the
branches, oblique oblong, acute, f - 1 lin. long, bright green, membranous,
more produced on the upper side of the midrib, cordate at
the base on the upper side, distinctly ciliated and imbricated over
the stem ; leaves of the upjier plaue half as long, oblique oblong,
with a distinct cusp. Spikes 4 -4 in. long, 1 lin. diam. ; bracts
ovate-lanceolate, strongly keeled in the upper half.
Hab. Common in the southern half of Brazil, from Bahia and Minas
Geraes to Santa Catherina. A near ally of S. apms. S. pohjsperma Spring is a
form m th short stems a,nd copious long spikes. S. anoeardia A. Br. in Eil. Nov.
Gran. 374, is said to differ from brasiliensis by its more remote, more obtuse
leaves of the lower plane ; leaves of the upxier plane with a shorter cusp aud
antioous bracts not so acuminate, and furnished with a broad keel, which is
strongly toothed iu the upper part.
141. S. LÜDOVICIANA A. Br. in Ann. Sc. Nat. 4 ser., xiii. 58.
S. apus var. denticulata Spring Mon. ii. 77. - Stems slender,
copiously pinnate, flat on both back and face, reaching a length of
half a foot, the upper branches simple, the lower slightly compound.
Leaves of the lower plane much spaced below the tip of the
branches, spreading, ovate-oblong, subacute, firmer iu texture than
in apus, i - f lin. long, serrulate, not distinctly ciliated, more
produced on the upper side of the midrib, broadly rounded at the
base, and imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the upper plane half
as long, oblique oblong, cuspidate. Spikes 4 -4 in. long, 1 lin.
diam. ; bracts ovate-lanceolate, a line long, strongly keeled.
Hab. Alabama and Louisiana, Drummond 485. A near ally of S. apus.
Well known in cultivation. ^ a -r .
110 q tatnervts Liebm. S. sarmentosa Liebm., non A. Hr.
«. bloritziana Fourn. Crypt. Mex.
2U in long, copiously pinnate, the short erecto-patent branches
A .» 1 . . A.
Fournier unites it. . ,
strongly keeled. . ^ «
Hab Damp woods at Eio Janeiro, L u se lma tli. ^
i S i i i S spreading, the lower on of
of a characteristically tropical group. 11 q _ S+ems
145. S. PBASiNA Baker in Journ. Bo • (.qg f^ce,
slender, square, trailing, nclies.' Leaves of the lower
with a few short spreading simi lower spreading and
plane, the nppee eon fg a one and *“ S , L e a n , mem-
Ipaced, ovate, obtuse ot n p i » side of lb .
S b = ™ S on tb l n p p e ^ ^
- e . n k cnepidato. Spibee