slender, entirely trailing, 2 -3 in. long, distantly jiimiate, some of
the short branches with 3 -4 erecto-patent branchlets. Leaves of
the lower plaue close and ascending on the branches, rather spaced
aud spreading ou the main stem, oblique ovate, acute, 4 lin. long,
pale green, membranous, ciliated all down the upper "edge, very
cordate, and much imbricated over the stem ou the upper side at
the base ; loaves of the uqiqier plane half as loug, broad ovate,
cuspidate, shortly ciliated. Spikes short, resuqiiuate, f liu. diam. ;
bracts oi the lower qilane oblique ovate-laiiceolate, erecto-qiatent;
of the uqiper plaue ovate-cusqudate, yellowish, asceudiug, strongly
Hab. Cuba, Olto 2311
292. S. EHODOSTACHYA Balior iu Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2, ii.—
Stems documbeiit, 4 ft- long; main brauolies elongated ; branchlets
distant, erecto-patent, simple, or little compound. Leaves firm in
texture, pale green or tinged with red ; those of the lower plane
ascending, spaced out except at the tip of the branchlets, ovate-
oblong, obtuse, rather unequal-sided, l-1 6 th iu. long, oiliato-
deuticulatc all round ; leaves of the uqiqier qilane smaller, ovate,
ascending. Spikes very sh o r t; bracts similar to the leaves in
shape and texture.
Hab. British G u ian a ; Mount Eoraima, Im Thurn !
293. S. coNsiMiLis Baker in Journ. Bot. 1885, 179. Stems
very slender, trailing, intermatted, 3 -4 in. loug, distantly pinnate,
the branches short and simqile. Leaves of the lower qilane sqiaced,
sqireadiiig, oblong-lanoeolate, acute, a line long, pale green, very
thin, nearly equal-sided, obscurely ciliated on both sides at the
base, broadly rounded on the upper, and scarcely at all imbricated
over the stem ; leaves of the uqiper plane ha lf as long, ovate-
lanceolate, aoumiuate. Sqiikes short, coqiious, resuqDinate, 4 ki.
d iam .; bracts slightly dimorphic, those of the uqiqier plane ovate-
lanoeolate, aouminate, erecto-patent, a line lon g ; those of the
lower qilaue smaller, qialer, more ascending.
Hab. Cuba, Wright, 3907! General habit very like th a t of S. apus and
294. b. coRDiFOLiA Sqiring Mou. ii. 103. S. cordata Klotzsch.
Lycopodium cordifolium Desv.— General habit and branohing of S.
serpem, the trailing stem reaching a foot long, the short branches
often excurrent and whiqi-like at the tiqi, the lower copiously compound.
Leaves of the lower plane contiguous on the branches,
spaced ou the main stem, ovate-laiiceolate, very acute, qiale green,
membranous, above a line long, ciliated on the upper edge, dilated
and suboordate, and imbricated over the stem on the upper side at
the base ; leaves of the uqiper qilane much smaller, ovate-lanoeolate,
cuspidate. Spikes very short, resupinate, with dimorqihous bracts.
Hab, San Domingo and Porto Eico. I have not seen this, and place it
amongst the platystachyoid species on A. B raun’s authority.
Group I I I .— Brachystachya.
295. S. BRAOHYSTAOHYA Spring Mon. ii. 255. Lycopodium
hrachystnchyum Hook. & Grev.— Stems reaching a foot or more in
length, generally assurgent from a decumbent base, bisuloate down
the face, copiously compound, the final branching midway between
pinnate and flabellate. Leaves of the lower plane contiguous on
the branchlets, spaced on the main stem, spreading or rather
ascending, oblong-rhomboid, obtuse, one-sixth to oiie-fifth in. long,
dilated on the upper side at the base, cordate, not ciliated, muoh
imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the upper plane small, ovate,
with a cusp as long as the lamina. Spikes resupinate, in.
long, 4 in. diam. ; bracts of the upper plane oblique lanceolate,
ereoto-pateut; of the lower plane ovate-lanoeolate, asoendmg.
Var. S. ornata Spring Mon. ii. 259. S. fimbriata Spring Mon.
ii. 258. Lycopodium ornatum Hook. & Grev.— Stem erect from the
base. Leaves smaller, more rigid and more ascending. Spikes
longer and narrower, 4 -1 in- long, with less distinctly dimorphous
Hab, Khasia Mountains, Malay Islands, Ceylon and Mauritius.
296. S. W r a y i Baker— Stems densely tufted, 4 ft. long, bipinnate
; branches and brauohlets ascending. Leaves moderately
firm in texture, bright green, those of the lower plane oblique
ovate, 4 in. long, more rounded on the uqiper side at the base, those
of the upper plane much smaller, ascending, ovate aristate.
Spikes 4 - i in. loug ; larger bracts erecto-patent, rigid, ovate, acute ;
smaller more asoendmg, paler, ovate cuspidate.
Hab. Perak, Wray 668 !
297. s . MEGAPHYLLA Baker in Journ. Bot. 1885, 180.— Stems
4 -1 ft. long, assurgent from a decumbent base, with very long
root-fibres, the branches copiously compound, deeply sulcate down
the face. Leaves of the lower plane contiguous except low down
the stem, patent from an oblique base, linear-oblong, obtuse,
4 - 4 in. long, 3 -4 times as long as broad, bright green, moderately
firm in texture, serrulate, rounded and a little imbricated over the
stem on the upper side at the base ; leaves of the upper plane ovate-
lanceolate, cuspidate. Spikes short, resupinate, 4 in. diam. ;
bracts of the upper plane lanceolate-acuminate, rigidly erecto-
patent ; of the lower paler, rather shorter, more ascending.
Hab. Mishmi, East Himalayas, Griffith!
298. S. SQUAREOSA Bakci' in Journ. Bot. 1885, 180. — Stems
about a foot long, trailing and sending out coqiious root-fibres in the
lower half, assurgent, deeply bisuloate down the face, copiously
pinnate, the branches copiously compound. Leaves of the lower
plane sqireading and contiguous on the branches, spaced and rather
squarrose on the main stem, oblong-rhomboid, subaoute at the
upper corner, one-sixth to one-fifth in. long, bright green, moderately
firm in texture, not ciliated, dilated, cordate and muoh
imbricated over the stem on the upper side at the b a s e ; leaves of
the upper plane small, ovate, with a cusp as long as the lamina.