firm in texture, taqiering to tlie qioint, furnislied with copious
stomata and several accessory bast-bundles. Sporange globose,
4 in. d iam .; veil partial. Maorospores middle-sized, clialk-white,
furnished with strong ridges and prominent tubercles. Microspores
densely muricated.
Hab. Angola, in damp pastures of Pungo Andongo, alt. 2400—3800 ft.,
with Drosera, Dr. Welwitsch 50 !
39. 1. NATALENsis Baker.— Eootstock 8-lobed. Leaves 1 2-lG,
very slender (J lin. diam.), pale green, oqiaque, firm in texture,
2 -3 in. long, rounded on the back, channelled down the face,
furnished with stomata and accessory bast-bundles. Sporange
small, globose, brownish; veil none. Macrospores white, with
small tubercles between the ribs and large ones over the remainder
of the surface. Microspores granulated.
Hab. Natal; GriiEn’s Hill, Eastcourt, 7296 !
40. I. JAPONICA A. Br. in Verhand. Brand. 1862, 33.— Eootstock
8-lobed. Habit between echinospora and setacea. Leaves 1 2 -3 0 ,
4 -6 iu. loug, 4 -4 liu. diam. at the middle, bright green, diaphanous,
tapering to the point, furnished with stomata and accessory bast-
buudles, the edge decurreut from the dilated base short and
narrow. Sqiorange small, oblong ; veil none. Macrospores deeqily
and regularly honeycombed. Microspores smooth, sometimes
Hab. Japan, discovered by Scliottmuller in 1860; regathered lately by
Moseley and Dicldns.
41. I. coEOMANDELiNA Liiin. Suppl. 447 ; Trimen in Journ. Bot.
1882, 353, t. 234. I. hrachyglossa A. Br. I. capsiilaris Griff. Ic. t.
116-1 1 8 , non E oxb.—Eootstock 8-lobed. Habit stouter than in
setacea and velata. Leaves 1 0 -2 0 , 9 -1 5 in. long, 4 - J hn. diam. at
the middle, opaque, moderately firm in texture, tapering to the
point, furnished with copious stomata and accessory bast-bundles,
the membranous base suddenly dilated. Sporange large, pale,
oblong ; veil n o n e ; tongue deltoid, as long as or shorter than the
sporange. Macrospores chalk-white, with strong ridges and prominent
close tubercles.
Hab. Moist soil of Madras, Wight, 309 ! Coromandel, Kmnig. Serampore,
Griffith. Dambulla, Ceylon, Trimen ! I follow Dr. Trimen iu sinking I. hracluj-
glossa as a species. Eoxburgh’s drawing of capsiilaris is Vallisneria spiralis.
42. I. TRiPus A. Br. in Berl. Monatber. 1863, 559 ; 1888, 544.
/ . phaospora Durieu in Bull. Bot. Soc. Prance (1864), 103. —
Eootstock 3-lobed. Leaves 1 0 -2 0 , very slender, I - I 4 in. long,
4 -4 lin. diam., opaque, pale greeu, firm in texture, furnished with
stomata and accessory bast-bundles. Sporange small, pale, globose ;
veil none. Macrospores small, greyish white, covered with dense
minute tubercles. Microspores smooth or nearly so.
Hab. Swan Eiver, West Australia, Drummond 990 !
43. I. SuKSDOBFii Baker.—Eootstock 8-lobed. Leaves 1 2 -2 0 ,
very slender, firm in texture, bright green, arcuate, deeply
channelled down the face, 2 -3 in. long, under i lin. diam.
Sqiorange orbicular, 4 hi. long, aud broad ; veil complete ; tongue
deltoid. Macrospores greyish white, faintly granulated.
Hab. United States ; Washington T e rrito ry ; springs and damp meadows,
W. Klickitat County, Sulcsdorf 836! Easily distinguished from the other North
American Amphibia; by its 3-lobed rootstock.
44. I. AMAzoNicA A. Br. M S S .; Kuhn in FI. Bras. i. 648, t. 79,
figs. 5 - 6 .—Eootstock 3-lobed. Leaves 1 0 -2 0 , 2 -3 in. long, 4-J- hn.
diam. at the middle, firm in texture, furnished with stomata and
accessory bast-bundles, with a membranous border about 4 hi. long,
deourrent from the dilated base. Sporange small, white, globose,
muoh spotted ; veil rudimentary. Macrospores middle-sized, chalk-
white, closely strongly tubercled.
Hab. Inundated places near Santarem, Spruce 1081!
45. I. cuBANA F ng e lm . MSS. — Eootstock 3-lobed. Leaves
1 0 -5 0 , 4 -1 ft- long, 4 lin. diam. at the middle, opaque, moderately
firm ill texture, furnished with stomata and accessory hast-hmidles,
the membranous base suddenly dilated. Sporange small, oblong,
unspotted ; veil very narrow. Maorospores small, strongly
tubercled. Microspores papillose.
Hab. Cuba, C. Wright 3912 !
46. I. G a r d n e r ia n a Kunze herb. ; A. Br. in Verhand. Brand.
1862, 8 4 .; Kuhn iu FI. Bras. i. 647, tab. 79, figs. 1 -4 .—Eootstock
8-lobed. Habit of coromandelina. Leaves 60 or more, about a
foot long, 1 lin. diam. at the middle, slightly diaphanous, tapering
to the point, furnished with copious stomata and accessory bast-
bundles, with a narrow niembranons border running up 2 -3 in.
from the dilated base. Sporange large, oblong ; veil none. Macrospores
large, brown, beset with numerous round tubercles. Microspores
Hab. Marshes, Mission of Duro, Province of Goyaz, Brazil, Gardner 3563 !
Our specimens are without maorospores. A Paraguay plant, gathered by
Balansa (1126), has them chalk-white and closely strongly tubercled.
4 7 . I. S a v a t ie r i F ranchet in Bull. Bot. Soo. France, xxxi. 3 9 5 .
—Eootstock obscurely 8-lobed. Leaves stout, very thick, rigid, sub-
tetragonons and mucronate at the apex, 8 in. long when submerged,
dwarfed to half an inch when exposed. Sporange sm a ll; veil
incomplete. Maorospores whitish, rugose with anastomosing ridges.
Microspores brownish, nearly smooth.
Hab. Coast of Patagonia; Lake of Puerto Bono, lat. 30° S., Savatier.
Group 4 .— T e r r e s t e e s .
48. I. DdeiiEi Bory, Comp. Eend. Acad. June, 1844 ; A. Br.
F x p l. So. Alg. t. 86, fig. 2. I. tridentata D u r ieu .— Eootstock
deeply 3-lobed. Leaves 1 0 -4 0 , very slender, 2 -4 in. long, 4 lin.
diam., qfflle green, firm in texture, with abundant stomata and
accessory b ast-bundles; bases of the old leaves always short and
minutely toothed. Macrospores middle-sized, conspicuously honeycombed.
Microspores finely grannlated.
Hab. Mediterranean region, from Portugal to Asia Minor.