towards the base, the upper rather produced at the base and
imbricated over tlie branch ; leaves of the lower plane oblique,
ovate, one-third as long, minutely cuspidate, ciliated. Spikes
4 - 4 in. long, square, 4 Ihi. d iam .; bracts ovate, acute, strongly
Hab. Andes of New Granada, Karsteii, Triana. Eastern Peru, on llo u n t
(xuaynxpurima near Taropoto, Spruce 202-i ! A near ally of S. Breynii.
79. S. LONGicuspis Baker in Jonni. Bot. 1883, 241.— Stems
8 -4 in. loug, entirely trailing, terete on the face, flat or rather
silicate on the back, pyramidal iu general outline, with a few
erecto-patent slightly compound branches. Leaves of the lower
plane spreading, close on the branches, rather spaced on the main
stem, obloiig-lanoeolate, snbacute, l-1 2 th to l-8 th iu. long, bright
green, and moderately firm in texture, the distinct midrib oblique,
obscurely ciliated and rounded on the upper side at the base, a
little imbricated over the brauch ; leaves of upper plane one-third
as long, ovate, with a cusp as long as the lamina. Spikes short,
square, f liu. d iam .; bracts ovate, acute, strongly keeled.
Hab. Kio Janeiro, on the Tejuca llountains, Glitziou 7353 ! A near ally of
S. jiiiineniiaiDiioides, from which it may be readily known by the long cusps of
the leaves of the upper plane.
80. S. B r e y n i i Spring Mon. ii. 119. Lycopodium plumosum
Schk. Crypt, tab. 166, fig. 4 (Breyn. E x o t. Cent.), tab. 100; Dill.
Mnsc., tab. 66, fig. 9. — Stems entirely trailing, flexuose, often a
foot loug, flat on the back, bisulcate on the face, copiously
pinnately branched, the central branches with 6 -7 short pinnately
arranged branchlets. Leaves of the lower plane spreading, crowded,
linear-oblong, l-6 th to l-5 th iu. long, obtuse, or obscurely pointed
at the upper corner, dark green, moderately flrm in texture, the
distinct midrib nearly central, the upper side strongly ciliated and
rather produced at the base, and a little imbricated over the
branch ; leaves of the upper plane one-fourth as long, oblique ovate,
distinctly cuspidate, connivent, ciliated. Sqiikes 4~1 hi. loug,
square, 4 - f liu. d iam .; bracts ovate-lanceolate, crowded, strongly
Hab. Guiana and Brazil, especially in the Amazon Valley. Aecording to
A. Braun, Haenke’s plant from the Cordilleras of Chili,—referred to Breynii by
Spring, S', eampylotis A. Br. in Cryiit. New Gran. 357, Lycopiodiiim atrovircns
Presl. in Rel. Haenk. i. 79, t. 12, fig, 2, non Wall.,—is a distinct species, marked
by leaves of the lower plane auricled on the upper side at the base, and leaves
of the upper plane with a caudate auricle on the outer side a t the base.
81. S. PLATYBASis Baker in Jourii. Bot. 1883, 242. — Stem
trailing, about a foot long, fiat or sulcate down the face, copiously
pinnately branched, the ascending branches cuueate, with 3 -7
short flabellate branchlets. Leaves of the lower plane close,
spreading, ovate-lanceolate, acute, l-1 2 th to l-8 th in. long, bright
green, moderately firm iu texture, the midrib distinct, the base on
the upper side obscurely ciliated, dilated with a large auricle both
laterally and downwards, so that those of the leaves of the opposite
sides of the branch wrap over each other ; leaves of the upper
plane a third as long, oblique-ovate, with a short cusp. Spikes
short, square, 1 lin. d iam .; bracts ovate-lanceolate, strongly keeled.
Hab. North Brazil, in moist caatingas near Panure, Spruce 2502! General
habit near th a t of 8. Breynii, but leaves very different in shape.
82. S. CALOSTiciiA Spring Mon. ii. 206. — Stem trailing, rather
rigid, about a span long, strongly angled on both faces, piunately
branched, the branches little compouud. Leaves of the lower plane
crowded, ovate-lanceolate, subaoute, l-5 th in. long, spreading, sub-
rigid, not ciliated, the midrib subcentral, the base of the upper
side rounded and a little dilated ; leaves of the upper plane a
third as long, ovate-lanceolate, with a long cusp. Spikes short,
square ; bracts ovate-lanceolate.
Hab. Mountains of Caracas, a t 5000 ft., Funk <È Schlim 3321.
83. S. DENSiPOLiA Spruce in Hook. 2 Cent. Eerns, t. 85.— Stem
4 -6 in. long, decumbent, except at the tip, copiously pinnate, with
assurgeut sparingly compound branches. Leaves of the lower
plane crowded both on the branches and main stem, oblong-
lanceolate, l-1 2 th to l-8 th in. long, obtuse, more or less asceiiding,^
firm in texture, bright green, more produced ou the upper side of
the midrib, ciliated on both edges towards the base, cordate on the
upper side and iiiuoh imbricated over the branch ; leaves of the
upper plane a third as long, ovate, acute, not cuspidate, niuoli
imbricated. Spikes short, square, i liu. diam. ; bracts acute-
lanceolate, strongly keeled.
Hab. On the Orinoco, in clamp shady places a t Cerro de Morro, Spruce
84. S. DBNUDATA Spring Mon. ii. 84. Lycopodium denudatum
■VVilld.— Stems trailing, a span long, subterete, striated, irregularly
branched, the very flaccid branches laxly sparingly branched.
Leaves of the lower plane crowded towards the tip of the branchlets,
spaced on the stem, ovate, subobtuse, a line long, horizontal,
rather rigid in texture, not ciliated, subequilateral, suboordate on
both sides at the base ; those of the upper plane hut little smaller,
ovate, acute. Spikes short, square; bracts ovate-lanceolate, strongly
Hab. Jamaica, Swartz. I have not seen this.
85. S. DIDYMOSTAOHYA Spring Moii. ii. 130 ; Eée F il. Ant. t. 84,
fig. 4. Lycopodium didymostachyum Desv. L . denudatum H. & G.
— Stems trailing, 4 -1 ft. long, pyramidal in general outline, often
forked low down, angled upwards on the face, copiously pinnate,
the branches rhomboid and copiously compound. Leaves of the
lower plane close on the branchlets, spaced on the stem, ascending,
oblong, obtuse, f - l lin. long, bright green, moderately firm m
texture, more produced on the upper side of the midnb, where it is
cordate at the base and much imbricated over the stem ; leaves of
the upper plane half as long, ovate, minutely cuspidate. Spikes
i _ i iiy. long, square, 4 hiS'R'’ > bracts ovate, acute, crowded,
strongly keeled.
Hab. Mountain woods of Jamaica and San Domingo.^ There is a
specimen in the Smithian Herbarium from SVartz, from Jamaica, of a dwaif
variety with suborbioular close rigid leaves of the lower plane not more than
4 lin. long.