4 -1 in. long, I lin. diam. ; bracts broad ovate, little longer than
the sporangia, strongly keeled.
Hab. Forests of Troxiioal America from Panama to Peru.
Series V I.— C a ü l e s c e n t e s .
Groitp 1.— FldbeUatæ.
229. S. USTA Vieill. ; Baker in Jonrn. Bot. 1885, 29.— Stems
9 -1 2 iu. long, erect, simple at the base, compound in the upper
three-quarters, the branches erecto-patent, the lower simple or
little oomponnd, the upper short, rhomboid, copiously compound.
Leaves of the lower plane crowded, erecto-patent, ovate or oblong,
subacute, J lin. long, bright green, rigid, dilated, cordate, serrulate,
aud imbricated over the stem ou the npper side at the base; leaves
of the upper plaue a third as long, oblique oblong, acute, much
imbricated. Spikes square, 4 - J in. long, 4 lin. diam. ; bracts
ovate cuspidate, acutely keeled.
Hab. New Caledonia, on mountains near Wagap, Vieillard ! Pancher !
230. S. A r b u s c d l a Spring Mon. i i . 283. ¡ajcopodium ArbuscuLa
Kaulf.— Stems 4 -6 iu. long, erect, simple in the lower third or
half, decompound upwards, with deltoid crowded ascending
branches, the ultimate branching midway between pinnate and
flabellate. Leaves of the lower plane crowded, ascending, ovate-
rhomboid, snbacute, J liu. long, bright green, firm in texture,
rather produced, broadly rounded, denticulate, and imbricated over
the stem on the upper side at the base ; leaves of the upper plane
a third as long, oblique ovate, acute, muoh imbricated. Spikes
short, square, J liu. diam. ; bracts ovate cuspidate, sharply keeled.
Hab. Mountains of the Sandwich Islands, 1000—5000 ft.
231. S. M u e l l e r i Baker iu Journ. Bot. 1885, 122. — Stem
erect, 6 -8 iu. long, simple in the lower half or third, decompound
upwards; piunæ crowded, deltoid; final branches close, erecto-
patent, 4 -4 lin. diam. Leaves of the lower plane ovate-lanceolate,
4-4 liu. long, ascending, rather imbricated on the branchlets,
bright green, moderately firm iu texture ; base rounded on both
sides; midrib central; margin white, denticulate, not anywhere
distinctly ciliated. Leaves of the upper plaue oblique ovate
cuspidate, about half as long, much imbricated. Spikes short ;
bracts ovate cuspidate, bright green, as long as the leaves of the
lower plane.
Hab. New Guinea, Armit ! Edelfeldt !
232. S. CAULESCENS Spring Mon. ii. 168. S. pcUata Presl. 6’.
bellida aud minutifolia Cesati. Lycopodium, cmdescens Wall. L. fniti-
ciilosnm Blume, non Bory. amcena Hort. — Stem generally
4 -1 ft. long, stiffly erect, uubranched iu the lower half, with
spaced adpressed leaves, deltoid and decompound iu the upper half ;
liinnæ close, deltoid, with copiously subflabellately oompouud lower
pinnules, with contiguous ascending final branchlets J -1 in. long,
4 in. broad, liable to curl up in drought. Leaves of the lower
plane crowded, ovate, falcate, acute, J - l Im. long, bright green,
firm in texture, rather unequal-sided, broadly rounded and shortly
ciliated on the upper side at the base, and slightly imbricated over
the stem ; leaves of the upper plaue a third to oue-fourth as long,
oblique ovate, cuspidate, much imbricated. Spikes square, 4~4 m.
long, 4 lin. diam. ; bracts ovate cuspidate.
Var. S. japonica Macuab in Trans. Bot. Soc. Ediiib. ix. 8 .—
Pinnæ less crowded, aud not so decompound. Leaves of the
lower plane broad ovate, those of the main stem and pinnæ nearly
as broad as long, those of the unbranched part of the stem rather
Var. S. aryentea Spring Mon. ii. 154. Lycopudiwii, aryeuteum.
W a ll.—Larger aud more compouud, the banded portion often a
foot long. Leaves of the lower plane thinner in texture, ovate-
lanceolate, bright green ou the upper surface, whitish green
Var. bnichypoda Baker. — Unbranohed portion of the stem very
short ; pinnæ less compound than iu the type ; leaves rather
Hab. The tyiie, Jaiian, China, Ea s t Indies (ascending to 6000 ft. in
Knmaon), Ceylon, Malay Peninsula and Isles, Pliiliiqhnes, and New Guinea.
Var. japonica, Japan. Var. aryentea, Malay Peninsula. Var. hrachypoda, Java.
233. S. W h i t m b e i Baker in J ouni. Bot. 1885, 24. — Stems
stiffly erect, J - l ft. long, decompound and oblong or deltoid in the
upper half, the erecto-patent pinnæ with spaced erecto-patent
simple and oompouud lower pinnules, the ultimate branchlets
1 -1 4 hr. long, -hill. diam. Leaves of the lower plane crowded,
ascending, broad ovate, acute, 4 -1 Ihi. long, bright green, rigid in
texture, very unequal-sided, dilated, broadly rounded and much
imbricated over the stem on the upper side at the base, not ciliated ;
leaves of the upper plane ha lf to a third as long, oblique oblong,
acute, much imbricated. Spikes short, square, | lin. diam. ; bracts
ovate-laiioeolate, strongly keeled.
Mountains of Samoa, V'hitmee 177 ! 221 !
284. S. P e n k u l a Spring Mon. ii. 160. S. (¡uadranyuUt Presl.
.S'. .Presliamt S])i'ing. Lyvopodimn Pennula Desv. — Stems stiffly
erect, 1 -2 ft. long, simple iu the lower half, deltoid and decompound
in the upper half, the lower piunæ deltoid, 8-4-piuuate, reaching a
length of half a foot, the contiguous final branchlets not more than
4 -4 in. long, 4 -4 lin. broad. Leaves of the lower plaue crowded,
erecto-patent, oblong-lanoeolate, acute, of the branchlets 4 lin.
long, of the pinnæ 1 liu ., dark green, moderately firm iu texture,
nearly equal-sided, rounded, obscurely ciliated aud a little imbricated
over the stem ou the upper side at the base, but not entirely
hiding it ; leaves of the upper plaue a third as long, oblique
oblong, acute, much imbricated. Spikes short, copious, square,
4 lin. diam. ; bracts ovate, cuspidate.
Hab. Philipiiines, Cuming 2000 ! and, according to Sitin g , gathered in tlie
Neilgherries by Ferrottet. Midway between caulescens and ftabellata in general
habit, but more coniiiound than either of them.
235. S. PTEBYPHYLLos Spring Mon. ii. 162. S. myosuroides
Presl. — Stem erect, about a foot loug, simple in the lower half,