Eastern and Central Himalayas, ascending to
/OUU—8000 ft. in Kumaon. Moulmein, Parish 118 ! Penang, WalUch !
311. S. TENDIFOLIA Spring Mon. ii. 263.— Stems tufted, suberect,
a span long, copiously pinnate, the erecto-patent branches copiously
compouud. Leaves of the lower qilane subcontiguous and ereoto-
pateut ou the branchlets, spaced and sqireading on the main stem,
ovate- or oblong-rhomboid, subaoute, l - 12th to l - 8th in. loug, pale
green, membranous, much dilated, cordate, serrulate, and imbricated
over the stem on the upper side at the base ; leaves of the upper
plane a third as long, ovate, with a large cusp. Spikes short,
copious, resupinate, 1 liu. diam. ; bracts very dimorphous, those of
the upper plaue lanceolate-rhomboid, bright green, erecto-patent ;
those oi the lower plane ascending, pale, broad ovate, cuspidate.
Hab. Mishmi and Khasia Mountains, Griffith !
^ 815. S. LAXA Spring Mou. h. 24G.— Stems suberect, a span loug,
pinnate, the erecto-patent branches copiously compound. Leaves
of the lower plane spaced even on the branchlets, ovate-oblong,
subobtuse, a line long, membranous, unequal-sided, both margins
denticulate, rather narrowed to a slightly emarginate base ; leaves
of the upper plane a third to half as long, obovate, aouminate.
Spikes short, resupinate, 1 lin. diam. ; bracts of the upper plane
ohloug-lanceolate, very acute, erecto-patent ; of the lower plane
Hab. Tahiti, Morrenhout.
316. S. TENEBA Spring Mon. ii. 241. Lycopodium, tenerum
Hook. & Grev. — Stems 4 -1 ft. long, erect from the base or
decumbent in the lower part, not so stout as in suherosa, copiously
pinnate, the flaccid erecto-patent branches copiously compound.
Leaves of the lower qilane ascending and nearly contiguous on the
branchlets, much spaced aud spreading, or rather squarrose on the
main stem, oblong-rhomboid, subacute, l - 12th to l - 8th in long,
bright green, very membranous in texture, unequal-sided, muoh
dilated, broadly rounded, serrulate, and a little imbricated over the
stem on the uqiper side at the base ; leaves of the upper plane very
small, lanceolate-cuspidate. Spikes short, resupinate, 1 hu. diam. ;
bracts of the upper plane lanoeolate-rhomlioid or the upper ovate,
erecto-qiatent ; of the lower plane ascending, ovate-cuspidate.
Hab. Mountains of Peninsular India and Ceylon. L . Macraii and calo-
stachyon of Hooker & Greville, the latter cited by Spring under S. ciliaris, both
seem to be small forms of this species ; and I cannot distinguish from it by any
definite character S. debile Spring Mon. ii. 122 {Lycopodium debile Bory in
Belang. Voy. ii. 8, tab. i, fig. 1), from Java and the Malay Peninsula, and
S. aristata Spring Mou. li. 245, from the Philippines, Cuming 1996 !
3 1 /. S. MYOSUROIDES Spi’iiig Moii. ÌÌ. 236.— Lycopodmm ■myosu-
rutdes Kaulf.— Steins asceudiug, a span loug, copiously qiinnate, the
lower branches copiously compound. Leaves of the lower plane
spaced, oblong lanceolate, acute, 4 iu. loug, light greeu, membranous,
nearly equal-sided, ciliated on the upper side at the base ;
leaves of the upper plane very small, cuspidate. Spikes resupinate,
4 in. long ; bracts of the upper plane subimbricated, erecto-patent,
oblique lanceolate ; of the lower plane ascending, ovate-euspidate.
Hab. Manilla, Philippine Islands, Chamisso. Habit like th a t of S.
318. S. suBEBosA Spring Mon. ii. 252. — Stems densely tufted,
suberect, often above a foot long, pals shining hrowii, 4 in- diam.
at the base, copiously pinnate, the branches erecto-patent, and
decompound, the root-fibres sometimes extending half-way up it.
Leaves of the lower qilane spaced and erecto-patent on the branches,
very distant and sqireading on the main stem, oblique lanceolate or
ovate-lanceolate, acute, bright green, membranous, unequal-sided,
muoh produced, broadly rounded, shortly ciliated, and a little
imbricated over the stem on the uqiqier side at the b a s e ; leaves
of the uqiper qilane half as long, oblong, with a large cusp. Spikes
copious, 4 - f in. long, 4 -4 in diam., resupinate ; bracts of the uqiper
qilane lanceolate, e r e c to -p a ten t; of the lower plane ascending,
ovate, with a large cusp.
Hab. Khasia Mountains, Sikkim, Assam, Malay Peninsula.
319. S. PEBPUSILLA Baker in Journ. Bot. 1885, 292. — Stems
suberect, very slender, under an inch long, sparingly pinnate, the
upper branches simple, the lower sometimes forked. Leaves of the
lower plane erecto-patent and contiguous on the branchlets, spaced
and spreading on the main stem, oblique oblong, acute, 4 k n . long,
bright green, membranous, rather unequal-sided, broadly rounded,
serrulate, and slightly imbricated over the stem on the upper side
at the b a s e ; leaves of the upper plane half as long, ovate-
cuspidate. Spikes very short, resupinate, hi. d iam .; bracts of
the upper qilane lanceolate, erecto-patent, g r e e n ; of the lower plane
pale, ascending, ovate-cuspidate.
Hab. Nyika County, Ea s t Tropical Africa, Lev. T. Wakefield!
820. S. TENEEEIMA A. Br. in Kuhn F il. Afric. 1 9 3 .~ S t em s very
slender, suberect, flexuose, 1 4 -2 in. long, sometimes forked at the
base, copiously pinnate, the lower branches considerably compound.
Leaves of the lower qilane spaced even on the branchlets, the upper
erecto-patent, the lower qiatent, ohlong-lanceolate, acute, i lin. long,
pale green, membranous, rather unequal-sided, denticulate and
slightly rounded on the upper side at the base, hardly at all
imbricated over the s t em ; leaves of the upper qilane ha lf as long,
oblong, with a large cusp. Spikes very short, resupinate, 4 i^.
diam.; bracts of the upper qilane lanceolate, rather squarrose; of
the lower qilane pale, ascending, ovate-lanoeolate, acuminate.
Hab. Golungo Alto, Angola, in woods by the side of streams, Wehoitsch 45 !
321. S. suBcoEDATA A. Bi’. In Kuhn F il. Afric. 193 — Stems
very slender, suberect, sometimes forked at the base, 1 4 -2 in. long,
copiously qiinnate, the lower branches with several short patent
branchlets. Leaves of the lower plane crowded on the branchlets,
spaced and qiatent on the main stem, oblique ovate, acute, | lin.
long, membranous but rather rigid, shortly ciliated on the upper
margin, very cordate, and muoh imbricated over the stem on the
upper side at the base ; leaves of the upper plane half as long,
ovate-cuspidate. Spikes not seen.
Hab. Sierra Leone, on shaded rocks in the woods a t Freetown, Welwitsch 3!