249. S. FBUTICULOSA Spring in Bot. Zeit. 1838, 202. S. tereti-
cauHs, memhranacea, di’liqitescens, fulcata, and catapliracta Spring Mon.
ii. 1 5 8 - i8 2 . Li/copoiliam fniticulosum Bory. L. memhranaceum,
tdk-atum, aud tcrcticaulon Desv.— Stems 1 - 2 ‘ft. long, erect, simple
in the lower halt or third, with a few distant adpressed deciduous
leaves, deltoid and decompound upwards, the branohing midway
between pimiate and flabellate, the lower pinnæ often petioled, the
ereoto-patcnt final divisions J -1 in. long, 4 - f in. broad. Leaves of
the lower plane contiguous, rather ascending, obloug-lanoeolate,
falcate, aonte, bright green, firm iu texture, 4 -4 iu. long, rather
unequal-sided, rounded, shortly ciliated, and a little imbricated
over the stem 011 the upper side at the base ; leaves of the upper
plane minute, oblique ovate, cuspidate. Spikes short, square,
4 lin. diam. ; bracts ovate-cuspidate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Mountains of Mauritius, Bourbon, and Madagascar. I have failed
to draw any clear lino between Spring’s five species above cited.
250 S. VOGELII Spring Mon. ii. 169 ; Hook. 2 Cent. t. 86. S.
Pcn-illci Spring. S. africana aud euhlephiris A. Br .— Steins 1 -2 ft.
long, erect, simple iu the lower half, often piuk-tiutcd, with a few
distant small adpressed leaves, deltoid aud decompound in the
upper half, the lower piunæ deltoid, petioled, 3- 4 -pimiate, the contiguous
erecto-patent final divisions in. long, 4 in. broad.
Leaves of the lower plane spaced even 011 the brauohlets, lanceolate
or obloug-lanoeolate, ascending, acute, l - 1 2 fch to l - 6th in. long,
bright green, both edges liable to be revolute, truncate at the base,
inserted on the side of the stem, not at all imbricated over the
pubescent branches ; leaves of the upper plane minute, oblique
ovate, with a large cusp. Spikes square, J - J in. long, J lin. diam. ;
bracts ovate-cuspidate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Huinea Coast, Cameroon Mountains, Zanzibar, Madagascar. A near
ally of the Himalayan S. fulcrata. Well known in cultivation. S. dichrous
Hort. appears to be a form of this species.
25L S. LÆVIGATA Baker iu Gard. Chron. 1867, 1100. 8. pectiniiUi
Spring. Li/copodiiim heviyalum Lam. A. pectinatuiu AVilld.
— Stems erect, I - I 4 ft, long, simple in lower half, the leaves small,
distant aud soon deciduous, deltoid in the upper half, with petioled
deltoid 1- 2 -piniiate pimiæ, the erecto-patent final divisions reaching
Leaves of the lower plane crowded,
oblong-lanceolate, subpatent, very falcate, acute, 4 -4 in. long,
bnght green, firm in texture, adnate by a broad base, decurrent on
the lower side, cuueate on the upper, not imbricated over the stem ;
leaves of the upper plane minute, hinceolate, recurved, acute.
Spikes square, 4- I hi. long, 4- I lin. diam. ; bracts ovate, acute,
strongly keeled.
^ J a r . S. L ya llii Spring Mon. ii. 168. — More compound ; lower
pmnæ bipinnate, with final divisions 4 -1 in. long, 4 -4 in. broad.
mediates two varieties are connected by gradual inter
252. S. MICKODENDEON Baker iu Jourii. Bot. 1886, 116.— Stems
erect, a span loug, simple in the lower third or quarter, with the
leaves adpressed, stramineous, compound upwards, the pinnæ
erecto-patent, lanceolate or deltoid, 1- 2 -pinnate, the ultimate
segments erecto-patent, not contiguous, J - i in. long, 1 lin. broad.
Leaves of the lower plane crowded, erecto-patent, ovate, acute, J hn.
long, bright green, rigid, dilated on the upper side at the base,
broadly rounded, shortly ciliated, and much imbricated over the
stem ; leaves of the upper plane minute, oblique ovate, with a short
cusp. Spikes short, square, 4 lin. diam. ; bracts ovate-cuspidate,
acutely keeled.
Hab. Cuba, Wright 3910 ! A near ally of S. cmdescens.
253. S. PULOHEEBIMA Liebm. — Stems above a foot
stramineous, erect, simple, with adpressed leaves in the lower
two-thirds, deltoid and decompound in the upper third, with
8_4_piuiiate close deltoid pinnæ, with ascending contiguous ultimate
segments J - I J iu. long, 1 lin. broad. Leaves of the lower plane
crowded, asoendiiig, ovate, falcate, acute, bright green, rigid,
4 lin. long, not ciliated, dilated, broadly rounded, and imbricated
over the stem on the upper side at the base ; leaves of the upper
plane minute, oblique ovate, cuspidate, incurved. Spikes square,
4-4 in. long, 4 lin. diam. ; bracts ovate-cuspidate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Hacienda de Java, Mexico, Liebmann ! Midway between caulescens
and flabellata.
254. S. COABOTATA Spring Mon. ii. 164, — Stems stiffly_ erect,
stramineous, about a foot long, simple and nearly leafless in the
lower part, compound and pubescent upwards ; pinnæ petioled,
ascending, conduplicate ; pinnules subflabellately compound. Leaves
of the lower plane very crowded, ascending, falcate, ovate, acute,
4 lin. long, rigid, minutely serrulate, with an obscure midrib and
revolute edges ; leaves of the upper plane scarcely smaller, very
crowded, ovate, mucronate. Spikes very short; bracts ovate-
lanceolate, squarrose.
Hab. On the Rio Negro, a t Mount Araooara, Martius. Easily marked in
the group by the leaves of both planes being nearly uniform in shape and size.
255. S. aioNEGRENSis Baker in Journ. Bot. 1885, 117.— Steins
about a foot long, stramineous, stiffly erect, unbranohed in the
lower half, the upper leaves of this part slightly spreading, deltoid
aud decompound in the upper half, the branching of the 2-3-pinnate
deltoid ascending pinnæ between flabellate and oompouud, the
ultimate divisions reaching 2 -3 in. long, 4-4 in. broad. Leaves of
the lower plane crowded, ascending, ovate, acute, 4-I hn. long,
bright green, rigid, slightly dilated on the upper side at the base,
broadly rounded, obscurely ciliated, muoh imbricated over the stem ;
leaves of the upper plane a third as long, oblique ovate, not cuspidate.
Spikes square, 4- I 4 hi. long, f - 1 lin. diam. ; bracts rigid,
lanceolate-deltoid, acuminate, strongly keeled.
Hab. On the Rio Negro, near San Carlos, Spruce 2.501 !
256. S. PUBEEULA Spring Mon. ii. 1 6 5 .— Stems erect, stramineous,
reaching a length of 2 -3 ft., simple towards the base,
branched upwards, pubescent ; pinnæ short, erecto-patent, sparingly