3 -4 in. long, sulcate down the face, the slender root-fibres confined
to its base, closely pinnate, the ascending branches simple or
slightly compound. Leaves of the lower plane contiguous ou the
branches, rather spaced on the main stem, obloug-rliomboid with
a point at the upper corner, J -4 in. long, pale green, very membranous,
unequal-sided, broadly rounded, not ciliated, and imbricated
over the stem on the upper side at the base ; leaves of the upper
plaue very small, broad ovate, with a cusp as long as the lamina.
Spikes short, square, f - l lin. diam.; bracts ovate, acute, strongly
Hab. In Tenasserim, at Mergni, Griffith ! Habit of .S', tenera, but the bracts
193. S. PouLTERi Hort. Veitch. — Stems densely tufted, very
slender, suberect, 2 -8 iu. long, three or four times dichotomously
forked, with slender radicles from the lower half. Leaves of the
lower plaue distinctly spaced, spreading, suborbioular, obtuse,
4 hn. loug, bright green, moderately thick in texture, more produced
on the upper side of the midrib, broadly rounded aud
shortly ciliated on the upper side at the base, and a little imbricated
over the stem ; leaves of the upper plaue nearly as long, but ovate,
acute, ascending. Spikes slender, | - 1 in. long, 4 liu. diam. ;
bracts ovate, acute, lax, scarcely longer than the sporangia.
Hab. Azores, introduced into oultivatiou by Messrs. Veitch about 1868.
Leaves resembling those of S. delicatissima, but habit totally different.
194. S. ABYSSINICA Spring Mon. ii. 99.— Stems weak, suberect,
very slender, 3 -4 in. long, copiously pinnate, the ascending
branches sparingly or coqtiously compouud. Leaves of the lower
plaue spaced even on the branchlets, the lower spreading, the
upper ascending, ohlong-lanceolate, acute, a line loug, pale green,
membranous, unequal-sided, broadly rounded, shortly ciliated, and
imbricated over the stem on the upper side at the b a s e ; leaves of
the upper plane ha lf as loug, ovate, cuspidate. Spikes short,
square, 4 liu. d iam .; bracts ovate, acute, sharply keeled.
Hab. Mountains of Abyssinia, S ciiiiiperli-ki'. Ciarenoe Peak, Fernando Po,
ait. 8000 ft., hlann 667 ! Either this or .S', versicolor is probabiy Lycoqiodium
Myosimis of Swartz, gathered by Afzeiius a t Sierra Leone.
195. S. VERSICOLOR Spring Mon. ii. 128.— Stem slender, suberect,
stoloniferous from the base, copiously pinnate, the ascending
branches copiously compouud. Leaves of the lower plaue contiguous
and ascending, spreading and spaced on the main stem,
oblong or ohlong-lanceolate, obtuse or subacute, J—J- iu. long,
bright green, membranous, unequal-sided, broadly rounded,
shortly ciliated, and imbricated over the stem on the ripper side at
the base ; leaves of the upper plane half as long, broad ovate, with
a cusp as long as the lamina. Spikes square, J lin. diam. ; bracts
ovate cuspidate, membranous, strongly keeled.
Hab. Senegambia Hevdelot. Angoia, in the provinces of Pungo Andongo,
and Golungo Alto, JJ'eluitsch 41, 42 !
196. S. MINIMA Sirring Mon. ii. 86. Lycopodium pusillum
Leprieur. — Stem ^-1 in. long, very slender, suberect, simple or
slightly compound. Leaves of the lower plane contiguous and
ascending in the upper part, spaced aud spreading in the lower
part of the stem, oblong, acute, 4 hn. long, bright green, membranous,
rather unequal-sided, broadly rounded, ciliated, and
imbricated over the stem on the upper side at the base ; leaves of
the upper plane half as long, ovate, acute. Spikes short, 1 lin.
diam. ; bracts ovate, acute, similar to the leaves in texture.
Hab. French Guiana, in grassy places near Cayenne, Leprieur !
197. S. DECRESCENS S p iiiig ill P lant. Vanheurck. i. 29.— Stems
suberect, very slender, I - I 4 in. long, simple near the base, closely
pinnate above it, with contiguous copiously compouud branches.
Leaves of the lower plane contiguous above the base of the stem,
spreading or the upper ascending, obloug-lanoeolate, acute, a line
long, bright green, moderately firm m texture, nearly equal-sided,
ciliated aud oordated, and imbricated over the stem on the upper
side at the base ; leaves of the upper plane half as long, much im bricated,
broad ovate, with a cusp as long as the lamina. Spikes
short, square, 4 hu. diam. ; bracts ovate, acute, crowded, strongly
Hab. Shaded rooks on the Serras of Santarem, Spruce 682* ! 943 !
198. S. poEELLoiDES Spring Mon. ii. 97 ; F ée F il. Aiit. tab.
34, fig. 8. Lycnpodiitm porelloides Lam.— Stems slender, suberect,
2 -3 in. long, the branches lax, the lower copiously compouud.
Leaves of the lower plane contiguous and ascending on the
branchlets, spreading, and spaced on the main stem, ovate or
oblong, subobtuse, a line long, dark green, flaccid, cordate, and
conspicuously ciliated on the upper side at the base ; leaves of the
upper plaue a third as long, ovate-lanceolate, shortly apiculate.
Stems short, 1 lin. diam. ; bracts ovate-lanceolate.
Hab. St. Domingo, Guadelouxie, and Mexico.
199. S. MOLLIS A. Br. in Crypt. Nov. Gran. 860, non F é e .—
Stems slender, suberect, 3 -4 in. long, flat on the face, sulcate down
the back, closely pinnate, the branches erecto-patent, the lower
copiously compound. Leaves of the lower plane contiguous,
ascending, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, acute, J lin. loug, bright
green, moderately firm in texture, nearly equal-sided, rounded on
both sides at the base, strongly ciliated on the upper, and a little
imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the upper plane a third as
long, oblique ovate, much imbricated, shortly cuspidate. Spikes
short, square, f lin. diam. ; bracts ovate, acute, strongly keeled.
Hab. New Granada in the forests of Ocana, alt. 4000—6000 ft., Schlim
200. S. CONFUSA Spring Mon. ii. 94. Lycopodium ornithopodioides
Sw. Syu. F il. 184, as regards the West Indian plant.—
Stems very slender, J ft. long, bisulcate down the face, flat on the
back, largely pinnate, the ascending branches simple or slightly
compound. Leaves of the lower plane spaced and ascending both
on the stem aud branches, oblique ovate, acute, J liu. long,^ pale
green, rather rigid in texture, more produced on the upper side of
the midrib, broadly rounded and ciliated on the upper side at the