bright red, spreading or ascending, reacliiiig 4 ft- oi’ more ^ in
length, copiously pinnately branched, the branches short, ascending
and again compound. Leaves decussate, oblong, obtuse, with a
minute cusp, 4 lin. long, ascending, thick iu texture and convex
oil the back, pale green. Spikes -|-1 in. long, 4 hn. diam., square ;
bracts thick, deltoid, acute, 4 hn. long, much imbricated, acutely
Hab. Eastern Siberia, in rooky mountainous situations, and discovered
lately by Dr. Aitcliison iu the Kurram Valley, in Afghanistan.
Subgeuus I I .— S t a o h y g y n a n y d k u m .
Series I .—D e c u m b e n t e s .
Group 1.— MicropliylUc.
9. S. C/ESPITOSA Spring Mon. ii. 90. Lycopodium caispitosum
Blume. — Stems very slender, trailing, matted, 2 -3 in. long,
pinnately branched, the branches slightly compound. '"Leaves of
the lower plane close, suborbiciilar, obtuse, 4 hu. loug, firm and
rigid iu texture, pale green, entire, subdeourreiit 011 the upper side
at the base, flat, with a distinct m id r ib ; tliose of the upper phiue
much smaller, obovate, obtuse. Spikes unknown.
Hab. Mountains of Java. Most like S. ivtuiidifoUa, but the leaves are
crowded and firmer in texture.
10. s . M a r i e s i i Baker in Journ. Bot. 1883, 4 4 .— Stems densely
matted, very slender, trailing, 2 -3 in. long, green or bright red,
distantly pinnately branched, the branches slightly compound.
Leaves of the lower plane spreading, spaced except the uppermost,
oblique-oblong, -4 lin. long, obscurely pointed at the lower corner,
moderately firm in texture, flat, with an obscure midrib, the upper
side cordate and ciliated at the base, where it is imbricated over
the stem, the lower rounded ; leaves of upper plane h a lf as long,
oblique-ovate, snbacute, ascending. Spikes short, square, 4 Im-
d iam .; bracts ovate, acute, much imbricated, strongly keeled.
Hab. Japan, in mountain woods, Maries! Midway between deiiticidata
and delicatissivia.
1 1 . s. vAGiNATA Spring Mon. ii. 87. — Stems densely matted,
pale, trailing, 2 -3 iu. long, with distant erecto-patent slightly
compound branches. Leaves of the lower pilane close, erecto-
patent, oblique ovate-lanceolate, acute, 4 Ihi. long, much incurved,
firm ill texture, oiliate-deuticulate on all the edge, cordate and
more conspicuously ciliated 011 the upper side at the base, where it
is much imbricated over the raehis, a little rounded on the lower
s id e ; midrib ob scu r e ; leaves of the upper plane half as loug,
ascending, imbricated, ovate-cuspidate. Spikes copious, sessile,
square, 4 “ 4 iu- long, f lin. diam. ; bracts ovate-laiiceolate, strongly
* The descriptions of the leaves of the dimorphous species must be
understood, unless it is otherwise expressly stated, to refer to those of the
middle and lower pa rt of the branches ; not to those of the main stem, which,
especially in the decompound species, often differ widely from those of the
branches in shape and direction.
Hab. Bootan and Khasia Mountains, Griffith! Manipur, Watt 5853
Moulmein, Parish 148 ! Neilgherries, Perottet! L . ciliare Tayl, ilS S. is a form
with laxer more spreading leaves and longer eilia.
12. S. D E N T ic u L A T A Lliik, F il. Bei'ol. 159. i.jycupodiuui denticu-
latum Linu. Sp. 1569 (Dill. Muse. t. 66, fig. 1 a ) .— Stems
densely matted, pale, trailing, reaching a length of 4 ft-, copiously
piunately branched, the lower branches copiously flabellately
compound. Leaves of lower plane close or slightly spaced, broad
ovate, oblique, subaoute, f - 1 in. long, spreading or erecto-patent,
moderately firm in texture, flat, denticulate, cordate on the upper-
side at the base, much imbricated over the stem, rounded on the
lower ; leaves of upper plane ha lf as long, oblique ovate, cuspidate,
rather diverging. Spikes sessile, square, about 4 hr. long, 4 hu.
diam. ; bracts ovate, acute, much imbricated, strongly keeled.
Hab. Mediterranean region from Madeira and the Canaries to Syria. The
Cape plant included here by Spring is a distinct species. S. Kraussiana, often
called denticulata in gardens, is totally different. \Ve have a specimen from the
island of Elba with a distinctly platystiohoid spike. The whole jjlant, in
exjjosed places, sometimes tu rn s bright red when old.
13. S. MONGHOLioA Eupreclit, Beitr. iii. 8 2 .— Stems very
slender, wiry, trailing, reaching a length of 4- I ft., copiously
pinnately brauohed, the short branches copiously flabellately
compound. Leaves of the lower plane crowded or rather spaced,
erecto-patent, oblong, oblique, 4 hn. long, firm in texture, broadly
rounded and ciliated on the upper side at the base, where it is
imbricated over the s t em ; midrib d istin c t; leaves of the upper
plane half as long, ascending, oblique obloiig. Spikes sessile,
4 -4 iu. long, 4 lin. diam., square; bracts deltoid, acute, crowded,
with a raised keel.
Hab, North China ; first gathered by Sir G. Staunton between Pekin and
Jehol. A near ally of S. denticidata. Var. Eossii Baker, from the province of
Sching-king, differs by its spaced strongly deflexed leaves with revolute margins
and bright crimson old stems. In exposed places the larger leaves are often
wrapped round the branches, as in vaginata.
14. S. HELVETICA Lliik F il. Hort. Berol. 159. Lycopodium
helveticum Linn. Sp. 1568; Schk. Krypt. t. 1 6 5 ; Jacq. Austr.
t. 196. L . radicans Sohrank. — Stems densely matted, slender,
pale, trailing, 2 -3 in. loug, forked at the base, distantly pinnately
branched, with short erecto-patent slightly compound branches.
Leaves of the lower plane spreading, close or slightly spaced,
oblong or ovate-oblong, 4 - | lin. long, obtuse or subaoute, oblique,
produced on the upper side rounded on both sides at base,
obscurely ciliated, flat, pale green, moderately firm in te x tu r e ;
leaves of the upper plane oblique ovate, acute, 4 as loug, rather
divergent. Spikes distinctly peduncled. 4 -1 hi. loug, 1 liu, diam.,
terete ; bracts ovate, acute, imbricated, 4 lin. long, tlmi but firm,
not acutely keeled.
Hab. Central Europe, and through Siberia to Persia, North China, and
J apan.
15. S. AGGESTA Spring Mon. ii. 89 — Stems slender, trailing,
densely matted, about an inch long, 2 -3 times dichotomously
forked. Leaves of lower plane spaced, except at the tip of the