54. L. oBTUBiFOLiuM Swai’tz, Syii. F il. 177. L . pachyplujllwn
Kiilin. — Stem suberect or pendulous, 1 -1 ft. long, 1 -3 times
dichotomously forked. Leaves lax, ascending, broad ovate or
suborbioular, deltoid at the apex, 4—4 in. long, very rigid iu texture,
green or tinged with red, entire ; midrib quite hidden. Spikes
1 -4 in. long, simple or forked ; bracts lax, ovate, rounded on the
back, similar to the leaves in texture, 4 - 4 long.
Hab. Madagascar and Mauritius. Very distinct.
55. L. NDMMÜLARIFOLIÜM Blume F num . ii. 263 ; Hook, et Grev.
Ic. t. 212. B. rotimdifolium Eoxb.— Stem slender, pendulous,
1 -2 ft. long, 3 -4 times dichotomously forked ; branches divaricate.
Leaves lax, ascending, broad oblong or suborbiciilar, obtuse, flat,
glossy, green, rigid in texture, entire, about 4 in. lon g ; midrib
distinct. Spikes very slender, 2 -1 2 in. long, dichotomously forked ;
bracts moderately dense, ascending, not much exceeding the
Hab. Malay Peninsula and Isles, Amboyna and Erromanga.
56. L. AQUALUPiANUM Spring, Mon. i. 68. L . yuudalupiamuu
F é e F il. Aiit. t. 38, fig. 1.— Stem slender, pendulous, 4 -2 ft. long,
2 -4 times dichotomously forked, stramineous, rarely bright red.
Leaves lax, ascending, oblong, siibobtiise, 4 - 4 in. long, flat, green,
entire; midrib distinct. Spikes varying from 3 -4 in. to 1 -1 4 ft.
long, slender, several times dichotomously forked ; bracts lax,
ascending, ovate, acute, 2 -3 times the length of the sporangia.
Hab. Cuba, West Indies, Guiana, and Andes of New- Granada.
57. L. PHLEGMAR101DES Gaudich. Freyc. Voy. t. 23. — Stem
pendulous, I - I 4 ft- long, pale, 2 -4 times dichotomously forked.
Leaves lax, ovate, ascending, obtuse or subacute, 4 -4 Li- long, firm
in texture, bright green, rigid, entire ; midrib distinct. Spikes
very slender, forked, 1 -4 in. long ; bracts moderately dense, broad
ovate, equalling or but little exceeding the sporangia.
Var. Seemiinni Baker. — Habit of fj. aqualiipianum. Leaves
oblong, smaller, laxer and not so rigid as in the type. Bracts more
acute and larger.
Hab. Malay and Polynesian Islands. Var. Seemamii, Fiji. Heemann 708 !
Samoa, Whitmee !
58. L. V r ib s e a n u m Spring Mon. ii. 33. — Stem suberect, 4 ft.
long, 2 -3 times dichotomously forked. Leaves crowded, erecto-
patent, lanceolate, acute, firm in texture, bright green, 4 in. long ;
midrib distinct. Spikes short, square, simple or forked, 4 -1 4 in.
long, 4 -1 Ihi. diam. ; bracts broad ovate, cuspidate, ascending,
crowded, strongly keeled, the lower twice as long as the sporaugia.
Hab. .(ava, on trees among the mountains, alt. 3000—5000 ft., Junqhuhn
59. L. B il l a e d i e r i Spring Mon. i. 56. L . Flayellaria A . Eich. ;
Duperrey Voy. t. 26, non Bory. L. Flayellum E. Br. — Stem
pendulous, 1 -3 ft. long, slender, wiry, copiously dichotomously
forked from the base. Leaves lax, ascending, decurrent, firm in
texture, linear, green, glossy, with a distinct midrib ; lower 4 - | in.
long ; upper much smaller. Spikes copious, dichotomously forked,
1 -4 in. long, slender, square, l-1 2 tli in. diam. ; bracts ovate, acute,
scarcely exceeding the sporangia, 4 hn. long.
Hab. New Zealand, Sunday Island, Baoul Island. Spikes more slender
than in L. varium, with which Mr. Kirk unites it, and leaves longer and
60. L. VARIUM E. Br. Prodr. 165 ; Hook, et Grev. Ic. t. 112.
L. myrtifoliaiii, Forst. ? — Stems suberect or pendulous, stout,
stramineous, 4 -1 ft- long, 2 -3 times dichotomously forked. Leaves
moderately dense, lanceolate or oblanceolate, obtuse or subacute,
4 - f in. long, firm in texture, green, glossy, with rovolute edges
and a distinct midrib. Spikes dense, subtetragonoiis, 8 -6 in. long,
4 - 4 in. diam., once or twice forked ; bracts broad ovate, acute,
imbricated, 4 -4 in. long.
Hab. Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand and Auckland Isles.
61. L. suBULATUM Desv. Encyc. Suppl. iii. 544. L. p hylicoe-
folium. Desv. A. conyestifolivm Spring. L . hi/ornie Hook. Ic. t.
2 28.— Stem pendulous, slender, flaccid, stramineous, sometimes
2 -8 ft. long, several times dichotomously forked. Leaves lax,
ascending, rarely spreading, lanceolate, acuminate, 4 - f Li. long,
moderately firm in texture, green, entire ; midrib distinct. Spikes
4 -1 ft. long, several times dichotomously forked, l-1 2 th in . diam. ;
bracts broad ovate, green, keeled on the back, sometimes with a
short cusp, as long as or a little longer than the sporangia.
Hab. Throughout Tropical America, ascending to 12,000 ft. in the Andes
of Ecuador. L. phijUcæfoUum is a form with stouter denser subtetragouous
spikes; L . enjthrocaidoii Fée Fil. Mas. Suppl. 95, t. 106, fig. 2, a form with
short bright red stems and short dense spikes, and var. pastoemis Baker,
gathered by Jameson in Ecuador, a form with narrow linear spreading rather
arcuate leaves and very slender spikes with some of the bracts changed into
proper leaves. A form with short bright red stems and short rigid leaves was
gathered by Mann and Brigham, 506, in the Sandwich Islands.
62. L. o P H ioG L o s so iD E S Laiii. Encyc. iii. 646. L. longifnliiim
Sw.— Stem slender, pendulous 1 -2 ft. long, dichotomously forked
from the base. Leaves moderately dense, ascending, lanceolate,
acute, flat, moderately firm in texture, green, entire, 4 -4 in. long ;
midrib distinct. Spikes 5 -8 in. long, several times dichotomously
forked, 4 in. diam. ; bracts moderately dense, ovate, acute,
ascending, l - 1 2 th - l- 8 th in. long.
Hab. Bourbon, Comoro Isles, Cameroons (at 7000 ft.), and Fernando Po.
Nearly allied to L . Billardieri.
63. L. PINIFOLIUM Blume F num . Jav. ii. 264.— Stem slender,
pendulous, 6 -9 in. long, 2-3 times dichotomously forked. Leaves
moderately dense, erecto-patent, lanceolate, about 4 hi. long, green,
moderately firm in texture ; midrib distinct. Spikes 1 -3 in. long,
1 -3 times dichotomously forked, l-1 2 th in. diam. ; bracts ovate,
acuminate, ascending, usually considerably longer than the
Hab. Java, Borneo and New Guinea. Very near L . Phlegmaria.
64. L. M a r t i i Wawra Ee ise 185, t. 3 2 .— Stem suberect, 4 ft-
long, 2 -3 times dichotomously forked. Leaves dense, ascending,