Leaves of lower plane very lax on the branches, only the few upper
ones of final branchlets contiguous, oblong-lanoeolate, acute, bright
green, membranous, 4 iu. long, rounded on both sides at the base ;
mulrib c en tr a l; leaves of uqiper plaue a third as long, ascending,
oblique oblong'-laiiceolate. Spikes short; bracts bright green,
membranous, linear-oblong, 4 liu. lon g ; smaller ovate, acute.
Hab. Usagura Mountains, Ea st Tropical Africa, S ir J . K i r k ! Habit of
277. S. XIPHOLEPIS Baker in Journ. Bot. 1885, 155. — Stems
slender, decumbent, 2 -S in. long, sometimes forked at the base, the
distant erecto-patent branches simple or little compound. Leaves
of the lower qdane crowded even ou the main stem, spreading,
oblique ovate, acute, f -1 lin. long, bright greeu, membranous,
unequal-sided, very cordate, shortly ciliated, and muoh imbricated
over the stem on the upper side at the b a s e ; leaves of the upper
plane half as long, ovate, crowded, shortly cuspidate. Spikes
resupinate, f - 4 in. long, above 1 lin. diam. ; bracts of the upper
plane obhque lanceolate, a line long, very crowded, stiffly ereoto-
pateut ; of the lower qihiue ovate-lanoeolate, ascending, much
Hab. Hong-kong, G. W r ig h t!
278. S. SANDVIOENSIS Bakoi' in Journ. Bot. 1885, 155. — Stems
very slender, decumbent, 1 4 -2 in. long, the root-fibres only near
the base, pinnate, the upper branches simple, the lower slightly
compouud. Leaves of the lower qilane spaced on the main stem,
contiguous on the branches, erecto-patent, oblique ovate, acute,
4 hn. long, bright green, membranous, unequal-sided, cordate,
shortly ciliated, and muoh imbricated over the stem on the upper
side at the base; leaves of the upper plane muoh smaller, ovate,
acute. Sqiikes short, resupinate, 1 lin. diam. ; bracts of the uqiper
plane erecto-patent, oblique la n c eo la te ; of the lower plane ovate-
cuspidate, ascending, strongly keeled.
Hab. Sandwich Islands, il/eiuics ! in herb. Smith.
279. s. PEONIFLORA Baker in Journ. Bot. 1885, 156. S . Belan-
ijeri Spring Mon. ii. 242. S . reticulata Spring Mon. ii. 285. 8.
mydsuroides and nudicaulis Spring. S. imhricata J. Scott List. Calc.
62. Lycopodium pronifloritm Lam. L . iinbricatum Eoxb. L . Belaii-
yeri Bory in Belang. Voy. Bot. tab. 1, fig. 2. L . remotifoHum
Desv. L . reticulatum. Hook. & Grev.— Stems very slender, trailing,
1 -4 ill. long, often forked at the base, copiously qiinnate, the erecto-
patent branches simqile or little compound. Leaves of the lower
qilaiie sqiaced below the tip of the branches, spreading, ovate, acute,
a line long, pale green, membranous, very unequal-sided, very
cordate, strongly ciliated, and much imbricated over the stem on
the upper side at the b a s e ; leaves of the upper plane half as long,
cordate-ovate, acute, not cuspidate. Spikes resupinate, f - f in. long,
4~4 ill. d iam .; bracts of the uqiper qilane ereoto-qiateut, oblong-
lanceolate, much imbricated, f -1 liu. lo n g ; bracts of the lower
plane paler, muoh more ascending, shorter, ovate-cuspidate, stronHy
ciliated. °
Hab. Throughout India from the Eastern Himalayas to Ceylon, the Malay
Islands and North Australia. 8. reticulata Spring is simply a dwarf form of
this species. I cannot by the description separate S. Junghuhniana Spring in
PI. Junghuhn. 277.
280. S. piiANOTEicHA Baker iu Journ. Bot. 1885, 156. 8.
ciliaris Cesati F il. B om . 8 6 , non Spring.— Stems very slender,
trailing, 3 -4 iu. loug, forked low down, copiously pinnate, the
branches erecto-patent, the lower slightly compound. Leaves of
the lower plane contiguous on the branches, rather spaced on the
stem, sqireacling, ovate, acute, under a line long, rather firmer iu
texture than iu 8 . proniflora, very unequal-sided, very cordate,
strongly ciliated, and muoh imbricated over the stem on the uqiqier
side at the b a s e ; leaves of the upper qilane half as long, ovate,
cusqiidate. Spikes resupinate, short, 1 lin. d iam .; bracts of the
uqiper plane oblique ovate, acute, imbricated, erecto-patent; of the
lower plane ovate-cuspidate, suberect.
Hab. Borneo, on shady rocks a t Labuan, Barber 134 ! Sarawak, Beccari!
281. S. H a r v e y i Baker in Journ. Bot. 1885, 156. — Stems
slender, trailing, 8 -4 in. loug, sometimes forked low down,
copiously pinnate, the erecto-patent branches short, simple or
slightly compound. Leaves of the lower qilane contiguous on the
branches, spaced in the lower part of the stem, spreading, oblong,
obtuse, membranous, 1 in. long, nearly eqnal-sided, suboordate
011 both sides at the base, serrulate, hardly at all imbricated over
the s t em ; leaves of the upper plane a third as long, ovate, acute,
imbricated. Spikes f - 4 in. long, 4 - f liu. diam., resupinate;
bracts not very distiuctiy dimorqihous, those of the upper plaue
ovate, acute, e r e c to-patent; of the lower plane paler and rather
shorter, especially towards the base of the spike.
Hab. Friendly Islands, Dr. Harvey !
282. S. l e p t o p h y l l a Baker iu Journ. Bot. 1885, 157.— Stems
very weak and slender, trailing, densely tufted, 2 -8 in. long,
distantly pinnate, the branches erecto-patent, the lower slightly
compound. Leaves of the lower plane very distant, even on the
branches, rather ascending, oblique oblong, subobtuse, a line long,
bright green, very membranous, more produced on the uqiper side
of the midrib, broadly rounded, not ciliated, and imbricated over
the stem ou the uqiper side at the b a s e ; leaves of the upper plane
half as long, ovate, shortly cuspidate. Spikes resuqiinate, f - 4 in.
long, l - 12tli to l - 8 th iu. diam.; bracts very dimorphous, those of
the upper plane oblique ohlong-lanceolate, e r e c to-patent; of the
lower plane ascending, ovate-cusqiidate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Formosa, a t Tamsuy, Oldham 79 ! A near ally of S. pronijiora.
288. S. "Wa t t i i Baker. — Stems very slender, trailing, 2 -3 in.
lo n g ; branches short, distant, erecto-patent, upper simple, lower
compound. Leaves membranous, those of the lower plane spaced
out, ovate, l - 12th in. long, produced on the upper side, clasping
the stem, ciliate-deiiticulate, cordate on both sides at the base ; of
the upper plane very small. Spikes sh o r t ; bracts very dimorphic,
those of the upper plane oblique oblong, erecto-patent, l - 12th iu.