Stems densely matted, trailing, 3 -6 in. long, very slender, pale,
angled on the face, forked, distantly pinnately branched, the branches
little compound. Leaves of the lower plane decidedly spaced,
spreading, pale green, rather rigid iu texture, obligue oblong,
subobtuse, 4 hu. long, much more produced on the upper side of
the distinct midrib, rounded and shortly ciliated at the base on the
upper side, not imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the upper plane
half as long, oblong, with a long cusp, but little imbricated. Spikes
very short, nearly as broad as the leafy branches ; bracts ovate
cuspidate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Mountains near Bio Janeiro, Glaziou 4484! 4486! 4499! S. serpens
Fée Fil. Bras., Suppl. 99, is a form of this and totally different from Spring’s
West Indian plant.
.33. S. L in d e n i i Spring Mon. ii. 1 1 8 .— Stems trailing, very
slender, 3 -6 in. long, subterete, pinnately branched, the branches
short and but slightly compound. Leaves of the lower plane oblong-
lanceolate, obtuse, crowded, spreading, f - 1 liu. long, bright green,
moderately firm in texture, more produced on the upper side of the
distinct midrib, ciliated on the upper margin of the lower half,
produced at the base on the upper side, and so much imbricated
over the branch that it is quite hidden ; leaves of the upper plane
very small, ovate, acute, quite erect. Spikes very short, square ;
bracts ovate-lanceolate.
Hab. In Mexico, near Teapa, Linden'. Like S jungermannioides on a
small scale.
34. S. DELioATissiMA A. Bi'. ill Aiiii. So. Nat. ser. 4. vol. 13,
p. 60 .— Stems densely matted, very slender, stramineous, trailing
to a length of 6 -1 2 in., forked and copiously piunately branched,
the branches copiously compound. Leaves of the lower plane spaced
except at the tip of the branches, patent, oblong, obtuse, moderately
firm in texture, more produced on the upper side of the distinct
midrib, broadly rounded and densely ciliated on the upper side at
the base ; leaves of the upper plane 4 long, oblong, acute,
strongly auricled on the outer side at the base. Spikes unknown.
Hab. Frequent in cultivation, the native country not known, but probably
Andine. Introduced by Linden. The leaves and tips of the branches curl up
readily in drought.
35. S . J a m e s o n i Baker in Journ. Bot. 1883, 97 .— Stems very
slender, trailing, stramineous, 3 -6 in. long, sulcate on both faces,
forked and distantly pinnately brauohed, with slightly compound
ascending branches. Leaves dimorphous, those of the lower plane
lax except towards the tip of the branches, erecto-patent, ovate-
obloug, subobtuse, 4 hn. long, moderately firm in texture, more
rounded on the lower side of the distinct midrib, cuueate on both
sides at the base, obscurely ciliated ; leaves of upper plane half as
long, oblong, acute, nsoeiiding. Spikes very short, 4 lin. diam. ;
bracts ovate, thin in texture, strongly keeled, acute, but not
Hab. Andes of Ecuador near Quito, Jame-soii ! Sodiro \ A near ally o f -5.
36. S. PANURENSis Baker in Journ. Bot. 1883, 97. — Stems
densely matted, 1 -2 in. long, distantly pinnately branched, the
branches simple or slightly compouud. Leaves of the lower plane
crowded, erecto-patent, oblong-lanceolate, 4 - f hn. long, obtuse or
subacute, fiat, moderately firm in texture, the distinct midrib
nearly central, the base on the upper side not cordate nor im bricated
over the stem, not ciliated ; leaves of the upper plane half
as loug, oblong, acute, not cuspidate, much imhrieated, strongly
keeled. Spikes short, square, 4 liu. d iam .; bracts ovate-lanceolate,
crowded, strongly keeled.
Hab. Panure, on the Eio Uapes, North Brazil, Spruce 2861!
87. S. VESTIENS Baker in Journ. Bot. 1883, 9 7 .— Stems densely
matted, about an inch long, forked and copiously piunately
branched, with short 2-8-furcate branches. Leaves of the lower
plane crowded, oblong-lanceolate, acute, involute, 4 - 4 lin. long,
green, moderately firm in texture, more produced on the upper
side of the distinct midrib, ciliated on both sides near the base, the
upper cordate and imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the upper
plane a third as loug, ovate, acute, imbricated. Spikes short,
copious, square, 4—f Ih^- d iam .; bracts ovate-lanceolate, crowded,
strongly keeled.
Hab. Goyaz, on the Mono de Canto Gallo, on shaded rocks, Burchell I
38. S. CLADOSTACHYA Baker in Journ. Bot. 1883, 97. — Stems
trailing, about an inch long, distantly pinnately branched, the
short branches usually simple. Leaves of the lower plane ovate-
laiiceolate, subacute, 4 lin. long, moderately firm in texture, the
midrib distinct, those of the main stein spreading and rather
spaced, those of the branches crowded, ascending, imbricated,
incurved, all the margin shortly ciliated, the upper near the base
more distinctly so, its base cordate and so much imbricated over
the stem that the latter is quite hidden ; leaves of the upper plane
half as long, ovate, acute, imbricated. Spikes very sh o r t ; bracts
ovate-lanceolate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Goyaz, on the Morro de Canto Gallo, with S. vestiem, Burchell'.
39. S. oAviFOLiA A. Br. in Ann. So. Nat., ser. 5, vol. iii., 272.
Stems very slender, pale, trailing, 2 -3 in. loug, flat on the faces,
with numerous alternate pinnately-arranged simple or slightly
compound erecto-patent branches. Leaves of the lower plane
ascending, suborbioular, obtuse, 4 hn. long, pale green, firm in
texture, flat, the midrib distinct, the edge denticulate, the upper
lialf much more produced, cordate at the base and much
imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the upper plane half as
Ion«', oblong, acute, much imbricated. Spikes very short, 1 lin.
diam. ; bracts ovate, much imbricated, acute, not cuspidate,
strongly keeled.
Hab Andes of Bogota, Lindin 1511! Well marked by its trailing habit,
nearly simple branches, and pale close orbicular rigid leaves.
40. S. TBIFURCATA Baker in Journ. Bot. 1883, 9 8 .— Stems very
slender, pale, trailing, 3 -6 in. long, angled on the faces, regularly