Sporangia iu irregular zones in tlie axils of shorter leaves interspersed
with the longer ones all down the stem.
Hab Canada, Newfoundland and United States Japan, C U n tfU l
il/« r " ' China; province of Kiu-ldang, Maries'. Himalayas ^
in finn-ll2 000 ft Sir J . D. Hooker ! Clarke ! Leviiige ! Bourbon, Delaie o90 .
The Himaiayan form, which has shorter, laxer leaves than the type, is figured
by C. B. Clarke in Trans. Linn. Soc., series 2, vol. i. p. 84, i.
15 L. xiPHornYLLUM Baker, in Journ. Linn. Soc. inédit.—
Stem erect, C-8 iu. long, strongly angled, simple. Leaves axly
disposed, lanceolate, i - i in. long, acute narrowed to « e ^ s®,
sm^adin" or reflexed, bright green, moderately flrm in texture,
entire. Sporangia in the axils of the unaltered leaves of the
upper half of the stem.
Hab. Central Madagascar, Baron 4512! It differs from L . serratam
mainly by its entire leaves.
16. L . sEBKATUJi Tliunb. FI. Jap. 341, t. 3 8 ; Hook, ot Grev.
Ic t. 37. L . javamcum Sw. L . sulcinenium bprmg. L . saiyas-^
sifoliiun Liebm.— Steins slender, suberect. 4 -1 ft. long, once oi
twice diohotomonsly forked. Leaves la x ly disposed lanceolate,
-'-1 in. long, 1 -2 lin. broad, acute, much narrowed to base, thin m
texture, bright green, crisped and serrated on the margin, often
v e r y irregular in size on the same branch ; midrib very distinct.
Sporangia in the axils of unaltered leaves all down the stem.
Hab Japan. China, E a st Himalayas (ascending to 10 000 ft. i« Mampur)
Neilgherries, Ceylon, Java, Sumatra, Fiji, Samoa, Sandwich Isles, Mexico, and
according to Swartz, also Bourbon.
17 L EIBMUM Mett. Crypt. Nov. Gran. 391. L . Sieberianum
Sm-ing ex p a r t e .-S t em s suberect or pendulous, strongly angled, a
foot long, 2 -4 times dichotomously forked, m. diam. moludiiig
the leaves. Leaves crowded, linear, green, spreading,_ firm iii
texture, entire, i - 4 in. long ; midrib distinct. Sporangia in the
axils of unaltered leaves all down the stem.
Hab A n d e s of New Granada, Linclherg 1521'. Aa/brey«-! Peru, M a t fW
963 ! Central Brazil, Limlberg ! Very near L . rigidum, with which it was
united by Spring.
18. L . WGIDUM Gmel. Syst. Nat. v iii. 1289 {Dill. Muse tab. 57,
fi" 4) L s(/iwrrosK»i Lam. 11011 Forst. L. Sieberinnuiii b lin iig ex.
n a r te .L s tem s erect, 9 -1 2 in. long, 2 -3 times dichotomously
forked • ultimate hranolilets often long, _ 4 in. diam. including
leaves. Leaves very crowded, spreading, linear, -j-g m. long, fiim
in texture, green, entire, channelled down the lower part of the
face, 2 -ribbed on the back. Sporangia in the axils of unalteied
leaves all down the stem.
Hub Mountains of the West Indies (Martinique, Guadeloupe, St. \ mcent,
Ac.) Very near to L . rejie.mm, from whieh it differs by its more robust habit
and denser leaves.
19. L . MYRTUOSUM Spring Mon. ii. 9. — Stems erect, stout,
ereen strongly angled, varying a few inches to above a foot in
length 1 -3 times dichotomously forked, f - 1 in. diam. including
leaves.’ Leaves crowded, lanceolate, bright green, j--4 m. long,
thick and firm in texture, entire, mucronate ; inulnb obscure,
upper spreading, lower reflexed. Sporangia in the axils of u n altered
leaves all down the stem.
Hab. Andes of New Granada; Magdalena, Purdie'. Bogs a t Muna, alt.
12,000 ft,, Pearee !
Group of L . taxifolium.
20. L. EONTiNALoiDEs Spi’iiig FI. Bras. i. 112, tab. 5, fig. 2. L .
serpijllifolium Fée F il. Bras. t. 7 8 .— Stems very slender, pendulous,
stramineous or tinged with red, 4 -2 ft. or more long, several times
dichotomously forked, about l - 12tli in. diam. including the adpressed
leaves. Leaves ovate, tetrasticlious, not imbricated, l-1 6 tli
to l - 12tli in. long, firm iu texture, entire green or margined with
red ; midrib raised. Sporangia in the axils of unaltered leaves of
the branches and branchlets.
Hab. Mountains of Brazil. Var. mexicanum Spring properly belongs to
L. rerticiiiutum.
21. L. TETK.AGONÜM Hook. et Grev. Ic . F il. t. 109. L . cathar-
ticum Hook, in Ann. Nat. H ist. 428, t. 14.— Stems 4 -1 ft. long,
generally pendulous, several times dichotomously forked ; branchlets
with the leaves square, l - 12th to l - 8 th in diam. Leaves
tetrasticlious, ovate, much imbricated, J - i in. long, green or
reddish, glossy, thick and firm in texture, acutely keeled. Sporangia
ill the axils of the unaltered leaves of the branches and
Hab. Alpine region of the Andes of Columbia, Ecuador and Bolivia,
ascending to 12,000 ft. A violent purgative.
22. L. M y b s in it e s Lam. Encyc . iii, 654. L , heteroclitnm Desv.
L . qiiadnfariatum Bory. L. qiiadranr/ulare. Spring in El. Bras. i.
112, tab. 5, fig. 1.— Stems pendulous, 2 -3 ft. long, several times
dichotomously forked, with the leaves square, l - 12tli to l - 8 th in.
diam. Leaves tetrasticlious, ovate, much imbricated, green, 4 - 4 in.
long, thick and firm in texture, entire, triquetrous ¡on the back.
Sporangia in the axils of the unaltered leaves of the branches.
Hab. Mountains of Brazil. Gardner 19 I 6960 ! Seilo ! Giaziou 7494 !
9068 ! Weir 388 ! Miers !
23. L. SiEBOLDi Miquel in Ann. Mus. Lug. Bat. iii. 184.—
Stems pendulous, above a foot long, sparingly branched, cylindrical,
at most 1 lin. diam. including the adpressed leaves. Leaves
multifarious, rhomboid-lanceolate, l - 12tli in. long, thick, green,
glossy, adnate by a deltoid base, not imbricated, convex on the
back, entire ; midrib hidden. Sporangia in tlie axils of the
unaltered leaves of the branchlets.
Hab. Mountains of Japan, Sieboid, Maries ! Very distinct.
24. L. P e c t e n Baker in Journ. Linn. Soc. xv. 4 21.— Stems
pendulous, above a foot long, 8 -4 times dichotomously forked,
cj’liiidrical, 4 in. diam. including the adpressed leaves. Leaves
dense, multifarious, ascending, linear, l - 12tli to l - 8 th in. long,
green, very conspicuously pectinately ciliated with squarrose
processes much longer than the breadth of the blade. Sporangia
in the axils of the unaltered leaves of the branches and branchlets.
Hab. Central Madagascar, Pool ! Miss Gilpin ! Very distinct.