deltoid and decompound in tlie upper half, tlie lower piunæ deltoid,
the ultimate hrauchlets not more than -} iu. long, J lin. diam.
Leaves of the lower plane oblong-lanoeolate, erecto-patent, t .- l lin.
long, acute, contiguous only on the ultimate branchlets, dark green,
moderately firm in texture, narrowed from the middle to the base,
nearly equal-sided, hardly at all imbricated over the back of the
stem ; leaves of the upper plane a third as long, oblong, shortly
cuspidate. Spikes short, square, 4 liu. diam. ; bracts ovate-
cuspidate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Philippines, Cuminy 2017! Perhaps not more than a variety of S.
286. S. Biuxjnh Baker ill Gard. Chroii. 1867, 1120. S. puhescem
A. Br., lion Spring.— Stems I - I 4 ft. long, erect, pale stramineous,
simjile in the lower half, decompound, deltoid and flexuose iu the
upper half, the piuiiæ erecto-patent and deltoid, the pinnules
regular, short, deltoid, spaced, the ultimate branchlets not more
than 4- J ill. long, 1 line broad. Leaves of the lower plane contiguous
only on the final branchlets, nearly spreading, ovate-
rhomboid, subobtuse, 4 hn. long, liable to be revolute at both edges,
dark green, moderately firm in texture, narrowed to a truncate base,
not imbricated over the back of the pubescent branches ; leaves of
the upper plaue a third to half as long, oblique oblong, shortly
cuspidate. Spikes short, square, J lin . diam.; bracts suborbioular,
cuspidate, little longer than the sporangia.
Hab, West China, Blakiston ! A distinctly marked species, well known in
287 S. G r i f p i t h i i Spring Mon. ii. 151. S. virescens Spring.
S. hrevipes A. Br. — Stems erect, 4 -1 ft- long, simple in the lower
part, deltoid aud decompound upwards, the root-fibres sometimes
extending upwards to where the branching begins, the face bisuloate,
the lower pinnæ deltoid, 8 -pimiate, the branching of all grades
pimiate, the ascending contiguous final branchlets 4- J in. long,
4 in. broad. Leaves of the lower plane contiguous, more or less
ascending, oblong-rhomboid, subaoute, i - i in. long, thinner in
texture than in jiahellata, spuriously 3-nerved, dilated, rounded,
serrulate, and imbricated over the stem on the upper side at the
base ; leaves of the upper plane minute, obovate, with a large cusp.
Spikes square, J - f in. long, 4 lin. diam. ; bracts ovate cuspidate,
strongly keeled.
Hab. Mountains of Mergui, Griffith'.
238. S. PENTAGONA Spring Mon. ii. 160. S. implexa Scott.—
Stems 1 -1 4 ft. long, ascending from a decumbent base, sometimes
lengthened out and taking root at the tip, simple in lower half or
third, deltoid and decompound upwards, with 2- 8 -piniiate deltoid
lower pimiæ, the contiguous asoendiiig final branchlets J - l iu. long,
4~4 in. broad. Leaves of the lower plaue contiguous, ascending,
oblique ovate, acute, 1-12th to l - 8 th iu. long, bright green,
moderately firm iu texture, dilated, obscurely ciliated, broadly
rounded, and much imbricated over the stem on the upper side at
the base ; leaves of the upper plaue a tliiid to oue-fourth as loug.
oblong-lanceolate, acute. Spikes square, short, J - J lin. diam. ;
bracts ovate-lanceolate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Eastern Himalayas, and Parasnath. Intermediate in habit between
jiahellata and monospora,
239. S. M e n z i e s i i Spring Mon. ii. 185. S. Rprinyii Spring
Mon. ii. 184;. Lycopodiunt Menziesii Hook. & Grev. A. Arlniscula
Hook. & Grev. lo . t. 200, non Kaulf. — Stems erect, 4- I ft- long,
simple in the lower half, with the leaves of the upper part
spreading, deltoid and decompound in the upper half, the lower
piunæ copiously compound, the final hrauchlets hi- long, 4 hi.
broad. Leaves of the lower plane contiguous, oblique ovate, acute,
ascending, falcate, l-1 2 th to l-6 th in. long, bright green, moderately
firm in texture, dilated, broadly rounded, obscurely ciliated,
and a little imbricated over the stem 011 the upper side at the base ;
leaves of the upper plaue a third as long, oblique ovate, with a
large cusp. Spikes short, square, f lin. diam. ; bracts ovate-
cuspidate, acutely keeled.
Hab. Polynesia, esjieoially iu the Sandwich Islands. I find it difficult to
draw the line between this species and 8. Arhnscula on the one hand, and S.
Jiahellata on the other.
240. S. BRBYNioiDEs Baker in Journ. Bot. 1885, 45. — Stems
above a foot long, erect, simple iu lower part, with spreading leaves,
deltoid and decompound in the upper three-quarters, the branches
erecto-patent and sparingly subflabellately compound, the lower
ones half a foot long, the final branchlets 1 -2 in. long, 4 -4 in.
broad. Leaves of the lower plane contiguous even on the main
stem, spreading, oblong-rhomboid, obtuse, bright green, moderately
firm in texture, 4 - 4 iu. long, obliquely inserted, broadly rounded,
not ciliated, slightly imbricated over the stem on the upper side at
the base ; leaves of the upper plane half as long, oblique ovate,
with a large cusp, much imbricated. Spikes short, terminal, 1 lin.
diam. ; bracts ovate-lanceolate, acutely keeled.
Hab. Mountains of Naviti Levu, Fiji, Milne 198 ! 334 ! Leaves of ^ both
pilanes in size, shape and insertion closely resembling those of S. Breynii, but
general habit of course very different.
241. S. OBESA Baker in Journ. Bot. 1885, 46. — Stems erect,
stramineous, under a foot long, the lower third simple, the upper
two-thirds deltoid, frond-like, decompound, the close primary pinnæ
lanceolate, copiously pinnate, with short sparingly compound
ascending branchlets, the ultimate divisions J - J iu. long, 4 iu.
broad. Leaves of the lower plane contiguous and patent on the
branches, ascending on the branchlets, oblique ovate, l-1 2 th to
l-8 th in. long, very broad at the base, much dilated on the upper
side, where it is broadly rounded, obscurely ciliated and much im bricated
over the stem, the margins above the dilated base revolute ;
leaves of the upper plane half as long, ovate-lanceolate, with a
distinct cusp. Spikes short, square, J lin. diam. ; bracts ovate-
lanceolate, strongly keeled.
Hab. North Borneo, Burhidye !
242. S. FULCEATA Spring Mon. ii. 171. 8 . pubescens Spring