base, and imbricated over the s t em ; leaves of the upper plane half
as long, oblique ovate, cuspidate. Spikes 4 -J in. long, sharply
square, 1 lin. diam. ; bracts ovate cuspidate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Mountains of Jamaica, 5000-0000 ft., Sioartz ! Wilson 764 ! Jenman !
tVill most likely xn-ove to be a montane variety of S. radiata.
201. S. RORAiMENsis Baker in Trans. Liuu. Soo. Bot. ser. ii. t.
50 c. — Stems erect, -1-5 in. long, laxly pinnately brauohed ;
branches erecto-patent, little compound. Leaves bright green,
moderately firm in texture, those of the lower plane spaced out
even ou the branchlets, subpateiit, oblique oblong, l-1 2 th iu. long,
produced ou the upper side of the midrib, rounded on both sides at
the base, minutely ciliated; leave.s of the upper plaue oblique
ovate, acute, much imbricated. Spikes slender, square, 4 -4 in.
loug ; bracts ovate, acute, strongly keeled.
Hab. British Guiana ; Mount Eoraima, Zm 77i»r)i 122 ! Common iu the
upper pa rt of the Maeonria Eiver, Jenman 2:424 !
202. S. POBTORICEN-SIS A. Br. Crypt. Nov. Granat. 372.— Stems
asoendiiig, 4-G in. long, copiously branched; branches asoendiiig,
lower copiously compound. Leaves membranous, soon fading ;
those of the lower plane imbricated on the branchlets, ovate,
unequal-sided, 4 hi. long, much produced 011 the upper side, very
cordate at the base, iinbrioated over the stem and shortly ciliated ;
leaves oi the upper plaue ascending, half as long, ovate, aristate.
Spikes sh o r t; liraots ovate, strongly keeled, the lower three times
as long as the sporaugia.
Hab. Porto Eico, Siiiieiiis 1045 ! Like raZiaia in habit and ieaf, but much
more robust.
203. S. RADIATA Baker in Jourii. Bot. 1884, 374. S. ciliata A.
Br. in Ann. So. Nat. ser. 4, xiii. 68. 8 . increscentifolia Spring
Mon. in 106. S. Nova-hollamlia; Spring Mon. ii. 209. 8 . Wuraeitv'czit
Klotzsch. Lijcopodixtm radiatum, L . Nova-hollandiai
Swartz. L. ciliatum Willd.— Stems slender, suberect, 4 -1 ft. loug,
acutely angled down the face, sometimes sending out stolons from
the base, closely pinnate, the ascending branches copiously compound,
not whip-like at the tip. Leaves of the lower plane
continuous 011 the branchlets, spaced on the main stem, erecto-
patent, oblique ovate, acute, 4“ ! hn. long, bright green, rather
rigid iu texture, unequal-sided, very cordate aud strongly ciliated,
and muoh imbricated over the stem ou the upper side at the base ;
leaves of the lower plaue half as long, ovate, cuspidate. Spikes
square, J -1 in. long, J liu. d iam ,; bracts ovate cuspidate, strono-ly
keeled. °
Hab. Tropical America, from Costa Eica and Guiana to Peru, asoendinf;
the Andes to S000-!)000 ft. S. hulhifera Baker in Gard. Chron. 1867, 950,
vvhicli differs from the type by its decumbent stems sending out copious root-
iibres in the lower half, many of the lower branchlets excurrent and whip-like at
the tixp and bearing buibilbe, which reproduce the xilant, leaves sxmriously
:-i-nerved and not distinctly ciliated, is most likely a form of this species
produced by cultivation in a damp warm atmosphere.
Series I I I .— KosuLATa:.
204. S. iNVOLVENS Spring Mon. ii. 63. S. circineiHs Presl.
Lijcnpodium circinale Thunb. IT. Jap. 841. L . invoheus Sw. A.
puh'inatum. Hook. & Grev. — Stems very densely tufted, 2 -6 in.
long, deltoid, 2 -8 pinnate, branched nearly or quite from the base,
the branching of all grades between flabellate and pinnate. Leaves
of the lower plane very crowded, ascending, ovate, with a distinct
cusp, about a line long, bright green, very thick and rigid in
textnre, serrulate 011 both margins, nearly eq nal-sided; leaves of
the upper plaue nearly as long, oblique, ovate-lanceolate, with a
distinct cusp. Spikes square, 4 lin. d iam .; bracts deltoid cuspidate,
acutely keeled.
Var. S. Veitchii Maciiab Selag. 10, tab. 1, figs. 1 -5 . — Leaves
less cuspidate and not so much imbricated, those of the lower
plaue more curved, those of the upper more lanceolate. Bracts
Hab. Japan, Corea, Amoor-land, China, the Philippine Islands, and East
Himalayas. S. te.rta Hort. is a curious form with long simple stems.
205. S. DIGITATA Spring Mou. ii. 7 3 .— Stems iu tufts from the
nodes of a thread-like rhizome, 4~1 ki- loitg> simple in the lower
two-thirds, deltoid and bipinnate iu the upper third, the very close
divisions rolled together, the branohiug between pinnate aud
flabellate. Leaves of the lower plane much imbricated, erecto-
patent, oblong, obtuse, J lin . loug, dull green, very rigid hi texture ;
leaves of the upper plane nearly as loug, oblique ovate, subaoute.
Spikes not seen.
Hab. Madagascar, a t Ambongo, Perville 608 !
206. S. iMBEicATA Spring Mon. ii. 70 ; Deoaisne PI. Arab. t. 7.
Lycopodium inbricatum Forsk. L. circinale Desv.— S tems densely
tufted, erect, J - l ft. loug, compound only in the lovyer third, the
primary and secondary divisions pinnate, the tertiary divisions
subflabellate and deltoid. Leaves of the lower plane muoh
imbricated, ascending, ovate, obtuse or subacute, dark green, J lin.
long, very thick and rigid iu texture ; leaves of the upper plane
nearly as long, oblique ovate, acute. Spikes short, square, J lin.
diam. ; bracts ovate, acute, strongly keeled.
Hab. Arabia, Abyssinia, and Zambesi-land.
207. S. S t a u n t o n ia n a Spring Mon. ii. 71. S. affinis Milde
F il. F ur . 271, non A. Br. — Stems about a span long, branched in
the upper half, rhomboid, decompound, the primary and secondary
branching pinnate, the tertiary subflabellate. Leaves of the loiver
plane crowded, ascending, oblique ovate, acute, 4 hn. long, firm in
texture, bright green, turning reddish when o ld ; leaves of the
upper plane half as long, ovate-lanceolate, shortly cuspidate.
Spikes square, in. loug, 4 hu. diam. ; bracts ovate cuspidate,
strongly keeled.
Hab. North China, S ir G. Staunton, B u sh e ll! BreUclmeider 877 !
208. S. BRYOPTERIS Baker in Journ. Bot. 1884, 370. 8. tama-
riscina Spring. Lycopodium bryopteris Linn. Sp. 1507, L . circinale