Leaves of the lower plane close on the branches, ascending, oblique
ovate, acute, l-1 2 th to l-8 th in long, pale green, moderately firm in
texture, more produced on the upper side of the midrib, rounded
and ciliated on the upper side at the base, and a little imbricated
over the bran ch ; leaves of the upper plane half as long, oblique
ovate, acute, not cuspidate. Spikes copious, square, 4 -1 in. long,
f liu. d iam .; bracts ovate, acute, much imbricated, strongly keeled.
Hab. Mountains of Ocana, New Granada, a t 5000—6000 ft., Schlim 493 !
Holton 82 ! A near ally of S. suhstijntata.
94. S. suBSTipiTATA Spring Mon. ii. 198. S. stmminea Spring.—
Stems trailing, reaching a foot iu length, terete on the back,
angled on the face, forked low down and copiously pinnate, with
short erecto-patent copiously compound branches. Leaves of the
lower plane touching on the branchlets, spaced on the main stem,
ascending, oblique ovate, acute, l-1 2 th to l-8 th in. loug, pale green,
moderately firm in texture, more produced on the upper side of the
midrib, shortly rigidly ciliated and very cordate at its base, much
imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the upper plane half as loug,
ovate, with a very long cusp. Spikes copious, 4 - 4 in. long, 4 liu.
diam., square ; bracts ovate-cuspidate, strongly keeled.
Hab. West Indies. Guadeloupe, L ’llerminier ! Ilusnot 576 ! Porto Eico,
Schwanecke ! Dominica, Imray ! Martinique, Belanger 381.
95. S. scHizoBAsis Baker in Journ. Bot. 1888, 3 3 3 .— Steins
trailing, a foot long, flat on the back, bisulcate on the face,
copiously pinnate, with short erecto-patent, copiously compound
rhomboid branches. Leaves of the lower plane ascending, close
on the branchlets, much spaced on the main stem, oblong, obtuse,
l-1 2 th to l-8 th iu. long, pale, green aud thin in texture, nearly
equilateral, attached to the side of the stem, the base on the upper
side not at all imbricated over it and not c ilia ted ; leaves of the
upper plane a third as long, oblique oblong, with a minute cusp.
Spikes 4 -4 iu. long, 4 Lii' diam., sq u a r e ; bracts ovate, acute,
strongly keeled.
Hab. Mexico, in the province of Chiapas, Dr. Ghiesbreght, 605 ! A near
ally of the Himalayan S. semicordata.
96. S. FAUciDM L ie bm .; Fourn. F il. Mex. 148.— Stems quite
trailing, a foot long, angled on the back, bisuloate on the face,
copiously pinnate, with short copiously compound erecto-patent
branches. Leaves of the lower plane ascending, close or slightly
spaced, ovate-oblong, obtuse, l-1 2 th to l-8 th iu. long, bright
green and moderately firm in texture, minutely petioled, much
more produced on the upper side of the midrib, not ciliated,
cordate at the base aud imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the
upper plane half as long, ovate, with a cusp as long as the lamina.
Spikes 4 -4 iu. long, f hu- diam., square; bracts ovate-lanceolate,
very crowded, strongly keeled.
Hab. Mexico, at Huitamalea and Hacienda de .Jova, Liebmann !
97. S. NicARAGUENsis Baker in Journ. Bot. 1883, 8 3 3 ; Hemsl.
in Biol. Gent. Amer. Bot. t . 1 0 9 a .— Stems trailing, above a foot
long, with a long whip-like end, flat on the back, bisulcate on the
face, copiously pinnate, with short copiously compouud ascending
lower branches. Leaves of the lower plane ascending, contiguous
on the branchlets, spaced on the main stem, oblong-lanceolate,
subaoute, l-1 2 th to l-8 th in. long, pale green, thin iu texture,
nearly equilateral, laterally attached aud truncate at the base, not
at all imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the upper plane one-third
as long, ovate, acute, not cuspidate. Spikes 4~4 iu. loug, 4 liu.
diam., square ; bracts ovate, acute, crowded, strongly keeled. '
Hab. Guatemala, iu forests of Grenada, Levy 360! A near ally of
schizohasis and semicordata.
98. S. F e n d l e r i Baker in Jourii. Bot. 1883, 334. — Stems
trailing, about a foot long, terete on the back, bisulcate on the face,
the root-fibres not extending to the upper nodes, copiously pinnate,
the short erecto-patent branches with several short piunately
arranged branchlets. Leaves of the lower plane oblique ovate,
acute, 4—0 hi. long, close on the branches, much spaced on the
main stein, spreading or rather ascending, pale green, moderately
firm in texture, much more produced on the upper side of the
midrib, where it is rather cordate at the base, strongly ciliated and
a little imbricated over the branch ; leaves of the upper plane one-
third as long, oblique ovate, with a short cusp. Spikes copious,
square, -4-4 in. long, 4 liu. d iam .; bracts crowded, ovate-cuspidate,
strongly keeled.
Hab. Panama, a t Ohagres, Fendler 382 !
99. S. s d b s e g e e g a t a Baker in Journ. Bot. 1888, 884. — Stems
trailing, 6 -9 in. long, nearly flat on both faces, the root-fibres not
ascending to the upper nodes, copiously pinnate, the braiiohes
erecto-patent, the general outline pyramidal, the lower branches
elongated aud copiously compound. Leaves of the lower plane
spaced, except towards the top of the branchlets, oblique ovate,
acute, l-1 2 th to l-8 th iu. long, bright green and moderately firm
iu texture, much more produced on the upper side of the distinct
midrib, the upper edge shortly ciliated towards the base, which is
very cordate and much imbricated over the branch ; leaves of the
upper plane half as long, oblique ovate, with a long cusp. Spikes
4 -4 in. loug, 1 liu. diam., not sharply sq u a r e ; bracts ovate
cuspidate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Eio Janeiro, Glaziou 4501! A near ally of S. substipiitata.
100. S. c a u d o r h iz a Baker iu Journ. Bot. 1888, 384. — Stems
trailing, above a foot loug, lengthened out aud whip-like at the tip,
deeply sulcate on the face, flat on the back, copiously pinnately
branched, the branches erecto-patent, the upper ones short, the
lower elongated aud copiously compound. Leaves of the lower
plane oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, acute, l-1 2 th to l-8 th in.
long, close on the branches, ascending, nearly equal on both sides
of the distinct midrib, truncate at the base, not at all imbricated
over the stem, shortly ciliated through the lower half of the upper
e d g e ; leaves of the upper plane one-third as long, oblique ovate,
shortly cuspidate, much imbricated. Spikes copious, 4 - 4 in. loug.